U.S. Geological Survey

Financial Statements

Limitations of the Financial Statements

  • The financial statements have been prepared to report the position and results of operations of the entity,pursuant to the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 3515(b).

  • While the statements have been prepared from the books and records of the entity in accordance with the formats prescribed by OMB, the statements are in addition to the financial reports used to monitor and control budgetary resources which are prepared from the same books and records.

  • The statements should be read with the realization that they are for a component of the U.S. Government, a sovereign entity. One implication of this is that liabilities cannot be liquidated without legislation that provides resources to do so.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Statement of Net Costs
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position
Combined Statement of Budgetary Resources
Consolidated Statement of Financing
Consolidating Statement of Net Costs
Consolidating Statement of Changes in Net Position
Combining Statement of Budgetary Resources

Notes to Financial Statements


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Last updated July 6, 1999