United States Geological Survey

Water Year 2001 ~ USGS-WRD-WV-01-1

The Water Resources Discipline of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with State agencies, obtains a large amount of data pertaining to the water resources of West Virginia each water year. These data,accumulated during many water years, constitute a valuable data base for developing an improved understanding of the water resources of the States. To make these data readily available to interested parties outside the Geological Survey, the data are published annually in this report series entitled "Water Resources Data-West Virginia."

This report includes records on both surface and ground water in the State. Specifically, it contains: Discharge records for 65 streamflow-gaging stations; discharge records provided by adjacent states for 7 streamflow-gaging stations; annual maximum discharge at 18 crest-stage partial-record stations; water-quality records for 4 stations; and water-level records for 10 observation wells. Locations of these sites are shown on figures 4 and 5. Additional water data were collected at various sites, not involved in the systematic data collection program, and are published as miscellaneous sites. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating State and Federal agencies in West Virginia.

This report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF).


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