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Making USGS information effective in the electronic age, USGS Open-File Report 03-240 Skip past index information

Goals of the Workshop

The workshop was designed to address broad issues of knowledge and communication, in order to develop the mission, vision, and goals of a knowledge-handling system for the Program. The four goals of the workshop were:

  • To understand the purposes of public science in general and USGS in particular;
  • To understand whom the USGS serves and how best to effectively communicate with them;
  • To develop a vision, a mission statement, and goals for the National Knowledge Bank; and
  • To develop action items that would contribute to the goals.


  • Aug. 2001: Develop a strategic plan to implement each of our visions, using elements brainstormed at the workshop and more.
  • 2002: At least one group of Americans will make better decisions about coastal and marine natural systems because of our science.
  • 2002: At least one of our research projects will modify its goals, based on a dialog with all important stakeholders.
  • 2002: At least one research project in each field center will actively participate in our new knowledge culture.
  • 2003: At least one important CMGP scientific discovery will be made by using the NKB.
  • 2003: Everyone in CMGP will know how to participate in our new knowledge culture.
  • 2006: All American decisions about coastal and marine natural systems will use our knowledge and information where appropriate.
  • 2006: All of our research projects will set goals based on a dialog with all important stakeholders.
  • 2006: Everyone in CMGP will participate in our new knowledge culture.
  • 2006: Several scientific discoveries per year will be made using the NKB, by American scientists inside and outside CMGP.

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Title Page / Summary / Introduction / Goals / Overview /  Outcome

Appendices:  I. Agenda /  II. Vision / III. Earth Science / IV. Communication / V. CORDlink
                       VI. MRIB /  VII. CMGP Homepage / VII. Brainstorming / IX. Participants

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