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Modeling Streamflow and Water Temperature in the North Santiam and Santiam Rivers, Oregon, 2001-02
By Annett B. Sullivan and Stewart A. Rounds
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5001
Prepared in Cooperation with the Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies
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To support the development of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for water temperature in the Willamette Basin, the laterally averaged, two-dimensional model CE-QUAL-W2 was used to construct a water temperature and streamflow model of the Santiam and North Santiam Rivers. The rivers were simulated from downstream of Detroit and Big Cliff dams to the confluence with the Willamette River. Inputs to the model included bathymetric data, flow and temperature from dam releases, tributary flow and temperature, and meteorologic data. The model was calibrated for the period July 1 through November 21, 2001, and confirmed with data from April 1 through October 31, 2002. Flow calibration made use of data from two streamflow gages and travel-time and river-width data. Temperature calibration used data from 16 temperature monitoring locations in 2001 and 5 locations in 2002. A sensitivity analysis was completed by independently varying input parameters, including point-source flow, air temperature, flow and water temperature from dam releases, and riparian shading. Scenario analyses considered hypothetical river conditions without anthropogenic heat inputs, with restored riparian vegetation, with minimum streamflow from the dams, and with a more-natural seasonal water temperature regime from dam releases.



Significant Findings


Site Description, Basin Characteristics, and Hydrology

Purpose and Scope


Model Description

Bathymetric Data and the Model Grid

Temporal Inputs and Shading

Calibration Data

Model Calibration

Water Balance

Water Temperature

Sensitivity Analysis

Point Sources

Dam Release Temperature

Air Temperature

Riparian Vegetation

Dam Release Flow

Simulation of System Potential Conditions

System-Potential Vegetation with Proposed NOAA Fisheries Target Flows

System-Potential Vegetation with Proposed NOAA Fisheries Target Flows and a More Natural Seasonal Temperature Regime in Dam Releases



References Cited

Appendix: Revised Water Temperature Standards

North Santiam River

North Santiam River at river mile 47.2

Detroit Lake

North Santiam River at river mile 29.5

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