Outlaw Mesa is northeast of the Dolores River, about 10 miles
southeast of Gateway, Mesa County, Colo. It is an oval-shaped area
of about 17 square miles lying mostly within T. 50 N., R. 17 W«, and
T. 50 No, R. 18 W., New Mexico principal meridian. The area is accessible
by three unimproved roads from Colorado Highway 141. The
altitude of the mesa ranges from about 5,500 feet to over 7,000 feet.
Total production from Outlaw Mesa from 1914 to 1949 was about
4,000 tons of carnotite ore, having an estimated grade of about 0.50
percent U30Q and 2.5 percent V2O5. The production from 1949 to October
1951 was about 18,000 tons, having an estimated grade of about
0.35 percent U3O8 and 1.6 percent V2O5. About 80 percent of the production
from 1949 to October 1951 was from deposits discovered by
U. S. Geological Survey diamond-drilling in public land, now leased
to the Climax Uranium Co. A more complete history of mining and
production OE Outlaw Mesa has been given in earlier reports. The results of Geological Survey exploration on Outlaw Mesa are
summarized in this preliminary report. A final and more comprehensive
report will be transmitted later. No additional drilling is planned.