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WRIR 01-4210: Hydraulic-Property Estimates for Use With a Transient Ground-Water Flow Model of the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California

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Location and Topography
Purpose and Scope
Previous Work
Hydrogeologic Setting
Regional Ground-Water Hydrology
Hydrogeologic Units
Data Analysis and Synthesis
Methods Used to Analyze Aquifer Tests
Statistical Analyses
Fractured Media and Equivalent Porous Media
Effects of Test Scale on Determination of Hydraulic Properties
General Limitations
Limitations Regarding Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates
Hydraulic Properties
Younger Alluvial Aquifer and Older Alluvial Aquifer
Alluvial Confining Unit
Lava Flow Unit
Younger Volcanic Unit and Volcaniclastic and Sedimentary Rocks Unit
Tertiary Volcanic Rocks
Older Volcanic Unit
Intrusive Confining Unit
Sedimentary Rocks Confining Unit
Upper Carbonate Aquifer and Lower Carbonate Aquifer
Upper Clastic Confining Unit and Lower Clastic Confining Unit
Crystalline Confining Unit
Relation of Hydraulic Conductivity with Depth
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited
Appendix: Hydraulic Properties Database
Plate 1: Generalized stratigraphic columns for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system and vicinity
Figure 1: Geographic features and boundaries of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system.
Figure 2: Locations of wells and boreholes used to determine estimates of hydraulic property.
Figure 3: Surface distribution of hydrogeologic units in the Death Valley region.
Figure 4: Relation between hydraulic conductivity and depth for hydrogeologic units in the Death Valley region.
Table 1: Geologic units and hydrogeologic units in the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system.
Table 2: Hydraulic conductivity distribution in Death Valley regional ground-water flow system hydrogeologic units.
Table 3: Analysis of variance for log10 hydraulic conductivity for estimates from aquifer tests as influenced by hydrogeologic unit and depth.



Multiply By To obtain

cubic meter per day (m3/d) 35.31 cubic foot per day
centimeter (cm) 0.394 inch
kilometer (km) 0.62137 mile
square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 square mile
kilopascal (kPa) 0.14503 pound per square inch
liter (L) 0.26417 gallon
liter per second (L/s) 15.85 gallon per minute
meter (m) 3.2808 foot
meter per day (m/d) 3.2808 foot per day
meter squared per day (m2/d) 10.76 foot squared per day
meter squared per day (m2/d)  0.055916 gallon per minute per foot
meter squared per day (m2/d) 80.52 gallon per day per foot
square meter (m2) 10.76 square foot

Temperature: Degrees Celsius (°C) can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) by using the formula °F = [1.8(°C)] + 32. Degrees Fahrenheit can be converted to degrees Celsius by using the formula °C = 0.556(°F - 32).

Sea level: In this report, "sea level" refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929, formerly called "Sea-Level Datum of 1929"), which is derived from a general adjustment of the first-order leveling networks of the United States and Canada.

ACU Alluvial confining unit
ANCOVA Analysis of covariance
BRU Belted Range unit
CFVU Crater Flat volcanic unit
CHVU Calico Hills volcanic unit
DOD U.S. Department of Defense
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
DVRFS Death Valley regional ground-water flow system
HGU Hydrogeologic unit
HRMP Hydrologic resources management program
ICU Intrusive confining unit 
LCA Lower carbonate aquifer
LCCU Lower clastic confining unit
LFU Lava flow unit
NTS Nevada Test Site
NWIS National Water Information System
OAA Older alluvial aquifer
OVU Older volcanics unit
PVA Paintbrush volcanic aquifer
SCU Sedimentary confining unit
SWNVF Southwest Nevada volcanic field
TMVA Thirsty Canyon/Timber Mountain volcanic aquifer
TV Tertiary volcanics
UCA Upper carbonate aquifer
UCCU Upper clastic confining unit
UGTA Underground Testing Area
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
VSU Volcaniclastics and sediments unit
WVU Wahmonie volcanic unit
YAA Younger alluvial aquifer
YMP Yucca Mountain Project
YVU Younger volcanic unit
XCU Crystalline confining unit

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