Water resources data for the 2003 water year for Mississippi consist of records of surface water and ground water in the State. Specifically, it contains: (1) Discharge records for 94 streamflow-gaging stations, stage records for 20 of these gaging stations, discharge records for 98 partial-record stations or miscellaneous streamflow sites, including 10 flood hydrograph partial-record stations, 78 crest-stage partial-record stations, and 10 special study and miscellaneous sites; (2) stage only at 7 gaging stations; (3) water-quality records for 10 streamflow-gaging stations, 5 stage-only stations, 3 water-quality monitor stations, 0 partial-record stations or miscellaneous sites, 11 short-term study sites, and 24 wells; and (4) water-level records for 19 observation wells. Records obtained from water-resources investigations are also included in special sections of the report. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System operated by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with State, county, municipal, and other Federal agencies in Mississippi.