USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

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Table 7. Potential range in estimates of runoff and ground-water inflow to basin-fill aquifers of Carson Valley from ephemeral watersheds of the Carson Range, Nevada and California.

[Values in inches are volumes in acre-feet, divided by watershed area, in acres, multiplied by 12. Simulated mean annual runoff: Values may not match presented values due to rounding. Simulated mean annual ground-water inflow: Ground-water inflow defined as ground-water inflow to basin-fill sediments of Carson Valley. Abbreviations: acre-ft, acre-feet; in., inch]

Watershed and index model Drainage area
(acres, rounded)
Simulated mean annual
Runoff Ground-water inflow
(acre-ft) (in.) (acre-ft) (in.)
All ephemeral watersheds1 14,300 9,900 28.3 3,500 22.9
Ephemeral watersheds using Fredericksburg Canyon index model1 7,900 6,900 210.5 200 20.3
Ephemeral watersheds using Daggett Creek index model1 6,400 3,100 25.8 3,300 26.2
All ephemeral watersheds using unit-area rates for Fredericksburg Canyon 
index watersheds 14,300 312,500 10.5 3 400 0.3
All ephemeral watersheds using unit-area rates for Daggett Creek index watersheds 14,300 46,900 5.8 47,400 6.2

1From table 5.

2Unit-area runoff and ground-water inflow, calculated by dividing runoff or ground-water inflow, in acre-feet, by drainage area, in acres, and multiplying by 12.

3Calculated by dividing unit-area runoff and ground-water inflow for ephemeral watershed models using Fredericksburg canyon index model by 12, and multiplying by drainage area, in acres.

4Calculated from unit-area runoff and ground-water inflow for ephemeral watershed models using Daggett Creek index model by 12, and multiplying by drainage area, in acres.

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