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Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5135

Modeling the Water-Quality Effects of Changes to the Klamath River Upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon

Table 2. Summary of model scenarios for the Link-Keno Reach, Klamath River, Oregon. 

[Scenario 3 is based on further analyses of scenarios 1 and 2. Most scenarios were run for calendar years 2006–09; scenario 10 was run based on calendar year 2007. Abbreviations: TMDL, total maximum daily load; DO, dissolved oxygen; OM, organic matter; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; m, meter]

Scenario number Description
Scenario 1: Base case and sources at TMDL allocations
1a Base case (current conditions)
1b Sources at TMDL allocations
Scenario 2: Link River at Upper Klamath Lake TMDL target
2a Link River at Upper Klamath Lake TMDL target
2b Link River at Upper Klamath Lake TMDL target and sources at TMDL allocations
Scenario 3: Compliance with dissolved oxygen, pH, and ammonia toxicity criteria
3(nc) Reference conditions, without anthropogenic effect
3(1a) Base case (current conditions)
3(1b) Sources at TMDL allocations
3(2a) Link River at Upper Klamath Lake TMDL target
3(2b) Link River at Upper Klamath Lake TMDL target and sources at TMDL allocations
Scenario 4: Compare U.S. Geological Survey model and TMDL model results
4 Apply 2006–09 data to TMDL model
Scenario 5: Particulate matter shunting
5a Shunt, Lost River Diversion Channel and Klamath Straits Drain at current conditions
5b Shunt, Lost River Diversion Channel and Klamath Straits Drain at intermediate conditions
5c Shunt, Lost River Diversion Channel and Klamath Straits Drain at zero OM, nutrients, and algae, DO at saturation
Scenario 6: Decrease particulate organic matter and blue-green algae in Link River
6a 25 percent decrease, June 15–October 31
6b 50 percent decrease, June 15–October 31
6c 90 percent decrease, June 15–October 31
6d 25 percent decrease, entire year
6e 50 percent decrease, entire year
6f 90 percent decrease, entire year
Scenario 7: Route Klamath River water through treatment wetlands
7a Segment 28, 50 percent decrease, entire river
7b Segment 28, 50 percent decrease, 250 ft3/s
7c Segment 28, 90 percent decrease, entire river
7d Segment 54, 50 percent decrease, entire river
7e Segment 54, 50 percent decrease, 250 ft3/s
7f Segment 54, 90 percent decrease, entire river
Scenario 8: Altered flow: Import/export to/from the Klamath Project
8a Flow to Lost River Diversion Channel
8b Flow to Klamath Straits Drain
8c Flow to Lost River Diversion Channel and Klamath Straits Drain
Scenario 9: Augment dissolved oxygen or add riparian shade
9a DO saturation, segment 7 (Railroad Bridge)
9b DO saturation, segment 21 (Highway 97)
9c DO saturation, segment 38 (Miller Island)
9d DO supersaturation, segment 7 (Railroad Bridge)
9e DO supersaturation, segment 21 (Highway 97)
9f DO supersaturation, segment 38 (Miller Island)
9g Riparian shade, 10 m trees
9h Riparian shade, 20 m trees
Scenario 10: Climate change effects on water quality
10a Minimum future temperature increase
10b Median future temperature increase
10c Maximum future temperature increase

First posted July 24, 2013

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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