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Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5135

Modeling the Water-Quality Effects of Changes to the Klamath River Upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon

Table 7. Annual particulate organic material and algae load decreases for scenario 6, Link-Keno reach of the Klamath River, Oregon, 2006–09.

[Annual load decreases are the sum(s) of the monthly averaged volume (Q × time) multiplied by the monthly averaged concentration. Abbreviations: POM, particulate organic matter; ALG1, blue-green algae; C, carbon; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus]

Year 25 percent load decrease (metric tons)
POM ALG1 POM+ALG1 Associated nutrient decrease
Organic C Organic N Organic P
2006 788 866 1,655 761 97.6 6.62
2007 679 833 1,512 695 89.2 6.05
2008 1,480 697 2,176 1,001 128 8.71
2009 1,808 470 2,278 1,048 134 9.11
Year 50 percent load decrease (metric tons)
POM ALG1 POM+ALG1 Associated nutrient decrease
Organic C Organic N Organic P
2006 2,561 1,732 4,293 1,975 253 17.2
2007 1,651 1,665 3,317 1,526 196 13.3
2008 2,438 1,394 3,831 1,762 226 15.3
2009 3,478 940 4,418 2,032 261 17.7
Year 90 percent load decrease (metric tons)
POM ALG1 POM+ALG1 Associated nutrient decrease
Organic C Organic N Organic P
2006 4,982 3,118 8,100 3,726 478 32.4
2007 3,184 2,998 6,182 2,844 365 24.7
2008 4,514 2,508 7,023 3,231 414 28.1
2009 6,479 1,693 8,171 3,759 482 32.7

First posted July 24, 2013

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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