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Download and Installation Information

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The software on this disk should be installed from the CD-ROM. Administrative privileges are necessary to install the software properly.

Note: If a Windows protected file warning appears during installation it means that the driver is installed and available so you may continue on and complete the installation process.

To install the software:

1. Left-click the Install software link.  and save the file to the local desktop.

2. If you have not installed software you may see the following security warning:

Active Content Warning

3. Select "Yes" to begin the installation process.

(You may want to uncheck the notification option box)

4. A Security warning form also may appear:  Select "Run" to continue the installation process:

File Download Security Warning

5. If you do not have administrative privileges the following form may appear:

Administrator Login

Have someone with those privileges install the software.

6. If you have administrative privileges the following form may appear:

Digital Signature Security Warning

7. Select "Run" to continue the installation process. Then the following screen should appear:

Extracting Files Program Installation Screen

8. This screen will be followed by the database installation welcome screen:

Database Installation Welcome Screen

9. Click "I accept the terms in the License Agreement" and then click next to continue beyond the License form:

Database Installation License Screen

10. Select the file location. Note: Unless the user selects another directory all the SELDM applications will be installed in the "FHWA-SELDM" directory:

Database Installation Destination Screen

11.Once user selections are specified click "Install" to finish the process:

Database Installation License Screen

12. Then the following form will appear to indicate the progress of the installation progress:

Program Installation Progress Form

13. Then the final "Success" form will indicate that the the installation process is complete:

Program Success Form

14. To run the highway-Runoff Database go to the Start menu, select "FHWA-SELDM", and "HRDBv1.0.0":

Start Menu Example