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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-file Report 2005-1170

Nearshore Benthic Habitat GIS for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Southern California State Fisheries Reserves Volume II

GIS Description
  File formats

Regional Data

Mapped areas
  N. Anacapa Passage
  S. Anacapa
  S. Anacapa Passage
  SE. Santa Cruz

Data Catalog

Revision History



Each GIS data file is listed with a brief description, links to figures, metadata files, and downloadable files. The data were compiled in ArcInfo (versions 8.0.2, and 9.0 ESRI, 1998-2003). Raster data layers are registered TIFF images in the UTM Zone 10 coordinate system with datum NAD83. Point, line and polygon features are in shapefile format, and are also projected in UTM Zone 10 coordinate system with datum NAD83. We recommend you create a single new folder within which to unzip the files you want to use.

The downloadable files have been compressed with the UNIX "tar" and '"zip" commands and can be unzipped by '"g unzip" on UNIX systems or with Winzip on Windows systems. The numbers following ".tgz" are the file size when compressed and uncompressed. The .tgz file for a TIFF image includes the image (.tif), the world registration file (.tfw), and the metadata file (.txt). The .tgz for a shape file includes a .dbf , .shp, .shx, .sbx, and .sbn file, and the metadata .txt file and an .html metadata version of the .txt file.

Some virus-detection software will misinterpret the compressed format as virus-bearing. Use the override option (for example, "Stop" in McAfee VirusScan) to complete the file transfer.

ArcGIS Project File

Save this ArcView Project file scagisv2.mxd (compressed, 115 K; uncompressed, 717 K) to the directory you created for this GIS to view the GIS with ArcGIS.

Basemap Data

GIS data files that cover the entire northern Channel Islands area are available on the U.S. Geological Survey's website, Open-file Report 03-85, Nearshore Benthic Habitat GIS for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Southern California State Fisheries Reserves Volume I. Regional basemap data layers include

The following basemap files that have been updated for Volume II, Version 1.0 and are available to download in the below Data Catalog:

  • California State Jurisdiction boundary
  • Existing Marine Protected Areas in Southern California
  • 10 Meter Bathymetric Contours
  • Proposed Marine Protected Areas in Southern California
  • usSEABED sample data
  • survey track lines.

For these updated basemap files, please see the below data catalog.

GIS data files

ArcView Theme Description

Quick view


Compressed shape files

Right-click (Windows) or click-and-hold (Macintosh) to download files from web


California state waters (3 nautical miles)

calif3nm.html (65K)


calif3nm.tgz 83K (129K)

Exisiting marine protected area boundaries in Southern California

Channel_Islands_MPA.html (49K)


Channel_Islands_MPA.tgz 38K (134K)

Bathymetric contours from 1:250,000-scale NOAA charts
and MBARI Santa Barbara Bay Multibeam Data

cntr10m.html (247K)


cntr10m.tgz 34M (88M)

Proposed marine protected area boundaries in Southern California

scampa.html (51K)


scampa.tgz 10K (20K)

Location and contents of samples (USSEABED)

scasmpl.html (162K)


scasmpl.tgz 183K (3.3M)

Survey tracks from one-minute (time) navigation fixes.

scasstrk.html (66K)


scasstrk.tgz 166K (620K)
Scuba and ROV dive habitat observations
Assorted visual observations of benthic habitat from rov and scuba dives scav2obs.html (45K)

text FAQ

scav2obs.tgz 78K (2.62M)

Sidescan sonar backscatter images
1-m pixels
North Anacapa Passage nanp1m.html (100K)

text FAQ

nanp1m.tgz 29.6M (49.4M)

South Anacapa Island sana1m.html (80K)

text FAQ

sana1m.tgz 23.1M (49.2M)

South Anacapa Passage

sanp1m.html (240K)

text FAQ

sanp1m.tgz 30.7M (41.4M)

Southeast Santa Cruz Island secru1m.html (48K)

text FAQ

secru1m.tgz 35.9M (72.1M)

Benthic habitat polygon shape files:
North Anacapa Passage

nanphab.html (158K)

text FAQ

nanphab.tgz 29.7M (52.6M)
South Anacapa Island

sanahab.html (159K)

text FAQ

sanahab.tgz 35.2M (61.3M)

South Anacapa Passage

sanphab.html (178K)

text FAQ

sanphab.tgz 30.2M (50.6M)

South East Santa Cruz Island

secrhab.html (142K)

text FAQ

secrhab.tgz 40.3M (62M)

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llast modified 3 January 2006 (ng)
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