Both recorded and synthetic rainfall-runoff and annual peak-discharge data for 17 rural watersheds were analyzed to evaluate the magnitude, frequency, and volume of floods in the plains region of the Arkansas River basin in Colorado. Flood-frequency relations from analysis of recorded data were weighted or combined with flood-frequency relations from analysis of synthetic data to provide improved estimates of selected flood characteristics for 15 of these watersheds. The 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year peak discharges were regionalized using multiple-regression and station-year methods. Regression relations were developed to determine peak discharge from effective drainage area (standard error of estimate 30 to 50 percent) and flood volume from peak discharge (standard error of estimate 62 percent) for ungaged basins between 0.5 and 15 square miles in size. Using these two flood characteristics, a dimensionless hydrograph method provides synthetic hydrographs very similar in shape to recorded flood hydrographs. (USGS)