Hydrogeologic Framework and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Travel Time in the Shallow Aquifer System in the Area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee 

List of Tables

1. Post-Wilcox Group geologic units underlying Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee, and their hydrologic significance
2. Selected geotechnical properties of stratigraphic units at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

3. Results of aquifer and specific-capacity tests for selected wells at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

4. Water levels measured in 67 wells screened in the alluvium, fluvial deposits, and Cockfield Formation in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee, April 8-26, and October 22-24, 1996

5. Stratigraphy, hydrogeologic units, and conceptual hydrogeologic model of the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

6. Measured water levels in the A1 aquifer, April 8-26 and October 23-25, 1996, mean water levels in the A1 aquifer, and water levels simulated for layer 1 of the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

7. Input parameters for the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

8. Jacobian correlation coefficients between model parameters for the flow model of the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

9. Water budget simulated by the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

10. Results of sensitivity analyses of the calibrated flow model of the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee

11. Results of particle-tracking simulation of ground-water travel time at Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee


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