Ground-water-quality conditions were investigated in Yolo and Solano Counties during the summers of 1980 and 1981 by sampling 188 representative wells. Chemical analyses of the water samples show that the ground water is suitable for domestic and most agricultural purposes. Water samples from wells near the Sacramento River generally contained lower concentrations of dissolved solids and higher concentrations of trace elements than the rest of the study area. Ninety percent of the water sampled had a dissolved-solids concentration of less than 850 milligrams per liter. Chemical water types varied, with 72 percent of the wells sampled containing either sodium bicarbonate, magnesium bicarbonate, sodium-magnesium bicarbonate , or magnesium-sodium bicarbonate type water. A large part of the study area contains ground water with boron concentrations that exceed tolerance levels for many crops. Other toxic trace elements were present in negligible amounts. (USGS)