The present (1965) water use in Jackson and Independence Counties is about 55.6 million gallons per day, and quantities sufficient for any foreseeable use are available. Supplies for the large-scale uses--municipal, industrial, and irrigation--can best be obtained from wells in the Coastal Plain and from streams in the highlands.
Wells in the Coastal Plain will yield 1,000-2,000 gallons of water per minute when screened at depths from 100 to 150 feet in alluvial sand and gravel of Quaternary age. The water will require treatment for the removal of iron and the reduction of hardness to be suitable for municipal and industrial uses. Wells in the highlands generally yield less than 50 gallons per minute of water that is of good quality, though hard.
The dependable flow of .the White River at Newport is about 4.2 billion gallons per day. The dependable 'base flows of the small streams tributary to the White River in the Salem Plateau and Springfield Plateau sections range from 0.25 to 5 million gallons per day, and the dependable flow of Polk Bayou at Batesville is about 21 million gallons per day. These streams can be utilized for water supply with little or no artificial storage required. Streams in the Boston Mountains section and in the Arkansas Valley section recede to very low flow or to no flow during extended dry periods, but dependable, supplies can be obtained from these streams 'by construction of storage facilities Water from all the highland streams is af excellent chemical quality except that it generally is hard.