Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5073
Table 9. Results of geochemical modeling using NETPATH to evaluate dissolution of carbonate rocks at Cave Springs assuming initial water is water from Cave Springs prior to reconstruction of water-collection system, Great Basin National Park, Nevada. [Dissolving phases: Mineral and gas phases used to produce water discharging from Cave Springs in September 2007; positive values are phases that add dissolved minerals to water at Cave Springs, whereas negative values are phases that remove dissolved minerals from water at Cave Springs. Delta carbon-13 and strontium-87 to strontium-86 ratio: Values for carbonate minerals are from analyses of Pole Canyon Limestone listed in table 6 and measured values in water from Cave Springs are listed in table 5 adjusted by PHREEQC on basis of rock uncertainty. Estimated uncertainty for delta carbon-13 in the limestone was 1 permil and in carbon dioxide gas and soil carbon was 2 permil. Estimated uncertainty for strontium-87 to strontium-86 ratio in rock was 0.007. Magnesium in limestone assumed as dolomite. Strontium substitutes for calcium in the limestone but was assumed as separate mineral for the analysis (Mason and Berry, 1968, p. 331). Delta carbon-13 was assumed to be the same for all carbonate minerals. Values of delta carbon-13 and strontium-87 to strontium-86 ratios used for the initial water at Cave Springs prior to reconstruction of water-collection system were from the spring near upper Lehman Creek campground. Abbreviations: –, not applicable; PDB, Pee Dee Formation of South Carolina]
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