Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5060

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5060

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Table 2. Annual deliveries used in the model scenarios for downstream water users and instream flow requirements, Hagg Lake, Oregon.

[Downstream water users: TVID, Tualatin Valley Irrigation District; JWC, Joint Water Commission; CWS, Clean Water Services; LO, Lake Oswego Corporation. “Other” refers to deliveries to users such as local golf courses. In 2002, other deliveries totaled 906 acre-feet. Instream flow requirements are 10 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) (December–September) and 20 ft3/s (October–November) for the base cases, and 25 ft3/s (all year) for other scenarios. Deliveries to LO, TVID, and base case CWS could be used to meet instream flows. Instream flow values refer to additional releases necessary to meet instream requirements]

Scenario Annual deliveries, in acre-feet
Downstream water users Instream
0 19,900 8,690 12,600 496 3,370 45,100
1a, 2a, 3a, 4a 19,900 8,690 25,500 496 9,460 64,100
1b, 2b, 3b, 4b 27,000 29,600 19,200 496 9,290 85,600
5a, 6a, 7a, 8a 19,900 8,690 25,500 496 9,460 64,000
5b, 6b, 7b, 8b 27,000 40,700 23,600 496 9,290 101,000
9a 19,900 8,690 25,500 496 9,190 63,800
9b 27,000 50,300 25,500 496 9,290 113,000
10a, 11a, 12a, 13a 19,900 8,690 25,500 496 9,190 63,800
10b, 11b, 12b, 13b 27,000 50,300 25,500 496 9,290 113,000
14a 19,900 8,690 25,500 496 9,190 63,800
14b 27,000 50,300 25,500 496 9,290 113,000
15a 19,900 8,690 25,500 496 9,190 63,800
15b 27,000 34,800 21,300 496 9,290 92,900
0 10,700 8,760 2,400 383 4,470 26,700
14a 10,700 8,760 12,600 383 10,800 43,200
14b 23,200 11,600 10,800 328 10,400 56,300
15a 10,700 8,760 12,600 383 10,800 43,200
15b 22,200 11,100 10,400 315 10,400 54,400

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