Suspended-sediment transport in the Big Eau Pleine River Basin, central Wisconsin
S. M. Hindall
1978, Open-File Report 78-313
Suspended-sediment yields in the Big Eau Pleine River basin are low to moderate in comparison with other drainage basins in Wisconsin. Average annual yield in the Big Eau Pleine River near Stratford is 32.tons per square mile, with an annual yield ranging from 1.0 to 64 tons per square mile....
Low-flow characteristics of small streams in proposed Public Law 566 basins
Stephen J. Field
1978, Open-File Report 78-664
Low-flow characteristics of Wisconsin streams in basins considered for work under Public Law 566 are presented in this report. The low-flow characteristics presented are the annual minimum 1-day mean flow below which the flow will fall on the average of once in 2 years (Q7,2) and the annual minimum 7-day...
Hydrology of the Nevin Wetland near Madison, Wisconsin
R.P. Novitzki
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 78-48
The 120-acre Nevin wetland at the south edge of Madison, Wis., is a discharge area of the local ground-water system. A hydrologic unit composed of drift and the upper part of an underlying sandstone sequence provides ground-water inflow. Ground water enters as springflow and as leakage upward through the organic...
Comparison of the radioactive and modified techniques for measurement of stream reaeration coefficients
R. E. Rathbun, R. Stephen Grant
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 78-68
The radioactive and modified tracer techniques were used to measure the reaeration coefficients of two reaches each of Black Earth Creek and the Madison Effluent Channel near Madison, Wis. Comparison of the results showed that coefficients measured with the modified technique ranged from -8.96 to +3.61 and from +15.7 to...
Water-table map of Racine County, Wisconsin
M.G. Sherrill, J.J. Schiller
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 79-41
A map (scale 1:100,000) of the water table in Racine County in southeastern Wisconsin was prepared using water levels from more than 250 wells. The work was done as a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. The map shows the altitude of...
Reaeration capacity of the Rock River between Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin and Rockton, Illinois
R. Stephen Grant
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 77-128
The reaeration capacity of the Rock River from Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin, to Rockton, Illinois, was determined using the energy-dissipation model. The model was calibrated using data from radioactive-tracer measurements in the study reach. Reaeration coefficients (K2) were computed for the annual minimum 7-day mean discharge that occurs on the average...
Low-flow characteristics of streams in the lower Wisconsin River basin
W.A. Gebert
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 77-118
Low-flow characteristics of streams in the lower Wisconsin River basin are presented. Included are estimates of low-flow frequency and flow duration at 11 gaging stations; low-flow frequency characteristics at 26 low-flow partial-record stations and 70 miscellaneous sites; and a list of low-flow discharge measurements at 155 miscellaneous sites where insufficient...
Water-table map of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
Marvin G. Sherrill, J.J. Schiller, John R. Erickson
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 79-40
A map (scale 1:100,000) of the water table in Milwaukee County in southeastern Wisconsin was prepared using water levels from more than 135 wells. The work was done as a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. The map shows the altitude of...
Ten-year low mean monthly discharge determinations for ungaged streams near waste-stabilization ponds in Wisconsin
Stephen J. Field
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 78-49
Communities that use fill-and-draw waste-water treatment lagoons or waste-stabilization ponds are required to discharge during the spring and fall of the year at a rate that does not exceed the assimilative capacity of the receiving stream. The 10-year low mean monthly discharge (MMQ10) for October, November, April, and May for...
Water-table map of Walworth County, Wisconsin
Marvin G. Sherrill, John R. Erickson
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 79-42
A map of the water table in Walworth County in southeastern Wisconsin was prepared using water levels from nearly 600 wells. The work was done as a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Geological and Natural History Survey, and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission....
Geology and ground water in Door County, Wisconsin, with emphasis on contamination potential in the Silurian dolomite
Marvin G. Sherrill
1978, Water Supply Paper 2047
Door County is in northeastern Wisconsin and is an area of 491 square miles. The county forms the main body of the peninsula between Green Bay and Lake Michigan. The land surface is an upland ridge controlled by the underlying bedrock. The west edge of the ridge forms an escarpment...
Low-flow characteristics of streams in the Rock-Fox River basin, Wisconsin
B. K. Holmstrom
1978, Water-Resources Investigations Report 78-85
Low-flow characteristics of streams in the Rock-Fox River basin, Wis., include estimates of low-flow frequency ad flow duration at 13 gaging stations; low-flow frequency characteristics at 32 low-flow partial-record stations and 78 miscellaneous sites; and a list of base-flow discharge measurements at 244 miscellaneous sites. Equations are provided to estimate...
Hydrologic considerations associated with dredging spring ponds in Wisconsin
William J. Rose
1977, Water-Resources Investigations Report 77-18
Spring ponds (small spring-fed bodies of water) are natural features of some glaciated areas and have a continuous flow of ground water entering through their bottoms and exiting through surface outlets. Dredging has been used to restore ponds that have been filled in part or totally by sediment. The purpose of...
Low-flow characteristics at gaging stations on the Wisconsin, Fox, and Wolf rivers, Wisconsin
W.A. Gebert, B. K. Holmstrom
1977, Water-Resources Investigations Report 77-27
Low-flow characteristics are presented at eleven gaging stations on the main stem of the Wisconsin, Fox, and Wolf Rivers in this report. The low-flow characteristics presented are the annual minimum 7-day mean flow below which the flow will fall on the average of once in 2 years (Q7, 2) and...
Measurement and prediction of sediment yields in Wisconsin streams
S. M. Hindall
1976, Water-Resources Investigations Report 75-54
Sediment data of some form have been collected by the U.S. Geological Survey at 118 stream-gaging sites throughout Wisconsin, beginning in 1935. The average concentration of suspended sediment for Wisconsin streams is low in comparison with that of many streams in the United States—110 milligrams per litre for Wisconsin, as...
Bedrock geology map of Walworth County, Wisconsin
Ronald G. Borman
1976, Open-File Report 76-462
Bedrock topography map of Walworth County, Wisconsin
Ronald G. Borman
1976, Open-File Report 76-463
Regional flood limits of upper Yahara River in Dane County, Wisconsin
Carl L. Lawrence
1976, Open-File Report 76-448
The purpose of this report is to provide information on the extent, depth, frequency of flooding that will affect the lands adjacent to the upper Yahara River in Dane County, Wis. ...
Waste-assimilation study of Koshkonong Creek below sewage-treatment plant at Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
R. Stephen Grant
1976, Open-File Report 76-655
A waste-load-assimilation study of a reach of Koshkonong Creek below the Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, sewage-treatment-plant outfall indicated that a high level of treatment would be required to meet Wisconsin water-quality standards. To maintain a minimum dissolved-oxygen concentration of 5 mg/liter during the critical summer low-flow period, 5-day carbonaceous biochemical-oxygen demand...
Water-table map of Walworth County, Wisconsin, 1973
Ronald G. Borman
1976, Open-File Report 76-464
Regional flood limits of lower Yahara River, Lake Waubesa and south, in Dane County, Wisconsin
Carl L. Lawrence
1976, Open-File Report 76-805
The purpose of this report is to provide information on the extent , depth, and frequency of flooding of the lower Yahara River in Dane County, Wis. The report contains discharge-frequency data for flood peaks, flood–frequency profiles, and the regional flood– (100-year flood) inundation limits for the lower Yahara River. The...
Low-Flow Characteristics and Mean Annual Discharge of North Branch Manitowoc River at Potter, Wisconsin
B. K. Holmstrom
1976, Open-File Report 76-204
The low-flow characteristics presented in this report are the annual minimum 7-day mean flows at the 2-year recurrence interval and 10-year recurrence interval. They were determined just downstream from the confluence of the three streams forming the North Branch Manitowoc River and, based on natural-flow conditions, are 0.0 cubic foot...
Probable maximum flood at Lake Chippewa near Winter, Wisconsin
William R. Krug
1976, Open-File Report 76-800
The probable maximum flood was computed for Lake Chippewa, Wisconsin, and routed through the lake to determine maximum lake stage. The peak discharge of the probable maximum flood at Lake Chippewa was computed to be about 75,000 cubic feet per second, primarily caused by rainfall on the lake. A secondary...
Recycling ground water in Waushara County, Wisconsin : resource management for cold-water fish hatcheries
R.P. Novitzki
1976, Water-Resources Investigations Report 76-20
Recycling water within the local ground-water system can increase the quantity of water available for use, control or avoid environmental pollution, and control temperature of the water supply. Pumped ground water supplied a fish-rearing facility for 15 months, and the waste water recharged the local ground-water system through an infiltration...
Flood-plain delineation for regional flood in Dane County, Wisconsin
William R. Krug
1976, Open-File Report 76-164