An appraisal of ground-water conditions in the Redding Basin was made by the U.S. Geological Survey and the California Department of Water Resources during 1979 and 1980. The basin covers about 510 square miles in the northern part of the Central Valley of California. Ground water in the basin is obtained principally from wells tapping continental deposits of Tertiary and/or Quaternary age. These deposits are arranged in a synclinal structure that trends and plunges southward. Recharge to the basin is from subsurface inflow; infiltration of precipitation and excess irrigation water; and percolation of certain reaches of streams and creeks. Ground-water movement is generally from the periphery of the basin towards the Sacramento River. Hydrographs for the period 1956 to 1970 show only a slight water-level decline and virtually no change between 1970 and 1979. The total estimated pumpage for 1976 was 82,000 acre-feet. Estimated usable storage capacity for the basin is about 5.5 million acre-feet. Chemical quality of ground water is rated good to excellent. Water type is a magnesium-calcium bicarbonate in character. The underlying Chico Formation contains saline marine water which is of poor quality. (USGS)