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Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5091

Reconnaissance of Land-Use Sources of Pesticides in Drinking Water, McKenzie River Basin, Oregon

Table 7. Physical-chemical characteristics and categories of land use for detected compounds and compounds reported to be used but never detected. 

[Reported land use: A, agricultural land use; F, forestry land use; U, urban land use; –, data not available]

Compound Reported
land use
in soil
Detected compounds
cis-Propiconazole A, U 2.81 110
trans-Propiconazole A, U 2.81 110
2,4-D A, F 1.68 2
2,4-DB 2.64 5
Alachlor A, U 2.23 20
Atrazine 1 A, F 2.00 146
Bentazon A 1.54 35
Dicamba A, U -3.66 28
Dinoseb 1.48 30
Diphenamid 2.32 30
Diuron A, F, U 2.60 372
Fluometuron 2.00 85
Glyphosate A, F, U 4.38 47
Hexazinone 1 A, F 1.73 90
Imazapyr F 2.00 90
Metolachlor A 2.30 90
Metsulfuron methyl F, U 1.78 40
Nicosulfuron 1.48 21
Picloram 1.20 90
Prometon 2.54 932
Pronamide 2.90 60
Siduron 2.62 90
Simazine A 2.11 91
Sulfometuron-methyl 1 F, U 1.89 20
Sum 2,4-D and 2,4-D ME A, F 1.68 2
Tebuthiuron 1.90 360
Triclopyr A, F, U 1.30 46
Trifluralin A, U 4.14 169
Chlorpyrifos A 3.78 30
Carbaryl 1 A, U 2.36 17
Cypermethrin 1 U 5.00 30
Diazinon 1 A, U 3.00 40
Fipronil U 2.90 660
HCH (gamma) Lindane 4.38 47
Imidacloprid U 2.41 120
Malathion A, U 3.26 1
Propoxur 1.48 30
1-Naphthol A, U 2.85 1
AMPA1 F, U 3.96 120
CIAT 1 A, F 3.78 170
Desulfinylfipronil 660
OIET A, F 2.85 30
Human waste indicator
Compounds reported to be used but never detected
Chlorothalonil U 3.20 30
Bromoxynil A 1.90 7
Butylate A 2.60 13
Clopyralid A, F 0.78 40
EPTC A 2.30 7
Imazaquin U 1.30 60
MCPA A, F, U 1.87 25
Metribuzin A 1.72 172
Napropamide A 2.85 70
Norflurazon A 2.55 130
Oryzalin A, U 2.78 20
Pendimethalin A, U 4.13 1,300
Propizamide A 2.81 110
Terbacil A 1.74 120
Bendiocarb U 2.76 5
Disulfoton A 2.78 30
Ethoprop A 1.85 25
Fonofos A 2.94 40
Methomyl A 1.86 30
Oxamyl A 1.40 4
Parathion A 3.70 14
Permethrin A, U 5.00 30
Phorate A 3.00 60
Propargite A 3.60 56
Terbufos A 2.70 5

1 Compounds detected at drinking water intake.

First posted May 30, 2012

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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