Hydrogeologic Framework and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Travel
Time in the Shallow Aquifer System in the Area of Naval Support Activity
Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
List of Figures
Map showing location of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing locations of 13 Solid Waste Management Units, 9 stratigraphic
test holes, and 4 water-level observation wells at Naval Support Activity
Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing location of model area, principal surface-water drainages,
and wells in which water-level measurements were made in April and October
1996 near Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing locations of geologic sections A-A´, B-B´, and
C-C´, and faults that displace the Cockfield and Cook Mountain Formations
and Memphis Sand at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Geologic sections A-A´, B-B´, and C-C´, and geophysical
logs of test holes or wells in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis,
Millington, Tennessee
Map showing locations of test holes or wells for which analyses of core
samples, aquifer or specific-capacity tests, or water-quality samples are
available for stratigraphic units beneath Naval Support Activity Memphis,
Millington, Tennessee
Hydrographs showing water levels recorded in wells Sh:U-100, Sh:U-101,
and Sh:U-102, and daily precipitation at Naval Support Activity Memphis,
May 1995 through September 1996
Map showing altitude of base of sand and gravel in lower alluvium or fluvial
deposits at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing thickness of sand and gravel in lower alluvium or fluvial deposits
at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing altitude of the potentiometric surface of the alluvial-fluvial
deposits aquifer at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee,
April 1996
Map showing altitude of the potentiometric surface of the alluvial-fluvial
deposits aquifer at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee,
October 1996
Map showing thickness of the Cockfield Formation and locations of faults
that displace the Cockfield and Cook Mountain Formations at Naval Support
Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing altitude of base of Cockfield Formation (top of Cook Mountain
Formation) and locations of faults that displace these formations at Naval
Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing altitude of the potentiometric surface of the Memphis aquifer
in northern Shelby County near Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington,
Map showing altitude of the potentiometric surface of the alluvial-fluvial
deposits aquifer, April 1996, and faults that affect water movement at
Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Diagram showing borehole geophysical logs of test hole 1 (Sh:V-74) and
hydrogeologic units of the shallow aquifer system southwest of the erosional
scarp at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Diagram showing borehole geophysical logs of test hole 6 (Sh:V-78) and
hydrogeologic units of the shallow aquifer system northeast of the erosional
scarp at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Hydrogeologic section B-B´ showing the aquifers and confining units
in the shallow aquifer system at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington,
Map showing model grid, wells used to calibrate model, cells simulating
fault, location of a simulated window in Cook Mountain confining unit,
and boundary conditions for the flow model of the shallow aquifer system
in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Diagram showing hydrogeologic framework of the flow model of the shallow
aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington,
Map showing transmissivity array for layer 1 of the calibrated flow model
and locations of cells simulating buried river valleys in the area of Naval
Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing transmissivity array for layer 2 of the calibrated flow model
of the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis,
Millington, Tennessee
showing simulated water levels generated by the calibrated flow model and
mean water levels in the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer in the area
of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing altitude of the simulated potentiometric surface of layer 1
of the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system in the area
of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing results of particle-tracking analysis of ground-water-flow
directions in layer 1 of the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer
system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing locations where particle-tracking analyses were performed for
layer 1 of the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system in the
area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing locations of selected hypothesized plumes of contamination
in the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer at two sites within the Northside
Area of Concern at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing results of particle-tracking analysis at the former N-6 hangar
area and the grassy area near Solid Waste Management Unit 7, showing location
of 40-year time-of-travel and pathlines of particles in layer 1 of the
calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system at Naval Support Activity
Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Map showing results of particle-tracking analysis at Solid Waste Management
Unit 2, showing 40-year time-of-travel and pathlines of particles in layer
1 of the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system at Naval Support
Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
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