Estimation of the groundwater resources of the bedrock aquifers at the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
Charles Dunning, Daniel T. Feinstein, Cheryl A. Buchwald, Randall J. Hunt, Megan J. Haserodt
2017, Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5074
Groundwater resources information was needed to understand regional aquifer systems and water available to wells and springs for rearing important Lake Michigan fish species at the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin. As a basis for estimating the groundwater resources available, an existing groundwater-flow model was...
Spatial early warning signals in a lake manipulation
Vince L. Butitta, Stephen R. Carpenter, Luke C. Loken, Michael L. Pace, Emily H. Stanley
2017, Ecosphere (8) 1-11
Rapid changes in state have been documented for many of Earth's ecosystems. Despite a growing toolbox of methods for detecting declining resilience or early warning indicators (EWIs) of ecosystem transitions, these methods have rarely been evaluated in whole-ecosystem trials using reference ecosystems. In this study, we experimentally tested EWIs of...
Ice duration drives winter nitrate accumulation in north temperate lakes
Steven M Powers, Stephanie G. Labou, Helen M. Baulch, Randall J. Hunt, Noah R. Lottig, Stephanie E. Hampton, Emily H. Stanley
2017, Limnology and Oceanography Letters (2) 177-186
The duration of winter ice cover on lakes varies substantially with climate variability, and has decreased over the last several decades in many temperate lakes. However, little is known of how changes in seasonal ice cover may affect biogeochemical processes under ice. We examined winter nitrogen (N) dynamics under ice...
Using models to identify the best data: An example from northern Wisconsin
Andrew T. Leaf
2017, Groundwater (55) 641-645
Linear-based data-worth analysis is an efficient and straightforward method for identifying the most important data for model forecasts....
Current-use flame retardants in the water of Lake Michigan tributaries
Jiehong Guo, Kevin Romanak, Stephen M. Westenbroek, Ronald A. Hites, Marta Venier
2017, Environmental Science & Technology (51) 9960-9969
In this study, we measured the concentrations of 65 flame retardants in water samples from five Lake Michigan tributaries. These flame retardants included organophosphate esters (OPEs), brominated flame retardants (BFRs), and Dechlorane-related compounds. A total of 59 samples, including both the particulate and the dissolved phases, were collected from the...
Quantitative microbial risk assessment for spray irrigation of dairy manure based on an empirical fate and transport model
Tucker R. Burch, Susan K. Spencer, Joel P. Stokdyk, Burney A Kieke, Rebecca A Larson, Aaron Firnstahl, Ana M Rule, Mark A. Borchardt
2017, Environmental Health Perspectives (125) 1-11
BACKGROUND: Spray irrigation for land-applying livestock manure is increasing in the United States as farms become larger and economies of scale make manure irrigation affordable. Human health risks from exposure to zoonotic pathogens aerosolized during manure irrigation are not well understood. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to a) estimate human health risks...
An “EAR” on environmental surveillance and monitoring: A case study on the use of Exposure–Activity Ratios (EARs) to prioritize sites, chemicals, and bioactivities of concern in Great Lakes waters
Brett R. Blackwell, Gerald T. Ankley, Steven R. Corsi, Laura A. DeCicco, Kieth A. Houck, Richard S. Judson, Shibin Li, Matthew T. Martin, Elizabeth Murphy, Anthony L. Schroeder, Edwin R. Smith, Joe Swintek, Daniel L. Villeneuve
2017, Environmental Science & Technology (51) 8713-8724
Current environmental monitoring approaches focus primarily on chemical occurrence. However, based on concentration alone, it can be difficult to identify which compounds may be of toxicological concern and should be prioritized for further monitoring, in-depth testing, or management. This can be problematic because toxicological characterization is lacking for many emerging...
Highlighting the complexities of a groundwater pilot study during an avian influenza outbreak: Methods, lessons learned, and select contaminant results
Laura E. Hubbard, Dana W. Kolpin, Chad L. Fields, Michelle L. Hladik, Luke R. Iwanowicz
2017, Environmental Research (158) 212-224
The highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N2) outbreak in the Midwestern United States (US) in 2015 was historic due to the number of birds and poultry operations impacted and the corresponding economic loss to the poultry industry and was the largest animal health emergency in US...
Collecting a better water-quality sample: Reducing vertical stratification bias in open and closed channels
William R. Selbig
2017, Conference Paper, Proceedings of the 5th Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference and the 10th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference
Collection of water-quality samples that accurately characterize average particle concentrations and distributions in channels can be complicated by large sources of variability. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed a fully automated Depth-Integrated Sample Arm (DISA) as a way to reduce bias and improve accuracy in water-quality concentration data. The DISA...
Flood of July 2016 in northern Wisconsin and the Bad River Reservation
Faith A. Fitzpatrick, Eric D. Dantoin, Naomi Tillison, Kara M. Watson, Robert J. Waschbusch, James D. Blount
2017, Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5029
Heavy rain fell across northern Wisconsin and the Bad River Reservation on July 11, 2016, as a result of several rounds of thunderstorms. The storms caused major flooding in the Bad River Basin and nearby tributaries along the south shore of Lake Superior. Rainfall totals were 8–10 inches or more...
Comparison of benthos and plankton for Waukegan Harbor Area of Concern, Illinois, and Burns Harbor-Port of Indiana non-Area of Concern, Indiana, in 2015
Barbara C. Scudder Eikenberry, Hayley T. Olds, Daniel J. Burns, Edward G. Dobrowolski, Kurt L. Schmude
2017, Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5039
During two seasonal sampling events in spring (June) and fall (August) of 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey collected benthos (benthic invertebrates) and plankton (zooplankton and phytoplankton) at three sites each in the Waukegan Harbor Area of Concern (AOC) in Illinois and in Burns Harbor-Port of Indiana, a non-AOC comparison site...
Avian influenza virus RNA in groundwater wells supplying poultry farms affected by the 2015 influenza outbreak
Mark A. Borchardt, Susan K. Spencer, Laura E. Hubbard, Aaron Firnstahl, Joel P. Stokdyk, Dana W. Kolpin
2017, Environmental Science & Technology Letters (4) 268-272
During the 2015 outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) on poultry farms in the midwestern United States, concern was raised about the potential for HPAI to contaminate groundwater. Our study objective was to evaluate the occurrence of HPAI in the groundwater supply wells on 13 outbreak-affected poultry farms in Iowa...
Water-quality and lake-stage data for Wisconsin lakes, water year 2014
S. Bridgett Manteufel, Dale M. Robertson
2017, Open-File Report 2016-1131
IntroductionThe U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with local and other agencies, collects data at selected lakes throughout Wisconsin. These data, accumulated over many years, provide a database for developing an improved understanding of the water quality of lakes. To make these data available to interested parties outside the USGS,...
Water-quality and lake-stage data for Wisconsin lakes, water years 2012–2013
S. Bridgett Manteufel, Dale M. Robertson
2017, Open-File Report 2016-1050
IntroductionThe U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with local and other agencies, collects data at selected lakes throughout Wisconsin. These data, accumulated over many years, provide a data base for developing an improved understanding of the water quality of lakes. To make these data available to interested parties outside the...
Flood-frequency characteristics of Wisconsin streams
John F. Walker, Marie C. Peppler, Mari E. Danz, Laura E. Hubbard
2017, Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5140
Flood-frequency characteristics for 360 gaged sites on unregulated rural streams in Wisconsin are presented for percent annual exceedance probabilities ranging from 0.2 to 50 using a statewide skewness map developed for this report. Equations of the relations between flood-frequency and drainage-basin characteristics were developed by multiple-regression analyses. Flood-frequency characteristics for...
Simulation of groundwater flow in the glacial aquifer system of northeastern Wisconsin with variable model complexity
Paul F. Juckem, Brian R. Clark, Daniel T. Feinstein
2017, Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5010
The U.S. Geological Survey, National Water-Quality Assessment seeks to map estimated intrinsic susceptibility of the glacial aquifer system of the conterminous United States. Improved understanding of the hydrogeologic characteristics that explain spatial patterns of intrinsic susceptibility, commonly inferred from estimates of groundwater age distributions, is sought so that methods used...
Spatial variability of CO2 concentrations and biogeochemistry in the Lower Columbia River
John T. Crawford, David Butman, Luke C. Loken, Philipp Stadler, Catherine Kuhn, Robert G. Striegl
2017, Inland Waters (7) 417-427
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from rivers and other inland waters are thought to be a major component of regional and global carbon cycling. In large managed rivers such as the Columbia River, contemporary ecosystem changes such as damming, nutrient enrichment, and increased water residence times may lead to reduced CO2 concentrations...
Groundwater flow model for the Little Plover River basin in Wisconsin’s Central Sands
Ken Bradbury, Michael N. Fienen, Maribeth Kniffin, Jacob Krause, Stephen M. Westenbroek, Andrew T. Leaf, Paul M. Barlow
2017, Bulletin 111
The Little Plover River is a groundwater-fed stream in the sand plains region of central Wisconsin. In this region, sandy sediment deposited during or soon after the last glaciation forms an important unconfined sand and gravel aquifer. This aquifer supplies water for numerous high-capacity irrigation, municipal, and industrial wells that...
Multiple models guide strategies for agricultural nutrient reductions
Donald Scavia, Margaret Kalcic, Rebecca Logsdon Muenich, Jennifer Read, Noel Aloysius, Isabella Bertani, Chelsie Boles, Remegio Confesor, Joseph DePinto, Marie Gildow, Jay Martin, Todd Redder, Dale M. Robertson, Scott P. Sowa, Yu-Chen Wang, Haw Yen
2017, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (15) 126-132
In response to degraded water quality, federal policy makers in the US and Canada called for a 40% reduction in phosphorus (P) loads to Lake Erie, and state and provincial policy makers in the Great Lakes region set a load-reduction target for the year 2025. Here, we configured five separate...
Hydrologic, land cover, and seasonal patterns of waterborne pathogens in Great Lakes tributaries
Peter L. Lenaker, Steven R. Corsi, Mark A. Borchardt, Susan K. Spencer, Austin K. Baldwin, Michelle A. Lutz
2017, Water Research (113) 11-21
Great Lakes tributaries are known to deliver waterborne pathogens from a host of sources. To examine the hydrologic, land cover, and seasonal patterns of waterborne pathogens (i.e. protozoa (2), pathogenic bacteria (4) human viruses, (8) and bovine viruses (8)) eight rivers were monitored in the Great Lakes Basin over 29...
Pathogen transport in groundwater systems: Contrasts with traditional solute transport
Randall J. Hunt, William P. Johnson
2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) 921-930
Water quality affects many aspects of water availability, from precluding use to societal perceptions of fit-for-purpose. Pathogen source and transport processes are drivers of water quality because they have been responsible for numerous outbreaks resulting in large economic losses due to illness and, in some cases, loss of life. Outbreaks...
Primary sources and toxicity of PAHs in Milwaukee-area streambed sediment
Austin K. Baldwin, Steven R. Corsi, Michelle A. Lutz, Christopher G. Ingersoll, Rebecca A. Dorman, Christopher Magruder, Matthew Magruder
2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) 1622-1635
High concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in streams can be a significant stressor to aquatic organisms. To understand the likely sources and toxicity of PAHs in Milwaukee-area streams, streambed sediment samples from 40 sites and parking lot dust samples from 6 sites were analyzed for 38 parent PAHs and...
A manual to identify sources of fluvial sediment
Allen C. Gellis, Faith A. Fitzpatrick, Joseph Schubauer-Berigan
2016, Report
Sediment is an important pollutant of concern that can degrade and alter aquatic habitat. A sediment budget is an accounting of the sources, storage, and export of sediment over a defined spatial and temporal scale. This manual focuses on field approaches to estimate a sediment budget. We also highlight the...
Identification of Marbon in the Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal
Jiehong Guo, Marta Venier, Kevin Romanak, Stephen M. Westenbroek, Ronald A. Hites
2016, Environmental Science & Technology (50) 13232-13238
Marbon is isomeric with Dechlorane Plus (DP). Both are produced by the Diels− Alder condensation of hexachlorocyclopentadiene with cyclic dienes, and both have elemental compositions of C18H12Cl12. Dechlorane Plus is commonly found in the environment throughout the world, but Marbon has, so far, only been detected at low levels in one sediment core...
Shifting currents: Progress, setbacks, and shifts in policy and practice
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters, Charles Dunning, Dale M. Robertson
2016, Report
The Wisconsin Academy’s initial Waters of Wisconsin project (WOW I) facilitated a statewide conversation between 2000 and 2003 around one main question: How can we ensure healthy aquatic ecosystems and clean, abundant water supplies for tomorrow’s Wisconsin? Robust participation in this conversation underscored the important role citizens have in the...