WRIR 01-4210: Hydraulic-Property Estimates for Use With a Transient Ground-Water Flow Model of the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California
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Table 2. Hydraulic conductivity distribution in Death Valley regional ground-water flow system hydrogeologic units
[Abbreviations: --, no data; m/d, meters per day; ACU, alluvial confining unit; BRU, Belted Range unit; CFVU, Crater Flat volcanic unit; ICU, intrusive confining unit; K, hydraulic conductivity in meters per day; LCA, lower carbonate aquifer; LCCU, lower clastic confining unit; LFU, lava flow unit; OAA, older alluvial aquifer; OVU, older volcanic unit; PVA, Paintbrush volcanic aquifer; SCU, sedimentary rocks confining unit; TMVA, Thirsty Canyon/Timber Mountain volcanic aquifer; TV, Tertiary volcanic rocks; UCA, upper carbonate aquifer; UCCU, upper clastic confining unit; VSU, volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks unit; XCU, crystalline confining unit; YAA, younger alluvial aquifer; YVU, younger volcanic unit]
Hydrogeologic unit or subunit |
Geometric mean K (m/d) |
Arithmetic mean K (m/d) |
Minimum K (m/d) |
Maximum K (m/d) |
95-percent confidence interval of geometric mean (m/d) |
Number of analyses |
YAA and OAA |
2 |
11 |
0.001 |
130 |
0.6 - 4 |
43 |
3 |
11 |
.003 |
34 |
.6 - 10 |
13 |
-- |
-- |
.002 |
4 |
-- |
2 |
YVU and VSU |
.06 |
1.5 |
.00004 |
6 |
.01 - .4 |
15 |
TV |
.1 |
4 |
.000001 |
180 |
.08 - .2 |
159 |
Rhyolitic to rhyodacitic lava flows |
.1 |
.6 |
.000007 |
4 |
.04 - .4 |
25 |
Ash-flow tuff |
.1 |
5 |
.000002 |
180 |
.06 - .2 |
109 |
Non-welded to partially welded |
.06 |
7 |
.003 |
180 |
.03 - .2 |
43 |
Partially to moderately welded |
.04 |
1 |
.000002 |
19 |
.03 - .1 |
35 |
Moderately to densely welded |
2 |
13 |
.02 |
55 |
.18 - 15 |
7 |
Unaltered |
8 |
.00002 |
180 |
.2 - .9 |
71 |
Zeolitized and argillized |
.04 |
1 |
.000002 |
25 |
.02 - .08 |
63 |
Tuff breccia and ash-flow tuff |
.3 |
4 |
.0008 |
15 |
.03 - 3 |
11 |
Bedded ash-fall and reworked tuff and ash-flow tuff |
.1 |
2 |
.00009 |
15 |
.03 - .7 |
14 |
.01 |
2 |
.0002 |
20 |
.001 - .01 |
11 |
.02 |
4 |
.000007 |
22 |
.001 - .09 |
9 |
.2 |
.6 |
.008 |
2 |
.08 - .5 |
14 |
.3 |
1 |
.01 |
4 |
.06 - 2 |
6 |
.2 |
6 |
.000002 |
180 |
.09 - .3 |
91 |
.004 |
.07 |
.000001 |
1 |
.001 - .01 |
46 |
.01 |
.3 |
.0006 |
1 |
.001 - .01 |
7 |
.002 |
.02 |
.0002 |
.3 |
.0007 - .005 |
16 |
UCA and LCA |
.6 |
90 |
.00001 |
820 |
.2 - 2 |
51 |
Faulted and karstic |
3 |
120 |
.01 |
820 |
3 - 4 |
18 |
Unfaulted |
.1 |
2 |
.0001 |
14 |
.02 - .5 |
19 |
.00003 |
.2 |
.00000003 |
5 |
.000003 - .0003 |
30 |
UCCU (shales) |
.01 |
.07 |
.0003 |
.4 |
.002 - .06 |
9 |
LCCU (quartzites) |
.0000006 |
5 |
.00000003 |
5 |
.00000007 - .000005 |
19 |
-- |
-- |
.00000002 |
1<.4 |
-- |
-- |
1 Based on the 14.5 percent upper confidence level of Bedinger and others (1989) weathered metamorphic rocks hydraulic conductivities, and the lower 14.5 percent estimate for deep unweathered metamorphic rocks. Confidence levels are based on the 50th percentile estimate of their sample.