Hydrogeologic Framework and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Travel Time in the Shallow Aquifer System in the Area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee
Table of Contents
Purpose and scope
Previous studies
Description of the study area
Hydrogeologic framework
Hydrologic and hydrogeologic data
Alluvium-loess confining unit
Alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer
Cockfield confining unit
Cockfield aquifer
Cook Mountain confining unit
Memphis aquifer
Unique hydrogeologic features
Conceptual hydrogeologic model of the shallow aquifer system
Simulation of ground-water flow in the shallow aquifer system
Model assumptions
Model grid and boundary conditions
Input parameters
Calibration approach
Parameter estimation
Steady-state calibration
Analysis of model water budget
Sensitivity analysis
Limitations of model analysis
Simulation of ground-water flow and travel time with advective flow particle-tracking program
Summary and conclusions
References cited
List of Illustrations
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List of Tables
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