The Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with State, Federal, and other local governmental agencies, obtains a large amount of data pertaining to the water resources of Maine each year. These data, accumulated during the many water years, constitute a valuable data base for developing an improved understanding of the water resources of the State.
Water-resources data for the 2002 water year for Maine consists of records of stage, discharge, ground water levels,water quality of streams and ground-water wells, precipitation quantity, and snow quantity,. This report contains discharge records for: 5 gage-height stations, 61 discharge gaging stations, stream water-quality data for 2 stations, water levels for 19 ground-water wells, water-quality data for 2 ground-water well, precipitation quantity data for 12 stations, and snow quantity data for 82 stations. Additional water data were collected at other sites, not part of the systematic data-collection program, and are published as special study and miscellaneous record.