
Potentiometric surface of the Peedee aquifer in the central coastal plain of North Carolina, December 1986

Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4236
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Water level measurements were made in 37 wells open to the Peedee aquifer at the end of 1986 to determine the configuration of its potentiometric surface over an area of about 4,100 square miles in the central Coastal Plain of North Carolina. The potentiometric surface of the Peedee slopes southeastward from an altitude of more than 100 ft above sea level along the western limits of the aquifer to less than 20 ft near the coastline. Several cones of depression have formed in response to the effects of groundwater pumpage. The largest cone occurs near the City of Jacksonville in Onslow County where the potentiometric surface is nearly 70 ft below sea level.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Potentiometric surface of the Peedee aquifer in the central coastal plain of North Carolina, December 1986
Series title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series number 87-4236
DOI 10.3133/wri874236
Year Published 1989
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) South Atlantic Water Science Center
Description 1 Plate: 11.54 x 13.77 inches
Country United States
State North Carolina
Other Geospatial Coastal Plain, Peedee aquifer
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