Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Limited co-existence of native unionids and invasive dreissenid mussels more than 30 Y post dreissenid invasion in a large river system, 2021, American Midland Naturalist (186) - 2
- Spatial and temporal variation in length-weight relationships of age-0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon in the lower Missouri River, 2021, American Midland Naturalist (186) - 1
- Looking at the bigger picture: How abundance of nesting and brooding habitat influences lek-site selection by Lesser Prairie-Chickens, 2020, American Midland Naturalist (183) - 1
- Status of the Topeka shiner in Iowa, 2019, American Midland Naturalist (182) - 1
- Grassland bird and butterfly responses to Sericea lespedeza control via late-season grazing pressure, 2019, American Midland Naturalist (181) -
- Relationships between wildfire burn severity, cavity-nesting bird assemblages and habitat in an eastern ponderosa pine forest, 2019, American Midland Naturalist (18) - 16
- Effects of landscape characteristics on annual survival of Lesser Prairie-Chickens, 2019, American Midland Naturalist (180) -
- Weekly summer diet of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in northeastern Minnesota, 2018, American Midland Naturalist (179) - 1
- Local-scale habitat associations of grassland birds in southwestern Minnesota, 2017, American Midland Naturalist (178) - 2
- Tree species preferences of foraging songbirds during spring migration in floodplain forests of the Upper Mississippi River, 2017, American Midland Naturalist (177) - 2
- Assessing predation risks for small fish in a large river ecosystem between contrasting habitats and turbidity conditions, 2016, American Midland Naturalist (175) - 2
- Cannibalistic-morph Tiger Salamanders in unexpected ecological contexts, 2016, American Midland Naturalist (175) - 1
- Diel feeding ecology of Slimy Sculpin in a tributary to Skaneateles Lake, New York, 2016, American Midland Naturalist (175) - 1
- Age, growth, and size of Lake Superior Pygmy Whitefish (Prosopium coulterii), 2016, American Midland Naturalist (175) - 1
- Distributions of small nongame fishes in the lower Yellowstone River, 2016, American Midland Naturalist (175) - 1
- Small mammal communities in eastern redcedar forest, 2016, American Midland Naturalist (175) - 1
- First record of the bigeye shiner (Notropis boops) from West Virginia, 2016, American Midland Naturalist (172) - 2
- Raccoon spatial requirements and multi-scale habitat selection within an intensively managed central Appalachian forest, 2015, American Midland Naturalist (174) - 1
- Can orchards help connect Mediterranean ecosystems? Animal movement data alter conservation priorities, 2015, American Midland Naturalist (174) - 1
- Summer diel diet and feeding periodicity of four species of cyprinids in the Salmon River, New York, 2015, American Midland Naturalist (173) - 2
- Status of the Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa, 2015, American Midland Naturalist (174) - 2
- Resource partitioning in two stream salamanders, Dicamptodon tenebrosus and Rhyacotriton cascadae, from the Oregon Cascade Mountains, 2014, American Midland Naturalist (172) - 1
- Historical changes in Nebraska's lotic fish assemblages: Implications of anthropogenic alterations, 2014, American Midland Naturalist (172) - 1
- Model distribution of Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana) in western Lake Erie, 2014, American Midland Naturalist (171) - 2
- Historic changes in fish assemblage structure in midwestern nonwadeable rivers, 2014, American Midland Naturalist (171) - 1
- Population demographics and life history of the round hickorynut (Obovaria subrotunda) in the Duck River, Tennessee, 2014, American Midland Naturalist (171) - 1
- Captive propagation, reproductive biology, and early life history of the Diamond Darter (Crystallaria cincotta), 2014, American Midland Naturalist (172) - 1
- Potential for bias in using hybrids between common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) in endocrine studies: a first report of hybrids in Lake Mead, Nevada, U.S.A, 2013, American Midland Naturalist (169) - 2
- Comparative spring-staging ecology of sympatric arctic-nesting geese in south-central Nebraska, 2013, American Midland Naturalist (169) - 2
- Consumption of freshwater bivalves by muskrats in the Green River, Kentucky, 2013, American Midland Naturalist (170) - 2
- Urban habitat fragmentation and genetic population structure of bobcats in coastal southern California, 2012, American Midland Naturalist (168) - 2
- Spatio-temporal variations in age structures of a partially re-established population of northern river otters (Lontra canadensis), 2012, American Midland Naturalist (168) - 2
- Life history of the fluted kidneyshell Ptychobranchus subtentum, 2012, American Midland Naturalist (167) - 1
- Accuracy of estimating wolf summer territories by daytime locations, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (165) - 2
- Distribution of lake sturgeon in New York: 11 years of restoration management, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (165) - 2
- Accuracy of estimating wolf summer territories by daytime locations, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (165) - 2
- Woody invasions of urban trails and the changing face of urban forests in the great plains, USA, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (165) - 2
- Bat mortality and activity at a Northern Iowa wind resource area, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (165) - 1
- Female white-tailed deer survival across ecoregions in Minnesota and South Dakota, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (165) - 2
- Scale-dependent factors affecting North American river otter distribution in the midwest, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (166) - 1
- Drought effect on selection of conservation reserve program grasslands by white-tailed deer on the Northern Great Plains, 2011, American Midland Naturalist (166) - 1
- Red imported fire ant impacts on upland arthropods in Southern Mississippi, 2010, American Midland Naturalist (163) - 1
- Discovery of ammocrypta clara (western sand darter) in the Upper Ohio River of West Virginia, 2010, American Midland Naturalist (163) - 2
- Life history and demographics of the endangered birdwing pearlymussel (Lemiox rimosus) (Bivalvia: Unionidae), 2010, American Midland Naturalist (163) - 2
- Longitudinal differences in habitat complexity and fish assemblage structure of a great plains river, 2010, American Midland Naturalist (163) - 1
- Effect of removal of hesperis matronalis (Dame's rocket) on species cover of forest understory vegetation in NW indiana, 2009, American Midland Naturalist (161) - 1
- Effects of an invasive plant species, celastrus orbiculatus, on soil composition and processes, 2009, American Midland Naturalist (161) - 2
- Mast and weather influences on population trends of a species of concern: The allegheny woodrat, 2009, American Midland Naturalist (162) - 1
- The Overmyer mastodon (Mammut americanum) from Fulton County, Indiana, 2008, American Midland Naturalist (159) - 1
- Fall diets of red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator) and walleye (Sander vitreus) in Sandusky Bay and adjacent waters of western Lake Erie, 2008, American Midland Naturalist (159) - 1
- Historical and current environmental influences on an endemic great plains fish, 2008, American Midland Naturalist (159) - 2
- Do non-native plant species affect the shape of productivity-diversity relationships?, 2008, American Midland Naturalist (159) - 1
- Age-class structure and variability of two populations of the bluemask darter etheostoma (Doration) sp., 2008, American Midland Naturalist (160) - 2
- Changes in a northwestern Florida gulf coast herpetofaunal community over a 28-y period, 2007, American Midland Naturalist (158) - 1
- Thermal criteria for early life stage development of the winged mapleleaf mussel (Quadrilla fragosa), 2007, American Midland Naturalist (157) - 2
- Responses of prairie arthropod communities to fire and fertilizer: Balancing plant and arthropod conservation, 2007, American Midland Naturalist (157) - 1
- Sex differences, effects of male presence and coordination of nest visits in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) during the immediate postnatal period, 2007, American Midland Naturalist (157) - 1
- Spawning chronology, nest site selection and nest success of smallmouth bass during benign streamflow conditions, 2007, American Midland Naturalist (158) - 1
- Survey of selected pathogens and blood parameters of northern yellowstone elk: Wolf sanitation effect implications, 2007, American Midland Naturalist (158) - 2
- Differential estimates of southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) population structure based on capture method, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (155) - 1
- Extirpation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) following the invasion of dreissenid mussels in an interconnecting river of the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (155) - 2
- Ontogenesis of endangered humpback chub (Gila cypha) in the Little Colorado River, Arizona, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (155) - 1
- Detection probabilities and site occupancy estimates for amphibians at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (155) - 1
- Reproductive ecology of the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) in Northwestern Florida, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (155) - 2
- A 3-decade dearth of deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in a wolf (Canis lupus)-dominated ecosystem, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (155) - 2
- Reticulate melanism in western painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii): Exploring linkages with habitat and heating rates, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (156) - 2
- Influence of water flow on Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus) reproductive behavior, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (156) - 2
- Growth, body condition, reproduction and survival of stocked barrens topminnows, Fundulus julisia (Fundulidae), 2006, American Midland Naturalist (156) - 2
- Response of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) to wind-power development, 2006, American Midland Naturalist (156) - 2
- Stream salamander species richness and abundance in relation to environmental factors in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 2005, American Midland Naturalist (153) - 2
- Observations of Interspecific amplexus between western North American ranid frogs and the introduced American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and an hypothesis concerning breeding interference, 2005, American Midland Naturalist (154) - 1
- Sonoran Desert winter annuals affected by density of red brome and soil nitrogen, 2005, American Midland Naturalist (153) - 1
- Lack of significant changes in the herpetofauna of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, since the 1920s, 2005, American Midland Naturalist (154) - 2
- Estimating survival and recruitment in a freshwater mussel population using mark-recapture techniques, 2004, American Midland Naturalist (151) - 1
- Influential environmental gradients and spatiotemporal patterns of fish assemblages in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River, 2004, American Midland Naturalist (152) - 2
- Differential consumption of eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) by avian and mammalian guilds: Implications for tree invasion, 2004, American Midland Naturalist (152) - 2
- Roosevelt elk density and social segregation: Foraging behavior and females avoiding larger groups of males, 2004, American Midland Naturalist (152) - 2
- Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister) use of rock drainage channels on reclaimed mines in southern West Virginia, 2004, American Midland Naturalist (151) - 2
- Secondary invasion following the reduction of Coronilla varia (Crownvetch) in sand prairie, 2004, American Midland Naturalist (152) - 1
- Red imported fire ant impacts on wildlife: A decade of research, 2004, American Midland Naturalist (152) - 1
- Spring bird migration in Mississippi Alluvial Valley forests, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (149 ) - 1
- Geomorphic, water quality and fish community patterns associated with the distribution of Notropis topeka in a Central Missouri Watershed, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (150) - 1
- Differences in sedge fen vegetation upstream and downstream from a managed impoundment, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (150) - 2
- Lichens promote flowering Opuntia fragilis in west-central Wisconsin, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (150) - 2
- Differences in habitat use by blanding's turtles, Emydoidea blandingii, and painted turtles, Chysemys picta, in the Nebraska sandhills, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (149) - 1
- Home-range size and habitat used by the northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis), 2003, American Midland Naturalist (150) - 2
- A comparison of conservation reserve program habitat plantings with respect to arthropod prey for grassland birds, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (150) - 2
- Body mass and antler development patterns of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) in Michigan, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (150) - 1
- Fleas (Siphonaptera) of the Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister) in West Virginia with comments on host specificity, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (149) - 1
- Track plate enclosures: Box designs affecting attractiveness to riparian mammals, 2003, American Midland Naturalist (149) - 1
- Predation by Oregon spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) on Western toads (Bufo boreas) in Oregon, USA, 2002, American Midland Naturalist (147) - 1
- Influence of topography on density of grassland passerines in pastures, 2002, American Midland Naturalist (147) - 2
- Production and survival of elk (Cervus elaphus) calves in Michigan, 2002, American Midland Naturalist (148) - 1
- Weak trophic interactions among birds, insects and white oak saplings (Quercus alba), 2002, American Midland Naturalist (148) - 2
- Effects of cottonwood leaf beetle Chrysomela scripta (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on survival and growth of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) in northwest Colorado, 2002, American Midland Naturalist (147) - 2
- The interplay of habitat change, human disturbance and species interactions in a waterbird colony, 2001, American Midland Naturalist (145) - 1
- Short-term variability and long-term change in the composition of the littoral zone fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, 2001, American Midland Naturalist (146) - 2
- Prevalence of giant kidney worm (Dioctophyma renale) in wild mink (Mustela vison) in Minnesota, 2001, American Midland Naturalist (145) - 1
- Seasonal food habits of swift fox (Vulpes velox) in cropland and rangeland landscapes in western Kansas, 2001, American Midland Naturalist (145) - 1
- Associations of grassland birds with landscape factors in southern Wisconsin, 2001, American Midland Naturalist (146) - 1
- White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) predation on grassland songbird nestlings, 2000, American Midland Naturalist (144) - 2
- Nectar plant selection by the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 2000, American Midland Naturalist (144) - 1
- White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) predation on grassland songbird nestlings, 2000, American Midland Naturalist (144) -
- Details of extensive movements by Minnesota wolves (Canis lupus), 2000, American Midland Naturalist (144) - 2
- Competition between alien annual grasses and native annual plants in the Mojave Desert, 2000, American Midland Naturalist (144) - 1
- Host fish suitability for glochidia of Ligumia recta, 2000, American Midland Naturalist (143) - 1
- Bird mortality associated with wind turbines at the Buffalo Ridge wind resource area, Minnesota, 2000, American Midland Naturalist (143) - 1
- Nesting habitat of least terns (Sterna antillarum athalassos) on an inland alkaline flat, 1999, American Midland Naturalist (142) - 1
- Reproductive biology and juvenile recruitment of the shinyrayed pocketbook, Lampsilis subangulata (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Gulf Coastal Plain, 1999, American Midland Naturalist (142) - 1
- Foods of American badgers in west-central Minnesota and southeastern North Dakota during the duck nesting season, 1999, American Midland Naturalist (142) - 2
- Shorebird use of managed wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1998, American Midland Naturalist (140) - 1
- Checklist and "Pollard Walk" butterfly survey methods on public lands, 1998, American Midland Naturalist (140) - 2
- Impact of zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissena spp.) on freshwater unionids (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Detroit River of the Great Lakes, 1998, American Midland Naturalist (140) - 2
- Bird flight characteristics near wind turbines in Minnesota, 1998, American Midland Naturalist (139) - 1
- Human versus lightning ignition of presettlement surface fires in costal pine forests of the upper Great Lakes, 1998, American Midland Naturalist (140) - 2
- External morphology of spermatozoa and spermatozeugmata of the freshwater mussel Truncilla truncata (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae), 1997, American Midland Naturalist (138) - 1
- Effects of soil moisture and temperature on overwintering survival of Curculio larvae (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), 1996, American Midland Naturalist (136) - 1
- Minnesota wolf dispersal to Wisconsin and Michigan, 1995, American Midland Naturalist (133) - 2
- Characteristics of mineral licks used by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) , 1995, American Midland Naturalist (134) - 2
- Sympatric occurrence of Eubranchiopoda in ephemeral pools: A comment, 1995, American Midland Naturalist (133) - 2
- Disarticulation of turtle shells in north-central Florida: How long does a shell remain in the woods?, 1995, American Midland Naturalist (134) -
- A single deer stands-off three wolves, 1994, American Midland Naturalist (131) - 1
- Establishment, sex structure and breeding system of an exotic riparian willow, Salix X rubens, 1994, American Midland Naturalist (132) - 1
- Persistence and stability of fish community structure in a southwest New York stream, 1994, American Midland Naturalist (132) - 1
- Potential effects of anthropogenic greenhouse gases on avian habitats and populations in the northern Great Plains, 1994, American Midland Naturalist (131) - 2
- Establishment of Populus deltoides under simulated alluvial groundwater declines, 1993, American Midland Naturalist (130) - 2
- Wolf nipple measurements as indices of age and breeding status, 1993, American Midland Naturalist (129) - 2
- Distribution of Yellowstone grizzly bears during the 1980s, 1992, American Midland Naturalist (128) -
- Reproductive biology and fish hosts of the Tennessee clubshell Pleurobema oviforme (Mollusca: Unionidae) in Virginia, 1991, American Midland Naturalist (126) -
- Evidence of prey-caused mortality in three wolves, 1990, American Midland Naturalist (123) - 1
- Wolf population survival in an area of high road density, 1989, American Midland Naturalist (121) - 2
- Regeneration patterns of northern white cedar, an old-growth forest dominant, 1987, American Midland Naturalist (117) - 1
- Ten years of change in seed banks of the chaparral shrubs, Arctostaphylos glauca and A. glandulosa, 1987, American Midland Naturalist (117) - 2
- Seed predation by yucca moths on semelparous, iteroparous and vegetatively reproducing subspecies of Yucca whipplei (Agavaceae), 1986, American Midland Naturalist (115) - 1
- Presence and effects of the dog louse Trichodectes canis (Mallophaga, Trichodectidae) on wolves and coyotes from Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1985, American Midland Naturalist (114) - 2
- Chance-corrected classification for use in discriminant analysis: Ecological applications, 1984, American Midland Naturalist (111) - 1
- Post-fire recovery of California coastal sage scrub, 1984, American Midland Naturalist (111) -
- Seed predation due to the yucca moth symbiosis, 1984, American Midland Naturalist (112) -
- Reoccurrence of caribou in Minnesota, 1982, American Midland Naturalist (108) - 1
- Nocturnal activity and foraging of prairie raccoons (Procyon lotor) in North Dakota, 1982, American Midland Naturalist (107) - 2
- Scavenging rates of invertebrates in an eastern deciduous forest, 1982, American Midland Naturalist (107) - 2
- Return of the gray wolf to Wisconsin, 1981, American Midland Naturalist (105) - 2
- Ecology of a Maryland population of black rat snakes (Elaphe o. obsoleta), 1980, American Midland Naturalist (103) - 1
- Prairie dog distribution in areas inhabited by black-footed ferrets, 1979, American Midland Naturalist (102) - 1
- Relating residue in raccoon feces to food consumed, 1979, American Midland Naturalist (102) - 1
- Reproduction of chaparral shrubs after fire: A comparison of sprouting and seeding strategies, 1978, American Midland Naturalist (99) -
- Reproduction of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in North Dakota, 1978, American Midland Naturalist (100) - 1
- Energy allocation patterns of a sprouting and nonsprouting species of Arctostaphylos in the California chaparral, 1977, American Midland Naturalist (98) - 1
- The survival of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) eggs in two Wisconsin tributaries of Lake Michigan, 1976, American Midland Naturalist (96) - 2
- Status of the wolf in Michigan, 1973, 1975, American Midland Naturalist (94) - 1
- Death feigning by ducks in response to predation by red foxes (Vulpes fulva), 1975, American Midland Naturalist (94) - 1
- Longevity of nonsprouting Ceanothus, 1975, American Midland Naturalist (93) - 2
- Productivity and flowering of winter ephemerals in relation to Sonoran Desert shrubs, 1975, American Midland Naturalist (93) - 2
- Growth responses of Spartina patens and Spartina alterniflora by means of a two dimensional factorial design, 1974, American Midland Naturalist (91) -
- Selective predation by mink, Mustela vison, on waterfowl, 1973, American Midland Naturalist (89) - 1
- A recent record of the meadow jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius, in subarctic Canada, 1972, American Midland Naturalist (88) - 2
- Unusual drowning in captive short-tailed shrews, 1971, American Midland Naturalist (85) - 1
- Adoption of a nestling house mouse by a female short-tailed shrew, 1969, American Midland Naturalist (81) - 2
- The foods of fur animals of the Patuxent Research Refuge, Maryland, 1952, American Midland Naturalist (48) - 1
- Wildlife effects of DDT dust used for tick control on a Texas prairie, 1949, American Midland Naturalist (42) - 1
- An experiment on Peromyscus homing, 1949, American Midland Naturalist (41) - 3
- Vegetation of the Patuxent Research Refuge, Maryland, 1947, American Midland Naturalist (38) - 1
- The comparative internal morphology of seeds, 1946, American Midland Naturalist (36) - 3
- Instability in scientific names of plants, 1945, American Midland Naturalist (34) - 3
- Sumac fruit as a food for bobwhite quail, 1944, American Midland Naturalist (31) - 3
- Age determination in juvenal bobwhite quail, 1943, American Midland Naturalist (30) - 3
- Limitations of amino acids in diets of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus), , American Midland Naturalist (132) - 1