1. Wall Mountain Tuff (Twm, 36.9 Ma)
2. Bonanza Tuff (Tbd, 33.2 Ma)
3. Volcanic and intrusive rocks of the Conejos Formation
4. Basalt of point Benny (30.22±0.10 Ma)
5. Saguache Creek Tuff (Tsc, 32.2 Ma)
6. East wall of North Pass caldera
7. Chaotic breccias along west margin of North Pass caldera
8. Fill of North Pass caldera
9. Andesite of Lone Tree Gulch (Tla)
10. Outflow ignimbrite sheet of Fish Canyon Tuff
11. Carpenter Ridge Tuff (Tcr)
12. Wason Park Tuff (Tw) and Sheep Creek fault zone
13. Huerto Andesite (Thu)
14. Panoramic view of the western side of Cochetopa Park
15. Outflow ignimbrites erupted from the San Luis caldera complex
16. Nelson Mountain Tuff (26.90 Ma)
17. Oblique view (Google Earth), looking north at Cochetopa and North Pass calderas
18. Panorama of Cochetopa Park caldera
19. Cochetopa Dome Rhyolite
20. North topographic rim of Cochetopa Park caldera
21. Caldera-collapse landslide breccia, clasts of Fish Canyon Tuff
22. Coarse caldera-margin fanglomerate (Tpff)
23. North caldera margin
24. Cochetopa Park caldera and Cochetopa Dome
25. Prosser Rock
26. High snow-covered peaks of San Luis caldera complex
27. Northwest topographic rim of Cochetopa Park caldera
28. Precambrian granitic rocks (pCg)
Click on a thumbnail for a larger view and a description of the photograph.