The Pinellas County leachate treatment and disposal site encompasses about 8 acres within the 220 acres of the county 's Bridgeway Acres landfill. The site has a high water table and is subject to inundation due to tidal flooding and major storms. Fresh leachate is pumped from V-shaped trenches an average of about 3.8 hours per day. The pumping rate ranges from 150 to 500 gallons per minute. The leachate is aerated for about 2 days in a lined basin, then transferred by gravity to a stabilization pond where it is permitted to infiltrate into the surficial aquifer. Two chemical constituents, ammonia nitrogen and potassium, were used as indicators of migration of the leachate in the aquifer. No apparent nitrification occurred within the treatment system. Leachate has migrated from about 75 to 80 feet along the upper 5 feet of the aquifer during the period of study. Vertical migration was about 4 feet beneath the bottom of the pond into the aquifer. (USGS)