Overview of the eruptions
Edward W. Wolfe and Richard P. Hoblitt |
Photographic record of rapid geomorphic change at Mount Pinatubo, 1991-94
Raymundo S. Punongbayan, Christopher G. Newhall, and Richard P. Hoblitt
Eruption hazard assessments and warnings
Raymundo S. Punongbayan, Christopher G. Newhall, Ma. Leonila P. Bautista, Delfin Garcia, David H. Harlow, Richard P. Hoblitt, Julio P. Sabit, and Renato U. Solidum
People's response to eruption warning: The Pinatubo experience, 1991-92
Jean Tayag, Sheila Insauriga, Anne Ringor, and Mel Belo
Assessment and response to lahar hazard around Mount Pinatubo, 1991 to 1993
Richard J. Janda, Arturo S. Daag, Perla J. Delos Reyes, Christopher G. Newhall, Thomas C. Pierson, Raymundo S. Punongbayan, Kelvin S. Rodolfo, Renato U. Solidum, and Jesse V. Umbal
Responses of Pampanga households to lahar warnings: Lessons from two villages in the Pasig-Potrero River watershed
The Mount Pinatubo disaster and the people of Central Luzon
Eruptive history of Mount Pinatubo
Christopher G. Newhall, Arturo S. Daag, F.G. Delfin, Jr., Richard P. Hoblitt, John McGeehin, John S. Pallister, Ma. Theresa M. Regalado, Meyer Rubin, Bella S. Tubianosa, Rodolfo A. Tamayo, Jr., and Jesse V. Umbal
Geothermal exploration of the pre-1991 Mount Pinatubo hydrothermal system
F.G. Delfin, Jr., H.G. Villarosa, D.B. Layugan, V.C. Clemente, M.R. Candelaria, and J.R. Ruaya
Installation, operation, and technical specifications of the first Mount Pinatubo telemetered seismic network
Andrew B. Lockhart, Sergio Marcial, Gemme Ambubuyog, Eduardo P. Laguerta, and John A. Power
A PC-based real-time volcano-monitoring data-acquisition and analysis system
Thomas L. Murray, John A. Power, Gail Davidson, and Jeffrey N. Marso
A comparison of preeruption real-time seismic amplitude measurements for eruptions at Mount St. Helens, Redoubt Volcano, Mount Spurr, and Mount Pinatubo
Elliot T. Endo, Thomas L. Murray, and John A. Power
Real-time seismic amplitude measurement (RSAM) and seismic spectral amplitude measurement (SSAM) analyses with the Materials Failure Forecast Method (FFM), June 1991 explosive eruption at Mount Pinatubo
Reinold R. Cornelius and Barry Voight
Preliminary observations of seismicity at Mount Pinatubo by use of the Seismic Spectral Amplitude Measurement (SSAM) system, May 13-June 18, 1991
John A. Power, Thomas L. Murray, Jeffrey N. Marso, and Eduardo P. Laguerta
Precursory seismicity and forecasting of the June 15, 1991, eruption of Mount Pinatubo
David H. Harlow, John A. Power, Eduardo P. Laguerta, Gemme Ambubuyog, Randall A. White, and Richard P. Hoblitt
Precursory deep long-period earthquakes at Mount Pinatubo: Spatio-temporal link to a basalt trigger
Ground deformation prior to the 1991 eruptions of Mount Pinatubo
J.W. Ewert, Andrew B. Lockhart, Sergio Marcial, and Gemme Ambubuyog
Volcanic earthquakes following the 1991 climactic eruption of Mount Pinatubo: Strong seismicity during a waning eruption
Jim Mori, Randall A. White, David H. Harlow, P. Okubo, John A. Power, Richard P. Hoblitt, Eduardo P. Laguerta, Angelito Lanuza, and Bartolome C. Bautista
Relationship of regional and local structures to Mount Pinatubo activity
Bartolome C. Bautista, Ma. Leonila P. Bautista, Ross S. Stein, Edito S. Barcelona, Raymundo S. Punongbayan, Eduardo P. Laguerta, Ariel R. Rasdas, Gemme Ambubuyog, and Erlinda Q. Amin
Three-dimensional velocity structure at Mount Pinatubo: Resolving magma bodies and earthquake hypocenters
Jim Mori, Donna Eberhart-Phillips, and David H. Harlow
Computer visualization of earthquake hypocenters
Richard P. Hoblitt, Jim Mori, and John A. Power
Seismicity and magmatic resurgence at Mount Pinatubo in 1992
Emmanuel G. Ramos, Eduardo P. Laguerta, and Michael W. Hamburger
Monitoring sulfur dioxide emission at Mount Pinatubo
Arturo S. Daag, Bella S. Tubianosa, Christopher G. Newhall, Norman M. Tuñgol, Dindo Javier, Michael T. Dolan, Perla J. Delos Reyes, Ronaldo A. Arboleda, Ma. Mylene L. Martinez, and Ma. Theresa M. Regalado
Preeruption vapor in magma of the climactic Mount Pinatubo eruption: Source of the giant stratospheric sulfur dioxide cloud
Terrence M. Gerlach, Henry R. Westrich, and Robert B. Symonds
Evolution of a small crater lake at Mount Pinatubo
Nora R. Campita, Arturo S. Daag, Christopher G. Newhall, Gary L. Rowe, and Renato U. Solidum
The west-side story: Observations of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruptions from the west
Julio P. Sabit, Ronald C. Pigtain, and Edwin G. de la Cruz
The preclimactic eruptions of Mount Pinatubo, June 1991
Richard P. Hoblitt, Edward W. Wolfe, William E. Scott, Marvin R. Couchman, John S. Pallister, and Dindo Javier
Tephra falls of the 1991 eruptions of Mount Pinatubo
Ma. Lynn O. Paladio-Melosantos, Renato U. Solidum, William E. Scott, Rowena B. Quiambao, Jesse V. Umbal, Kelvin S. Rodolfo, Bella S. Tubianosa, Perla J. Delos Reyes, Rosalito A. Alonso, and Hernulfo B. Ruelo
Dispersal of the 1991 Pinatubo tephra in the South China Sea
Martin G. Wiesner and Yubo Wang
Pyroclastic flows of the June 15, 1991, climactic eruption of Mount Pinatubo
William E. Scott, Richard P. Hoblitt, Ronnie C. Torres, Stephen Self, Ma. Mylene L. Martinez, and Timoteo Nillos, Jr.
Preeruption and posteruption digital-terrain models of Mount Pinatubo
John W. Jones and Christopher G. Newhall
Volume estimation of tephra-fall deposits from the June 15, 1991, eruption of Mount Pinatubo by theoretical and geological methods
Infrasonic and acoustic-gravity waves generated by the Mount Pinatubo eruption of June 15, 1991
Makoto Tahira, Masahiro Nomura, Yosihiro Sawada, and Kosuke Kamo
Worldwide observation of bichromatic long-period Rayleigh waves excited during the June 15, 1991, eruption of Mount Pinatubo
Meteorological observations of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption
J. Scott Oswalt, William Nichols, and John F. O'Hara
Mount Pinatubo: A satellite perspective of the June 1991 eruptions
James S. Lynch and George Stephens
Growth of a postclimactic lava dome at Mount Pinatubo, July-October 1992
Arturo S. Daag, Michael T. Dolan, Eduardo P. Laguerta, Gregory P. Meeker, Christopher G. Newhall, John S. Pallister, and Renato U. Solidum
Secondary pyroclastic flows from the June 15, 1991, ignimbrite of Mount Pinatubo
Ronnie C. Torres, Stephen Self, and Ma. Mylene L. Martinez
Changing proportions of two pumice types from the June 15, 1991, eruption of Mount Pinatubo
Carlos Primo C. David, Rosella G. Dulce, Dymphna D. Nolasco-Javier, Lawrence R. Zamoras, Ferdinand T. Jumawan, and Christopher G. Newhall
Magma mixing at Mount Pinatubo: Petrographic and chemical evidence from the 1991 deposits
John S. Pallister, Richard P. Hoblitt, Gregory P. Meeker, Roy J. Knight, and David F. Siems
Mineral and glass compositions in June 15, 1991, pumices: Evidence for dynamic disequilibrium in the dacite of Mount Pinatubo
James F. Luhr and William G. Melson
Preeruption pressure-temperature conditions and volatiles in the 1991 dacitic magma of Mount Pinatubo
Malcolm J. Rutherford and Joseph D. Devine
Petrology and geochemistry of the 1991 eruption products of Mount Pinatubo
Alain Bernard, Ulrich Knittel, Bernd Weber, Dominique Weis, Achim Albrecht, Keiko Hattori, Jeffrey Klein, and Dietmar Oles
Petrology and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic geochemistry of Mount Pinatubo volcanic rocks
Paterno R. Castillo and Raymundo S. Punongbayan
Occurrence and origin of sulfide and sulfate in the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption products
Sulfur isotopic systematics of the June 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruptions: A SHRIMP ion microprobe study
Michael A. McKibben, C. Stewart Eldridge, and Agnes G. Reyes
Anhydrite-bearing pumices from the June 15, 1991, eruption of Mount Pinatubo: Geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology
John Fournelle, Rebecca Carmody, and Arturo S. Daag
Highly oxidized and sulfur-rich dacitic magma of Mount Pinatubo: Implication for metallogenesis of porphyry copper mineralization in the western Luzon arc
Akira Imai, Eddie L. Listanco, and Toshitsugu Fujii
Relative timing of fluid and anhydrite saturation: Another consideration in the sulfur budget of the Mount Pinatubo eruption
Jill Dill Pasteris, Brigitte Wopenka, Alian Wang, and Teresa N. Harris
Watershed disturbance and lahars on the east side of Mount Pinatubo during the mid-June 1991 eruptions
Jon J. Major, Richard J. Janda, and Arturo S. Daag
Flow and deposition of posteruption hot lahars on the east side of Mount Pinatubo, July-October 1991
Thomas C. Pierson, Arturo S. Daag, Perla J. Delos Reyes, Ma. Theresa M. Regalado, Renato U. Solidum, and Bella S. Tubianosa
The 1991 lahars of southwestern Mount Pinatubo and evolution of the lahar-dammed Mapanuepe Lake
Jesse V. Umbal and Kelvin S. Rodolfo
Channel and sedimentation responses to large volumes of 1991 volcanic deposits on the east flank of Mount Pinatubo
Kevin M. Scott, Richard J. Janda, Edwin G. de la Cruz, Elmer Gabinete, Ismael Eto, Manuel Isada, Manuel Sexon, and Kevin C. Hadley
Two years of lahars on the western flank of Mount Pinatubo: Initiation, flow processes, deposits, and attendant geomorphic and hydraulic changes
Kelvin S. Rodolfo, Jesse V. Umbal, Rosalito A. Alonso, Cristina T. Remotigue, Ma. Lynn Paladio-Melosantos, Jerry H.G. Salvador, Digna Evangelista, and Yvonne Miller
Instrumental lahar monitoring at Mount Pinatubo
Sergio Marcial, Arnaldo A. Melosantos, Kevin C. Hadley, Richard G. LaHusen, and Jeffrey N. Marso
Rainfall, acoustic flow monitor records, and observed lahars of the Sacobia River in 1992
Norman M. Tuñgol and Ma. Theresa M. Regalado
Observations of 1992 lahars along the Sacobia-Bamban River system
Ma. Mylene L. Martinez, Ronaldo A. Arboleda, Perla J. Delos Reyes, Elmer Gabinete, and Michael T. Dolan
1992 lahars in the Pasig-Potrero River system
Ronaldo A. Arboleda and Ma. Mylene L. Martinez
Building damage caused by the Mount Pinatubo eruption of June 15, 1991
Robin J.S. Spence, Antonios Pomonis, Peter J. Baxter, Andrew W. Coburn, Mark White, Manuel Dayrit, and Field Epidemiology Training Program Team
Socioeconomic impacts of the Mount Pinatubo eruption
Remigio A. Mercado, Jay Bertram T. Lacsamana, and Greg L. Pineda
The 1991 Pinatubo eruptions and their effects on aircraft operations
Thomas J. Casadevall, Perla J. Delos Reyes, and David J. Schneider
The atmospheric impact of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption
Stephen Self, Jing-Xia Zhao, Rick E. Holasek, Ronnie C. Torres, and Alan J. King