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Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5041

Channel Change and Bed-Material Transport in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon

Table 11. Estimated bed-material flux values for the Umpqua and South Umpqua Rivers, Oregon, as calculated from surveys at mined sites, transport capacity equations, sediment yield analysis, and suspended sediment measurements.

[Survey data provided by gravel operators (Joy Smith, Umpqua Sand and Gravel, written commun., 2009, and Mike Flewelling, Knife River Corporation, written commun., 2009) and converted to mass using a bulk density of 2.1 metric tons/cubic meter based on data collected by Milhouse (2001) and presented in Bunte and Abt (2001). Deposition rate: Derived from surveyed raw fill values are denoted as (rfv) where this data are available, otherwise the net deposition volume is provided. See table 8 for complete survey data. Bedload flux: Estimates of bedload flux from suspended-sediment data from Curtiss (1975). Abbreviations: FPKM, flood-plain kilometer; (e), commercial extraction at mined sites occurred in the previous summer; rfv, surveyed raw fill volume at mined sites; –, data not available]

Site name Reach name FPKM Moblity index Water year Deposition rates from surveys at mined sites (metric tons) Calculated bed-material flux rates from equations of transport capacity 1951–2008 (metric tons) Bed-material flux from sediment yield analysis (metric tons) Bedload flux from suspended sediment measurements (metric tons)
Parker-Klingeman-McLean Parker-Klingeman Parker Wilcock-Crowe
Scottsburg Bar Downstream boundary
of Coast Range reach
41.6 0.29 1951–2008 389,450 363,300 49,420 28,070 30,500

gaging station 
at Elkton
Coast Range reach 84.7 1951–2008 3,650 3,510 2,270 9,510 34,600 95,200
Two Forks Bar Garden Valley reach 168.4 1.486 1951–2008 250 340 230 14,130 44,400
Umpqua Sand and Gravel Bar Roseburg reach 172 0.298 2001 550 (rfv) 0 0 0 0 43,200
        2002 (e) 3,220 (rfv) 3,010 3,390 580 2,150    
        2003 4,290 (rfv) 13,700 13,190 2,870 4,940    
        2004 (e) 1,790 18,010 17,170 4,870 5,370    
        12005–2006 (e) 15,920 198,390 187,260 55,630 53,110    
        2007 1,650 34,960 32,960 8,240 10,110    
        2008 3,110 7,670 7,760 1,600 3,650    
        1951–2008 2,290 2,280 9,070 27,200      
Little Valley Bar Roseburg reach 190.5 0.238 2003 7,600 (rfv) 3,590 3,640 14,190 20,550 45,500
        2004 3,600 (rfv) 550 670 5,830 13,510    
        2005 2,610 870 980 5,720 9,120    
        2006 9,200 24,450 23,110 61,270 68,460    
        2007 3,110 5,190 4,940 16,320 22,740    
        2008 1,680 1,660 1,710 9,250 16,980    
        1951–2008 30,710 9,640 27,110 33,250      
USGS streamflow-
gaging station 
at Brockway
Roseburg reach 195.3 1951–2008 47,730 44,030 16,120 25,410 46,200 46,260
Weigle Bar Roseburg reach 211.75 0.068 2003 2,300 (rfv) 37,850 35,240 49,310 90,190 44,300
        2004 790 (rfv) 15,740 14,560 29,170 76,540    
        2005 (e) 2,450 15,690 14,520 21,510 41,460    
        2006 8,380 154,590 145,110 174,920 239,780    
        2007 -1,870 42,330 39,560 54,890 96,950    
        2008 170 24,730 22,950 38,590 84,130    
        1951–2008 67,850 63,550 82,240 128,300    
Gazley East Bar Days Creek reach 232.4 0.345 2003 3,950 (rfv) 3,590 3,640 14,190 20,550 25,300
        2004 4,500 550 670 5,830 13,510    
        2005 -9,240 870 980 5,720 9,120    
        2006 20,810 24,450 23,110 61,270 68,460    
        2007 -1,930 5,190 4,940 16,320 22,740    
        2008 1,300 1,660 1,710 9,250 16,980    
        1951–2008 5,080 6,050 540 2,350    
Days Creek Bar Days Creek reach 250.5 0.86 2003 3,230 (rfv) 0 380 130 90 23,300
        2004 5,940 (rfv) 80 580 280 220    
        2005 (e) 80 1,180 1,510 680 560    
        2006 9,210 2,670 4,330 2,180 1,740    
        2007 -2,800 0 480 300 220    
        2008 6,630 0 340 60 40    
        1951–2008 2,870 2,940 1,360 1,060    
USGS streamflow-
gaging station 
at Tiller
Upstream boundary of
Days Creek reach
273 1951–2008 53,670 50,160 9,420 23,800 19,200 3,800
Tributary streams
Cow Creek at 
Riddle Bridge 
Bar Lower Cow Creek Enters South
Umpqua River
at FPKM 230.1
1951–2008 1,550 1,520 17,040 9,970 20,500 16,800
North Umpqua 
near Winchester Lower North Umpqua River Joins South
Umpqua River
at FPKM 168.4
1956–1973 0 21,800
Lookingglass Creek near Brockway Lower Lookingglass Creek Joins South
Umpqua River
at FPKM 199.4
1956–1973 5,300 8,400
Calapooya Creek near Oakland Lower 
Calapooya Creek Joins South
Umpqua River
at FPKM 156
1976–1973 800 5,170

1 No survey available at Umpqua Sand and Gravel for 2005, so survey from 2006 accounts for water years 2005–2006.

First posted September 29, 2011

For additional information contact:
Utah Water Science Center Director,
U.S. Geological Survey, 2329 West Orton Circle
West Valley City, UT

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