Methods are presented to estimate flood magnitude for selected recurrence intervals for urban and rural streams with drainage areas from 1 to 22,000 square miles. Seven hydrologic areas were delineated and regression equations were developed for six areas. Hydrologic data could not be regionalized for the seventh area. Drainage area was the only independent variable used in the equations for five hydrologic areas. Drainage area and a storage factor were used in the equations for the other area. One hydrologic area, located in the central part of the State, has flood runoffs two to four times greater than the other areas. It is recommended that the rural equations be used for estimates of flood magnitudes for both urban and rural streams in the hydrologic area. Rivers with drainage areas greater than 1,500 square miles could not be regionalized. Estimating methods for these rivers are shown graphically. Maximum flood magnitudes versus drainage area also are presented. (USGS)