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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

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Table 5. Summary of model results for selected ephemeral watersheds in Carson Valley, Nevada and California, water years 1990–2002.

[Values in inches are volumes in acre-feet, divided by watershed area, in acres, multiplied by 12. Watershed No.: “e” indicates ephemeral watershed. Locations are shown in figure 3. Index model: Watershed model of gaged watershed (see table 1) used as index model for watershed model of ephemeral watershed. Simulated runoff efficiency: Runoff as a percentage of precipitation. Simulated mean annual ground-water inflow: Ground-water inflow is defined as ground-water inflow to basin-fill aquifers of Carson Valley. Abbreviations: acre-ft, acre-feet; in., inch]

Watershed No. Drainage area (acres, rounded) Index model Simulated
Mean annual precipitation   Mean annual evapotranspiration   Mean annual runoff Runoff efficiency (percent) Mean annual ground-water inflow
acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.)
1e 2,120 Daggett Creek 3,980   2,090   930 23 960
(23)   (12)   (5.3) (5.4)
2e 600 Fredericksburg Canyon1 1,150   590   530 46 4
(23)   (12)   (11) (0.08)
3e 1,320 Fredericksburg Canyon 2,430   1,320   1,020 42 8
(22)   (12)   (9.3) (0.07)
4e 500 Fredericksburg Canyon 830   410   370 45 4
(20)   (9.8)   (9) (0.1)
5e 2,270 Fredericksburg Canyon 4,330   2,350   1,760 41 30
(23)   (12)   (9.3) (0.2)
6e 2,190 Daggett Creek 3,930   1,660   980 25 1,230
(22)   (9.1)   (5.4) (6.7)
7e 340 Daggett Creek 750   350   200 27 210
(27)   (12)   (7.3) (7.4)
8e 1,700 Daggett Creek 3,460   1,670   950 27 910
(24)   (12)   (6.7) (6.4)
9e 720 Fredericksburg Canyon 1,290   640   590 46 8
(22)   (11)   (9.8) (0.1)
10e 2,500 Fredericksburg Canyon 5,790   2,890   2,610 43 150
(28)   (14)   (13) (0.7)
Subtotal, Carson Range (rounded)
14,300 27,900   14,000   9,900 36 3,500
(23)   (12)   (8.3) (2.9)
Subtotal Pine Nut Mountains 11e
78,200 Buckeye Creek 58,300   51,500   800 1 5,700
(8.9)   (7.9)   (0.1) (0.9)
Total (rounded)
92,500 86,200   65,500   10,700 12 9,200
(11)   (8.5)   (1.4) (1.2)

1Simulated using Fredricksburg Canyon index model because of small outcrop of metamorphic rocks near top of watershed.

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