Perennial streams are identified in a map and classified according to the relative magnitude of their 7-day, 10-year low flows. Perennial streams are identified for the entire State of Arkansas with the exception of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Also presented are the 7-day, 10-year low flow values at continuous-record and low-flow partial-record stations statewide. Perennial streams are defined in this report as having 7-day, 10-year low flows greater than zero. The perennial stream drainage was delineated using data from continuous-record and low-flow partial-record stations, and reconnaissance-site observations. The reconnaissance was conducted during the unusually dry summer of 1980. In analysis, the State was divided into hydrologic regions; they were used in conjunction with index stations to establish the recurrence intervals of flow observed, during the reconnaissance. When necessary, relations were developed by region to adjust observed flow to 10-year recurrence interval flows. (USGS)