U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey
Consolidated Balance Sheet

As of September 30, 1998 and 1997
(dollars in thousands)

          1998   1997

Fund Balance with Treasury Note 2     $ 225,474 $ 192,009
Cash and Foreign Currency         225   306
Accounts Receivable Billed: Note 3            
        Due from Federal Agencies         10,492   20,163
        Due from the Public         20,376   14,528
Accounts Receivable Unbilled: Note 4            
        Due from Federal Agencies         75,112   58,450
        Due from the Public         50,194   54,635
Inventory Held for Sale Note 5       15,413   15,478
Raw Materials         1,967   2,068
Operating Materials & Supplies         96   284
Property & Equipment, Net of Depreciation Note 6       175,571   184,497
Advances to Others         313   374
Prepayments         265   508

Total Assets       $ 575,498 $ 543,300

Liabilities Covered by Budgetary Resources:              
Accounts Payable:              
        Due to Federal Agencies         21,007   5,789
        Due to the Public         50,018   54,727
Deferred Revenue:              
        Due to Federal Agencies         33,650   14,978
        Due to the Public         22,976   22,362
Accrued Payroll & Benefits         6,727   4,330
Liabilities Not Covered by Budgetary Resources:              
Accrued Unfunded Annual Leave         49,289   44,405
Actuarial Liabilities Note 7       25,554    
Contingent Liabilities Note 8            

Total Liabilities       209,221   146,591

Net Position            
Unexpended Appropriations Note 9       224,859   201,650
Cumulative Results of Operations         141,418   195,059

Total Net Position         366,277   396,709

Total Liabilities & Net Position       $ 575,498 $ 543,300

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements


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Last updated July 6, 1999