U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey
Consolidated Statement of Net Costs

For the years ended September 30, 1998 and 1997
(dollars in thousands)

      1998   1997

Operational Costs          
Operating Expenses:          
        Personnel Services   $ 601,186 $ 587,242
        Contractual Services     192,591   168,876
        Operating Leases Note 10   68,548    
        Communications Rental     20,883   89,510
        Equipment not Capitalized     41,122   46,275
        Grants & Subsidies     64,881   70,099
        Supplies & Materials     41,336   39,442
        Travel & Transportation     41,206   37,239
        Printing & Reproduction     4,667   4,552
        Other Expenses     220   (5)

Total Operating Expenses     1,076,640   1,043,230
Cost of Goods Sold     741   905
Depreciation     24,565   26,657
Loss on Disposition of Assets     3,558   4,214
Unfunded Expenses     4,704   (125)
Employee Benefits Paid By OPM Note 11   45,853   47,778
Bad Debt and Write-offs     89   (993)
Discounts Lost     4   7
Interest Expense     101   168

Total Costs     0   0
Revenues Earned Note 12        
Sales of Maps to the Public     6,549   7,951
Sales of Maps to Federal Agencies     57   293
Reimbursement for Services Provided to the Public     125,043   122,321
Reimbursement for Services Provided to Federal Agencies     212,808   206,266
Donated Revenue     1,215   216
Interest & Penalties Note 13   (230)   473
Gain on Disposition of Assets     28   111

Total Revenue     345,470   337,631
Deferred Maintenance Note 14        
Net Cost of Operations   $ (345,470) $ (337,631)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements


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Last updated July 6, 1999