Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5060

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5060

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Table 3. Whole-lake annual scenario results for water temperature and dissolved oxygen, Hagg Lake, Oregon.

[Abbreviations: °C, degrees Celsius; m, meter; mg/L, milligram per liter. Symbols: <, less than]

Scenario Water temperature, mean (ºC) Water temperature, maximum surface
(top 2 m)
Thermocline duration
Thermocline depth,
mean (m)
Dissolved oxygen, mean
Volume with
<1 mg/L
dissolved oxygen
Continuous presence of low
(<1 mg/L)
dissolved oxygen (days)
(day of year)
0 Base 10.9 26.6 180.0 10.1 9.52 1.26 64.2 329.2
1 a 10.7 26.4 190.6 10.8 9.51 0.57 53.2 341.0
b 10.5 26.7 178.6 10.2 9.77 0.64 52.6 325.8
2 a 9.8 25.9 188.0 7.2 9.59 0.18 18.8 338.2
b 9.5 25.8 189.6 6.9 9.90 0.07 26.0 325.4
3 a 9.8 25.9 193.6 7.9 9.54 0.30 29.8 340.2
b 9.7 25.8 192.2 7.9 9.83 0.35 34.2 329.2
4 a 9.8 26.1 192.4 7.8 9.46 0.11 11.6 340.2
b 9.5 26.4 192.8 7.4 9.77 0.05 28.0 331.0
5 a 10.5 26.4 201.4 10.0 9.45 0.39 48.4 345.0
b 10.4 26.6 192.2 10.0 9.80 0.44 48.4 329.2
6 a 9.7 26.0 188.0 7.1 9.52 0.00 7.6 340.6
b 9.4 25.3 192.4 6.9 9.95 0.04 19.2 329.2
7 a 9.7 26.3 188.0 7.4 9.41 0.00 0.2 341.6
b 9.6 26.1 192.4 7.6 9.81 0.18 31.2 330.4
8 a 9.6 26.2 192.4 7.7 9.39 0.00 0.0 343.4
b 9.3 26.2 190.8 6.8 9.83 0.03 20.8 331.0
9 a 10.2 26.4 176.2 8.2 9.66 0.21 33.4 354.6
b 10.1 26.6 190.0 9.7 10.02 0.23 50.6 329.0
10 a 10.2 26.4 176.2 8.2 9.75 0.18 31.6 352.4
b 10.0 26.6 190.0 9.7 10.11 0.22 50.2 329.0
11 a 9.2 25.8 176.6 6.5 9.87 0.00 0.0 348.8
b 8.9 25.4 187.8 6.2 10.31 0.03 20.8 331.2
12 a 9.4 26.4 183.2 7.4 9.66 0.00 0.0 350.0
b 9.1 26.3 192.2 7.3 10.11 0.12 26.0 334.0
13 a 9.1 26.2 192.2 7.4 9.71 0.00 0.0 349.8
b 8.7 25.9 188.0 6.3 10.19 0.01 12.8 333.2
14 a 9.3 26.2 184.2 6.6 9.50 0.00 0.0 341.6
b 9.0 25.6 188.0 6.1 10.00 0.02 11.4 329.4
15 a 9.0 26.1 185.4 7.0 9.52 0.25 29.4 339.6
b 9.6 25.4 192.2 7.0 9.91 0.09 31.8 325.2
0 Base 11.0 25.7 188.8 8.0 9.15 2.55 85.4 317.1
14 a 10.3 25.6 201.0 7.6 9.32 1.00 52.2 332.6
b 10.0 25.6 191.0 6.8 9.64 0.58 51.8 322.8
15 a 10.3 25.6 200.2 7.7 9.34 1.00 54.0 332.2
b 10.1 25.4 191.0 6.9 9.63 0.61 53.2 322.8

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