Preliminary Conceptual Models of the Occurrence, Fate, and Transport of Chlorinated Solvents in Karst Regions of Tennessee


Case Study Summary Sheets

Information in this appendix was gathered from the TDEC Division of Superfund files. The "period of operation" is the time during which a site handled or disposed of chlorinated solvents. All quantitative data retrieved from the TDEC files were converted into metric units. Hydrologic property abbreviations include:
k-hydraulic conductivity, kv-vertical hydraulic conductivity, and T-transmissivity. A dashed symbol "--" indicates the value was either unknown, unavailable, or not found in the case study files. Depth to water is reported as meters below land surface. Soil and ground-water concentrations are reported for the "primary chlorinated solvent of concern" unless otherwise noted. The suspected presence of DNAPL is based on the highest measured ground-water and soil concentrations as described in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency document (U.S. EPA, 1992b). Horizontal and vertical extents of contamination are reported for the local aquifers. Additional notes may be presented at the bottom of a case study summary sheet for data clarification.

Case Study Summary Sheets (PDF format)

Title Page Table of Contents List of Illustrations List of Tables Conversion Factors and Vertical DatumGlossary
Last modified: Fri Aug 25 11:00:28 CDT 2000
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