As the number of streams on which streamflow information is likely to be desired far exceeds the number of stream-gaging stations feasible to operate at one time, the Geological Survey collects limited streamflow data at sites other than stream-gaging stations. When limited streamflow data are collected on a systematic basis over a period of years for use in hydrologic analyses, the site at which the data are collected is called a partial-record station. Data collected at these partial-record stations are usable in low-flow or flood-flow analyses, depending on the type of data collected. In addition, discharge measurements are made at other sites not included in the partial-record program. These measurements are generally made in times of drought or flood to give better areal coverage to those events. Those measurements and others collected for some special reason are called measurements at miscellaneous sites.
Records collected at crest-stage partial-record stations are presented in the following table. Discharge measurements made at low-flow partial-record sites and at miscellaneous sites and for special studies are given in separate tables.
The following table contains annual maximum discharge for crest-stage stations. A crest-stage gage is a device that will register the peak stage occurring between inspections of the gage. A stage-discharge relation for each gage is developed from discharge measurements made by indirect measurements of peak flow or by current meter. The date of the maximum discharge is not always certain but is usually determined by comparison with nearby continuous-record stations, weather records, or local inquiry. Only the maximum discharge for each water year is given. Information on some lower floods may have been obtained, but is not published herein. The years given in the period of record represent water years for which the annual maximum has been determined.
Water year 2003 maximum |
Period of record maximum |
Station name and number |
Location and drainage area |
Period of record |
Date |
Gage height (ft) |
Discharge (ft3/s) |
Date |
Gage height (ft) |
Discharge (ft3/s) |
Lat 39°43'37", long 106°28'50", near Minturn, in Eagle County, on left bank 1.5 mi upstream from mouth, 7.5 mi north of Minturn. Drainage area is 0.76 mi2. |
*Also a low-flow partial-record station. For a complete listing of historical data available for this site, see http://waterdata.usgs.gov/co/nwis/inventory/?site_no=09058900