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WRIR 02-4030
Streamflow and Water-Quality Data for
Selected Watersheds in the Lake Tahoe Basin,
California and Nevada, through September 1998

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1.  Information for current USGS LTIMP primary and secondary surface-water quality sampling/gage stations and miscellaneous water-quality stations in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California and Nevada
2.  LTIMP surface-water sample analysis; constituents, abbreviations, parameter codes, and reporting levels
3.  Drainage-basin information for LTIMP monitored watersheds and unmonitored watersheds in the Lake Tahoe Basin
4.  Streamflow summary statistics through water year 1998 for LTIMP gaging stations in the Lake Tahoe Basin
5.  Flood-frequency information for LTIMP and USGS gaging stations in the monitored watersheds in the Lake Tahoe Basin
6-16.  Data for current USGS LTIMP surface-water quality sampling/gaging stations and miscellaneous water-quality stations, by area, in the Lake Tahoe Basin:
6.  Water temperature
7.  Specific conductance
8.  pH
9.  Dissolved oxygen
10.  Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen
11.  Dissolved ammonia nitrogen
12.  Total organic plus ammonia nitrogen concentration
13.  Soluble reactive phosphorus concentration
14.  Total phosphorus concentration
15.  Biologically reactive iron concentration
16.  Suspended-sediment concentration
17.  Comparison of monthly load summary statistics and percent difference for load-estimation programs for the 10 primary LTIMP sampling stations, through water year 1998 in the Lake Tahoe Basin
18.  Nutrient and suspended-sediment monthly load summary statistics and median monthly yields for period of comparison and for complete period of record for the 10 primary LTIMP sampling stations in the Lake Tahoe Basin
19-23.  Nutrient and suspended-sediment monthly load and runoff summary statistics, percent change in sums and yields between stations for period of comparison for the LTIMP sampling stations:
19.  Incline Creek watershed
20.  Edgewood Creek watershed
21.  Trout Creek watershed
22.  Upper Truckee River watershed
23.  Ward Creek watershed
24.  Average percent change of sums among the downstream, middle, and upstream stations for nutrient and suspended-sediment monthly loads and runoff, for the periods of comparison, in the five multiple-station watersheds in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California and Nevada
25.  Trends, P values, and probability plot correlation coefficient values from Seasonal-Kendall and ESTIMATOR results for 10 primary and 10 secondary LTIMP stations