Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Cross-shore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics modeling of an erosive event in the inner surf zone, 2025, Coastal Engineering (196) -
- Developing a decision tree model to forecast runup and assess uncertainty in empirical formulations, 2024, Coastal Engineering (195) -
- Climate controls on longshore sediment transport and coastal morphology adjacent to engineered inlets, 2024, Coastal Engineering (194) -
- Wave runup and total water level observations from time series imagery at several sites with varying nearshore morphologies, 2024, Coastal Engineering (193) -
- Skill assessment of a total water level and coastal change forecast during the landfall of a hurricane, 2024, Coastal Engineering (193) -
- The influence of vegetated marshes on wave transformation in sheltered estuaries, 2023, Coastal Engineering (184) -
- Evaluation of nearshore bathymetric inversion algorithms using camera observations and synthetic numerical input of surface waves during storms, 2023, Coastal Engineering (184) -
- Combining field observations and high-resolution numerical modeling to demonstrate the effect of coral reef roughness on turbulence and its implications for reef restoration design, 2023, Coastal Engineering (184) -
- Remotely sensed short-crested breaking waves in a laboratory directional wave basin, 2023, Coastal Engineering (183) -
- Monitoring and modeling dispersal of a submerged nearshore berm at the mouth of the Columbia River, USA, 2023, Coastal Engineering (181) -
- Towards a unified drag coefficient formula for quantifying wave energy reduction by salt marshes, 2023, Coastal Engineering (180) -
- The influence of submerged coastal structures on nearshore flows and wave runup, 2022, Coastal Engineering (177) -
- Hotspot dune erosion on an intermediate beach, 2021, Coastal Engineering (170) -
- Drivers of extreme water levels in a large, urban, high-energy coastal estuary – A case study of the San Francisco Bay, 2021, Coastal Engineering (170) -
- Simulating wave runup on an intermediate–reflective beach using a wave-resolving and a wave-averaged version of XBeach, 2020, Coastal Engineering (167) -
- The importance of explicitly modelling sea-swell waves for runup on reef-lined coasts, 2020, Coastal Engineering (160) -
- Morphodynamic modelling of the wilderness breach, Fire Island, New York. Part I: Model set-up and validation, 2019, Coastal Engineering (157) -
- Optical wave gauging using deep neural networks, 2019, Coastal Engineering (155) -
- The influence of shelf bathymetry and beach topography on extreme total water levels: Linking large-scale changes of the wave climate to local coastal hazards, 2019, Coastal Engineering (150) -
- Identification of storm events and contiguous coastal sections for deterministic modeling of extreme coastal flood events in response to climate change, 2018, Coastal Engineering (140) -
- A framework for modeling scenario-based barrier island storm impacts, 2018, Coastal Engineering (138) -
- Wave attenuation across a tidal marsh in San Francisco Bay, 2018, Coastal Engineering (136) -
- Nonhydrostatic and surfbeat model predictions of extreme wave run-up in fringing reef environments, 2018, Coastal Engineering (137) -
- Numerical modeling of salt marsh morphological change induced by Hurricane Sandy, 2018, Coastal Engineering (132) -
- The influence of bed friction variability due to land cover on storm-driven barrier island morphodynamics, 2018, Coastal Engineering (132) -
- Observations and 3D hydrodynamics-based modeling of decadal-scale shoreline change along the Outer Banks, North Carolina, 2017, Coastal Engineering (120) -
- Wave attenuation in the shallows of San Francisco Bay, 2016, Coastal Engineering (114) -
- Modelling multi-hazard hurricane damages on an urbanized coast with a Bayesian Network approach, 2015, Coastal Engineering (103) -
- How well can wave runup be predicted? comment on Laudier et al. (2011) and Stockdon et al. (2006), 2015, Coastal Engineering (102) - 2015
- Application of Bayesian Networks to hindcast barrier island morphodynamics, 2015, Coastal Engineering (102) -
- Evaluation of wave runup predictions from numerical and parametric models, 2014, Coastal Engineering (92) -
- A numerical study of vegetation impact on reducing storm surge by wetlands in a semi-enclosed estuary, 2014, Coastal Engineering (95) -
- A probabilistic method for constructing wave time-series at inshore locations using model scenarios, 2014, Coastal Engineering (89) -
- Time-dependent onshore tsunami response, 2012, Coastal Engineering (64) -
- Prediction and assimilation of surf-zone processes using a Bayesian network: Part I: Forward models, 2011, Coastal Engineering (58) - 1
- Prediction and assimilation of surf-zone processes using a Bayesian network: Part II: Inverse models, 2011, Coastal Engineering (58) - 3
- Implementation and modification of a three-dimensional radiation stress formulation for surf zone and rip-current applications, 2011, Coastal Engineering (58) - 12
- Wave characteristic and morphologic effects on the onshore hydrodynamic response of tsunamis, 2011, Coastal Engineering (58) - 11
- Two-dimensional time dependent hurricane overwash and erosion modeling at Santa Rosa Island, 2010, Coastal Engineering (57) - 7
- Sub-weekly to interannual variability of a high-energy shoreline, 2010, Coastal Engineering (57) - 11-12
- Numerical simulation of a low-lying barrier island's morphological response to Hurricane Katrina, 2010, Coastal Engineering (57) - 11-12
- The effect of bathymetric filtering on nearshore process model results, 2009, Coastal Engineering (56) - 4
- Seasonal-scale nearshore morphological evolution: Field observations and numerical modeling, 2009, Coastal Engineering (56) - 11-12
- Evaluation of the physical process controlling beach changes adjacent to nearshore dredge pits, 2008, Coastal Engineering (55) - 12
- An efficient mode-splitting method for a curvilinear nearshore circulation model, 2007, Coastal Engineering (54) - 11
- Parameterization and simulation of near bed orbital velocities under irregular waves in shallow water, 2006, Coastal Engineering (53) - 11
- Empirical parameterization of setup, swash, and runup, 2006, Coastal Engineering (53) - 7
- The spatial variability of large scale sand bars, 1998, Coastal Engineering (26) -
- Wave groupiness variations in the nearshore, 1991, Coastal Engineering (15) - 5-6
- Nearshore bars and the break-point hypothesis, 1989, Coastal Engineering (12) - 4