Average annual suspended- and total-sediment loads in streamflow were determined by the flow-duration sediment-transport-curve method at 18 sites in the Yampa River basin, Colorado and Wyoming. These computations indicate that about 2.0 million tons of sediment are carried by the Yampa River at Deerlodge Park during an average year. Significant areal differences in the sediment yield from various parts of the basin also were determined. The lower Little Snake River subbasin contributes about 60 percent of the total basin sediment yield, although it represents less than 35 percent of the area and supplies less than 3 percent of the streamflow. In contrast, the upland (eastern) one-third of the basin contributes only about 14 percent of the sediment yield but 76 percent of the streamflow. Projected economic development of the basin, especially surface mining of coal, will impact the physical environment. Depending upon the amount and location of land disturbed, an estimated 10 ,000 to 30,000 tons per year of additional sediment will be contributed to the main-stem Yampa River. (Woodard-USGS)