Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Passive acoustic monitoring effectively detects Northern Spotted Owls and Barred Owls over a range of forest conditions, 2020, Condor (122) - 3
- Implanted satellite transmitters affect sea duck movement patterns at short- and long-term time scales, 2020, Condor
- Social status, forest disturbance, and Barred Owls shape long-term trends in breeding dispersal distance of Northern Spotted Owls, 2019, Condor (121) -
- Large-scale tree mortality from Rapid Ohia Death negatively influences avifauna in lower Puna, Hawai‘i Island, USA, 2019, Condor (121) - 2
- Increased nesting success of Hawaii Elepaio in response to the removal of invasive black rats, 2019, Condor (121) - 2
- Resource selection and wintering phenology of White-winged Scoters in southern New England: Implications for offshore wind energy development, 2019, Condor (121) - 1
- Effects of individual misidentification on estimates of survival in long-term mark–resight studies, 2019, Condor (121) - 1
- Evaluating time-removal models for estimating availability of boreal birds during point count surveys: Sample size requirements and model complexity, 2018, Condor (120) - 4
- Examination of multiple working hypotheses to address reproductive failure in reintroduced Whooping Cranes, 2018, Condor (120) - 3
- Research and management priorities for Hawaiian forest birds, 2018, Condor (120) - 3
- Demographic response of Louisiana Waterthrush, a stream obligate songbird of conservation concern, to shale gas development, 2018, Condor (120) - 2
- The role of the North American Breeding Bird Survey in conservation, 2017, Condor (119) - 3
- Combined analysis of roadside and off-road breeding bird survey data to assess population change in Alaska, 2017, Condor (119) - 3
- How well do route survey areas represent landscapes at larger spatial extents? An analysis of land cover composition along Breeding Bird Survey routes, 2017, Condor (119) - 3
- Model selection for the North American Breeding Bird Survey: A comparison of methods, 2017, Condor (119) - 3
- White-cheeked Pintail duckling and brood survival across wetland types at Humacao Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico, 2017, Condor (119) - 2
- Nonbreeding isolation and population-specific migration patterns among three populations of Golden-winged Warblers, 2017, Condor (119) - 1
- State-space modeling of population sizes and trends in Nihoa Finch and Millerbird, 2016, Condor (118) - 3
- Synchrony of Piping Plover breeding populations in the U.S. Northern Great Plains, 2016, Condor (118) - 3
- The effects of habitat, climate, and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls, 2016, Condor (118) - 1
- Nest visits and capture events affect breeding success of Yellow-billed and Pacific loons, 2015, Condor (7) - 1
- Hawaiian forest bird trends: using log-linear models to assess long-term trends is supported by model diagnostics and assumptions (reply to Freed and Cann 2013), 2014, Condor (116) - 1
- Land use and climate affect Black Tern, Northern Harrier, and Marsh Wren abundance in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States, 2014, Condor (116) - 2
- Reproductive ecology of American Oystercatchers nesting on shell rakes, 2014, Condor (116) - 4
- Reviving common standards in point-count surveys for broad inference across studies, 2014, Condor (116) - 4
- Understanding the value of imperfect science from national estimates of bird mortality from window collisions, 2014, Condor (116) - 1
- Multi-scale habitat selection of the endangered Hawaiian Goose, 2013, Condor (115) - 1
- Spatial analysis of Northern Goshawk territories in the Black Hills, South Dakota, 2012, Condor (114) - 3
- Small population size of Pribilof Rock Sandpipers confirmed through distance-sampling surveys in Alaska, 2012, Condor (114) - 3
- Postfledging survival of Grasshopper Sparrows in grasslands managed with fire and grazing, 2011, Condor (113) - 2
- A puzzling migratory detour : Are fueling conditions in Alaska driving the movement of juvenile sharp -tailed sandpipers ?, 2011, Condor (113) - 1
- Relationships between breeding status, social -congregation attendance, and foraging distance of Xantus's Murrelets, 2011, Condor (113) - 1
- Testing competing hypotheses for chronology and intensity of lesser scaup molt during winter and spring migration, 2011, Condor (113) - 2
- Migration and wintering areas of glaucous-winged Gulls from south-central Alaska, 2011, Condor (113) - 2
- Winter distribution of willow flycatcher subspecies, 2011, Condor (113) - 3
- Evidence for foraging -site fidelity and individual foraging behavior of pelagic cormorants rearing chicks in the Gulf of Alaska, 2011, Condor (113) - 1
- The influence of fine-scale habitat features on regional variation in population performance of alpine White-tailed Ptarmigan, 2011, Condor (113) - 2
- Latitudinal variation in reproductive strategies by the migratory Louisiana Waterthrush, 2011, Condor (113) - 2
- Foraging proficiency during the nonbreeding season of a specialized forager: are juvenile American Oystercatchers "bumble-beaks" compared to adults?, 2010, Condor (112) - 4
- Comparative morphology among northern populations of breeding Cooper's Hawks, 2010, Condor (112) - 2
- Abdominally implanted transmitters with percutaneous antennas affect the dive performance of Common Eiders, 2010, Condor (112) - 2
- Space use and habitat selection of migrant and resident American Avocets in San Francisco Bay, 2010, Condor (112) - 3
- Age-specific survival estimates of King Eiders derived from satellite telemetry, 2010, Condor (112) - 2
- Are there optimal densities for prairie birds?, 2010, Condor (112) - 1
- Does garbage in diet improve Glaucous Gull reproductive output?, 2010, Condor (112) - 3
- Exposure of nonbreeding migratory shorebirds to cholinesterase-inhibiting contaminants in the western hemisphere, 2010, Condor (112) - 1
- Seasonal movements, winter range use, and migratory connectivity of the Black Oystercatcher, 2010, Condor (112) - 4
- Trace elements have limited utility for studying migratory connectivity in shorebirds that winter in Argentina, 2010, Condor (112) - 3
- Parental investment decisions in response to ambient nest-predation risk versus actual predation on the prior nest, 2010, Condor (112) - 4
- Mechanisms of population heterogeneity among molting common mergansers on Kodiak Island, Alaska: Implications for genetic assessments of migratory connectivity, 2009, Condor (111) - 2
- Short-Term responses of breeding birds of grassland and early successional habitat to timing of haying in Northwestern Arkansas, 2009, Condor (111) - 3
- Fledging success is a poor indicator of the effects of bird blow flies on ovenbird survival, 2009, Condor (111) - 1
- Influence of trees in the landscape on parasitism rates of grassland passerine nests in Southeastern North Dakota, 2009, Condor (111) - 1
- Multiple spring migration strategies in a population of Pacific Common Eiders, 2009, Condor (111) - 1
- Multiscale habitat selection by Ruffed Grouse at low population densities, 2009, Condor (111) - 2
- Postfledging Forster's Tern movements, habitat selection, and colony attendance in San Francisco Bay, 2009, Condor (111) - 1
- Avian response to wildfire in interior Columbia basin shrubsteppe, 2009, Condor (111) - 2
- Environmental and human influences on trumpeter swan habitat occupancy in Alaska, 2009, Condor (111) - 2
- Effects of an unseasonable snowstorm on red-faced Warbler nesting success, 2009, Condor (111) - 2
- Meeting reproductive demands in a dynamic upwelling system: Foraging strategies of a pursuit-diving seabird, the marbled murrelet, 2009, Condor (111) - 1
- Nest movement by piping plovers in response to changing habitat conditions, 2009, Condor (111) - 3
- Probability of detection of nests and implications for survey design, 2009, Condor (111) - 3
- Breeding-season sympatry facilitates genetic exchange among allopatric wintering populations of Northern Pintails in Japan and California, 2009, Condor (111) - 4
- Foraging behaviors of Surf Scoters and White-Winged Scoters during spawning of Pacific herring, 2007, Condor (109) - 1
- Shorebird abundance and distribution on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 2007, Condor (109) - 1
- Reproductive biology of the violet-chested hummingbird in Venezuela and comparisons with other tropical and temperate hummingbirds, 2007, Condor (109) - 3
- Response of bird species densities to habitat structure and fire history along a Midwestern open-forest gradient, 2007, Condor (109) - 4
- Potential ecotoxicological significance of elevated concentrations of strontium in eggshells of passerine birds, 2007, Condor (109) - 1
- Optimizing nest survival and female survival: Consequences of nest site selection for Canada Geese, 2007, Condor (109) - 4
- Power to detect trend in short-term time series of bird abundance, 2007, Condor (109) - 4
- Breeding biology of passerines in a subtropical montane forest in northwestern Argentina, 2007, Condor (109) - 2
- Predicting regional abundance of rare grassland birds with a hierarchical spatial count model, 2006, Condor (108) - 1
- A hierarchical model for regional analysis of population change using Christmas Bird Count data, with application to the American Black Duck, 2006, Condor (108) - 1
- Combining Breeding Bird Survey and distance sampling to estimate density of migrant and breeding birds, 2006, Condor (108) - 3
- An assessment of bird habitat quality using population growth rates, 2006, Condor (108) - 2
- The allometric relationship between resting metabolic rate and body mass in wild waterfowl (Anatidae) and an application to estimation of winter habitat requirements, 2006, Condor (108) -
- Sources of variation in survival of breeding female wood ducks, 2006, Condor (108) - 1
- The allometric relationship between resting metabolic rate and body mass in wild waterfowl (Anatidae) and an application to estimation of winter habitat requirements, 2006, Condor (108) - 1
- A productivity model for parasitized, multibrooded songbirds, 2006, Condor (108) - 2
- Demography, genetics, and the value of mixed messages, 2006, Condor (108) - 2
- Genetic and demographic criteria for defining population units for conservation: The value of clear messages, 2006, Condor (108) - 2
- Colony mapping: A new technique for monitoring crevice-nesting seabirds, 2006, Condor (108) - 2
- Influence of habitat heterogeneity on distribution, occupancy patterns, and productivity of breeding peregrine falcons in central West Greenland, 2006, Condor (108) - 2
- Large-scale movements and habitat characteristics of king eiders throughout the nonbreeding period, 2006, Condor (108) - 4
- Does body size affect a bird's sensitivity to patch size and landscape structure?, 2006, Condor (108) - 4
- The prelaying interval of emperor geese on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2006, Condor (108) - 4
- Factors influencing nest success of songbirds in aspen and willow riparian areas in the Great Basin, 2006, Condor (108) - 4
- Estimating shorebird numbers at migration stopover sites, 2006, Condor (108) - 4
- Does life history predict risk-taking behavior of wintering dabbling ducks?, 2006, Condor (108) - 3
- Productivity of Black Oystercatchers: Effects of recreational disturbance in a National Park, 2006, Condor (108) - 3
- Nutritional condition of Pacific Black Brant wintering at the extremes of their range, 2006, Condor (108) - 3
- Green-tailed Towhee response to prescribed fire in montane shrubland, 2006, Condor (108) - 3
- Monitoring low density avian populations: An example using Mountain Plovers, 2006, Condor (108) - 3
- Long-range movements and breeding dispersal of Prairie Falcons from southwest Idaho, 2005, Condor (107) - 3
- Using the risk-disturbance hypothesis to assess the relative effects of human disturbance and predation risk on foraging American Oystercatchers, 2005, Condor (107) - 3
- Do wintering Harlequin Ducks forage nocturnally at high latitudes?, 2005, Condor (107) - 1
- Survival of Western Sandpiper broods on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2005, Condor (107) - 3
- Survival of captive-reared Puerto Rican Parrots released in the Caribbean National Forest, 2005, Condor (107) - 2
- Geographical variation of St. Lucia Parrot flight vocalizations, 2005, Condor (107) - 1
- Habitat-specific foraging of prothonotary warblers: Deducing habitat quality, 2005, Condor (107) - 1
- Incubation length of dabbling ducks, 2005, Condor (107) - 4
- Ecology and physiology of en route Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds: A call for collaboration, 2005, Condor (107) - 2
- Population size and trend of Yellow-billed Loons in northern Alaska, 2005, Condor (107) -
- Summer diet of the Peregrine Falcon in faunistically rich and poor zones of Arizona analyzed with capture-recapture modeling, 2004, Condor (106) - 4
- On the estimation of dispersal and movement of birds, 2004, Condor (106) - 4
- Avian dispersal and demography: Scaling up to the landscape and beyond, 2004, Condor (106) - 4
- Estimating population trends with a linear model: Technical comments, 2004, Condor (106) - 2
- Colonization, population growth, and nesting success of Black Oystercatchers following a seismic uplift, 2004, Condor (106) - 4
- Glaucous gull predation of goslings on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2004, Condor (106) - 2
- Lack of spatial genetic structure among nesting and wintering King Eiders, 2004, Condor (106) - 2
- Temporal and geographic variation in survival of juvenile black brant, 2004, Condor (106) - 2
- Winter ecology of Spectacled Eiders: Environmental characteristics and population change, 2004, Condor (106) - 1
- Relatedness and nesting dispersion within breeding populations of Greater White-fronted Geese, 2004, Condor (106) - 3
- Foraging distance and home range of Cassin's Auklets nesting at two colonies in the California Channel Islands, 2004, Condor (106) - 3
- Seasonal movement and home range of the Mariana Common Moorhen, 2004, Condor (106) - 3
- Redistribution and growth of the Caspian Tern population in the Pacific Coast region of North America, 1981-2000, 2004, Condor (106) - 4
- Gene flow and genetic characterization of Northern Goshawks breeding in Utah, 2004, Condor (106) - 4
- Avian nest success in midwestern forests fragmented by agriculture, 2004, Condor (106) - 1
- Annual survival and recruitment in a Ruby-throated Hummingbird population, excluding the effect of transient individuals, 2003, Condor (105) - 1
- Winter distribution and survival of a high-desert breeding population of canvasbacks, 2003, Condor (105) - 4
- Survival of captive-reared Hispaniolan Parrots released in Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic, 2003, Condor (105) - 2
- Spatial and temporal variation of diet within a presumed metapopulation of Adelie penguins, 2003, Condor (105) - 1
- Using fecal glucocorticoids for stress assessment in Mourning Doves, 2003, Condor (105) - 4
- Home range and residency status of Northern Goshawks breeding in Minnesota, 2003, Condor (105) - 4
- Coexistence in a multispecies assemblage of eagles in central Asia, 2003, Condor (105) - 3
- Gyrfalcon diet in central west Greenland during the nesting period, 2003, Condor (105) - 3
- Survival of female Lesser Scaup: Effects of body size, age, and reproductive effort, 2003, Condor (105) - 2
- Temporal variation in bird counts within a Hawaiian rainforest, 2002, Condor (104) - 3
- Book review: Bird census techniques, Second edition, 2002, Condor (104) - 3
- Composition of cavity-nesting bird communities in montane aspen woodland fragments: The roles of landscape context and forest structure, 2002, Condor (104) - 4
- Fitness consequences of nest desertion in an endangered host, the least Bell's vireo, 2002, Condor (104) - 4
- Nestling sex ratio in the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, 2002, Condor (104) - 4
- Space use, migratory connectivity, and population segregation among Willets breeding in the western Great Basin, 2002, Condor (104) - 3
- Reduction of provisioning effort in response to experimental manipulation of chick nutritional status in the Horned Puffin, 2002, Condor (104) - 4
- Population structure of Pacific Common Eiders breeding in Alaska, 2002, Condor (104) - 4
- Clam density and scaup feeding behavior in San Pablo Bay, California, 2002, Condor (104) - 3
- Nestling sex ratios in the southwestern willow flycatcher, 2002, Condor (104) - 4
- Space use, migratory connectivity, and population segregation among willets breeding in the western Great Basin, 2002, Condor (104) - 3
- Residency and movement patterns of wintering dunlin in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, 2002, Condor (104) - 2
- Residency and movement patterns of wintering Dunlin in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, 2002, Condor (104) - 2
- Some considerations on the use of ecological models to predict species' geographic distributions, 2001, Condor (103) - 3
- Book review: Birds of Delaware, 2001, Condor (103) - 2
- Organochlorine concentrations and eggshell thickness in failed eggs of the California Clapper rail from south San Francisco Bay, 2001, Condor (103) - 3
- Pathogenicity, serological responses, and diagnosis of experimental and natural malarial infections in native Hawaiian thrushes, 2001, Condor (103) - 2
- Home range and territoriality of two Hawaiian honeycreepers, the 'Akohekohe and Maui Parrotbill, 2001, Condor (103) - 4
- Habitat characteristics and nest success of snowy plovers associated with California least tern colonies, 2001, Condor (103) - 4
- Reproductive ecology and demography of the 'Akohekohe, 2001, Condor (103) - 4
- Occurrence of Greater Sage-Grouse X Sharp-tailed Grouse hybrids in Alberta, 2001, Condor (103) - 3
- Natal dispersal in the cooperatively breeding Acorn Woodpecker, 2000, Condor (102) - 3
- Infectious bursal disease virus antibodies in eider ducks and Herring Gulls, 2000, Condor (102) - 3
- Nesting habitat and reproductive success of southwestern riparian birds, 2000, Condor (102) - 4
- Effects of water conditions on clutch size, egg volume, and hatchling mass of mallards and gadwalls in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2000, Condor (102) -
- Seasonal movements and pelagic habitat use of Murres and Puffins determined by satellite telemetry, 2000, Condor (102) - 1
- Evidence for edge effects on multiple levels in tallgrass prairie, 2000, Condor (102) - 2
- Effects of water conditions on clutch size, egg volume, and hatchling mass of mallards and gadwalls in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2000, Condor (102) - 4
- Correlates of Harlequin Duck densities during winter in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2000, Condor (102) - 4
- Does nonrandom nest placement imply nonrandom nest predation?: A reply, 1999, Condor (101) - 4
- Golden Eagle predation on experimental Sandhill and Whooping Cranes, 1999, Condor (101) - 3
- Relative effects of plumage coloration and vegetation density on nest success, 1999, Condor (101) - 2
- Potential roadside biases due to habitat changes along Breeding Bird Survey routes, 1999, Condor (101) - 1
- Habitat associations of migrating and overwintering grassland birds in southern Texas, 1999, Condor (101) - 4
- Habitat associations of migrating and overwintering grassland birds in Southern Texas, 1999, Condor (101) -
- Distribution and diurnal behavior of Steller's Eiders wintering on the Alaska Peninsula, 1999, Condor (101) - 3
- Vocalizations of the Kittlitz's Murrelet, 1999, Condor (101) - 2
- Behavioral correlates of heart rates of free-living Greater White-fronted Geese, 1999, Condor (101) - 2
- Incubation behavior of Spectacled Eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 1999, Condor (101) - 2
- Time of day of ovulation by three duck species in subarctic Alaska, 1999, Condor (101) - 2
- Time-budgets of Common Murres at a declining and increasing colony in Alaska, 1999, Condor (101) - 1
- The seventy-second Christmas bird count. 302. Southern Dorchester County, Md, 1998, Condor (100) - 4
- First breeding records of whooping swan and brambling in North America at Attu Island, Alaska, 1998, Condor (100) - 1
- Variations in growth of roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) chicks: II. Early growth as an index of parental quality, 1998, Condor (100) - 2
- The seventy-second Christmas bird count. 302. Southern Dorchester County, Md, 1998, Condor (100) - 4
- Leucocytozoon simondi in Emperor Geese from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in Alaska, 1998, Condor (100) - 2
- Acadian flycatcher nest placement: Does placement influence reproductive success?, 1998, Condor (100) - 4
- Demography of an introduced red-billed Leiothrix population in Hawaii, 1998, Condor (100) - 3
- Geographic, temporal, and age-specific variation in diets of Glaucous Gulls in western Alaska, 1998, Condor (100) - 1
- Effect of implanted satellite transmitters on the nesting behavior of Murres, 1998, Condor (100) - 1
- Abundance of diurnal raptors on open space grasslands in an urbanized landscape, 1998, Condor (100) - 4
- Status and trends of the ashy storm-petrel on Southeast Farallon Island, California, based upon capture-recapture analyses, 1998, Condor (100) - 3
- Pair interactions in red-faced warblers, 1998, Condor (100) - 3
- Foods of Mountain Plovers wintering in California, 1998, Condor (100) - 2
- Sequential cavity use in a cottonwood bottomland, 1997, Condor (99) - 4
- Relative costs of prebasic and prealternate molts for male blue-winged teal, 1997, Condor (99) - 2
- Nesting ecology of Townsend's warblers in relation to habitat characteristics in a mature boreal forest, 1997, Condor (99) - 2
- Effects of spring environment on nesting phenology and clutch size of Black Brant, 1997, Condor (99) - 2
- Local survival of Dunlin wintering in California, 1997, Condor (99) - 4
- Effects of the landscape on shorebird movements at spring migration stopovers, 1997, Condor (99) - 3
- Productivity of nesting spectacled eiders on the lower Kashunuk River, Alaska, 1997, Condor (99) - 4
- Age-specific survival and philopatry in three species of European ducks: A long-term study, 1996, Condor (98) - 1
- Evening flights of female northern pintails from a major roost site, 1996, Condor (98) -
- Nest initiation and clutch size of great blue herons on the Mississippi River in relation to the 1993 flood, 1996, Condor (98) - 2
- Variations in growth of roseate tern chicks, 1995, Condor (97) - 2
- Colony differences in response to trapping in roseate terns, 1995, Condor (97) - 1
- Comparison of condition indices in migratory passerines at a stopover site in coastal Louisiana, 1995, Condor (97) - 2
- Bald eagles kleptoparasitizing sea otters at Amchitka Island, Alaska, 1995, Condor (97) - 2
- Waterbird predation on fish in western Lake Erie: a bioenergetics model application, 1995, Condor (97) - 1
- Morphological differences in Pacific Coast populations of greater white-fronted geese, 1995, Condor (97) -
- Demography and movements of the omao (Myadestes obscurus), 1994, Condor (96) - 2
- Timing of breeding and molting in six species of Hawaiian honeycreepers, 1994, Condor (96) - 1
- Demographic analysis of marked birds. [Book review] Marked Individuals in the Study of Bird Populations by J.-D. Lebreton and Ph. M. North, editors, 1994, Condor (96) - 2
- Variation in body mass of wild canvasback and redhead ducklings, 1994, Condor (96) - 4
- Body composition of wintering canvasbacks in Louisiana: Dominance and survival implications, 1993, Condor (95) - 2
- Range use and movements of California condors, 1992, Condor (94) - 2
- The timing of wing molt in tundra swans: energetic and non-energetic constraints, 1992, Condor (94) -
- Flight performance, energetics and water turnover of tippler pigeons with a harness and dorsal load, 1991, Condor (93) - 3
- Reproductive vulnerability: Parental attendance around hatching in roseate (Sterna dougallii) and common (S. hirundo) terns, 1991, Condor (93) - 1
- Point counts from clustered populations: Lessons from an experiment with Hawaiian crows, 1991, Condor (93) - 3
- Factors affecting winter distribution and migration distance of wood ducks from southern breeding populations, 1991, Condor (93) - 4
- Nutrient limitation of clutch size in waterfowl: Is there a universal hypothesis?, 1991, Condor (93) - 4
- Feeding ecology of waterfowl wintering on evaporation ponds in California, 1991, Condor (93) -
- Brood parasitism among waterfowl nesting on islands and peninsulas in North Dakota, 1991, Condor (93) -
- Orphaned mallard brood travels alone from nest to water, 1991, Condor (93) -
- Seasonal pattern of reverse mounting in the groove-billed ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris), 1991, Condor (93) -
- Breeding biology and nesting success of palila, 1990, Condor (92) - 4
- Lead hazards within the range of the California condor, 1990, Condor (92) - 4
- Geographic variation in the yellow-billed cuckoo: Corrections and comments, 1990, Condor (92) -
- Fat scoring: Sources of variability, 1990, Condor (92) - 2
- Adaptations to tidal marshes in breeding populations of the swamp sparrow, 1990, Condor (92) - 2
- Factors influencing bird foraging preferences among conspecific fruit trees, 1990, Condor (92) - 4
- Bird specimens and documentation: Critical data for a critical resource, 1990, Condor (92) - 2
- Egg size and laying order of snowy egrets, great egrets, and black-crowned night-herons, 1990, Condor (92) - 3
- Taxonomic status of the rufous-bellied chachalaca (Ortalis wagleri), 1990, Condor (92) - 3
- Egg size and laying order of snowy egrets, great egrets, and black-crowned night-herons, 1990, Condor (92) - 3
- Recruitment failure in American avocets and black-necked stilts nesting at Kesterson Reservoir, California, 1984-1985, 1989, Condor (91) - 4
- Reproduction and demography of the Florida Everglade (Snail) Kite, 1989, Condor (91) - 2
- Recruitment failure in American avocets and black-necked stilts nesting at Kesterson Reservoir, California, 1984-1985, 1989, Condor (91) -
- Carbonate deposition on tail feathers of ruddy ducks using evaporation ponds, 1989, Condor (91) -
- Dispersal in the communally breeding groove-billed ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris), 1989, Condor (91) -
- Host selection by the shiny cowbird, 1988, Condor (90) - 2
- Length of stay and fat content of migrant semipalmated sandpipers in eastern Maine, 1988, Condor (90) - 4
- Geographic variation in the yellow-billed cuckoo, 1988, Condor (90) - 2
- Primary molt of California condors, 1987, Condor (89) - 3
- Ecology, behavior, and conservation of the Maui parrotbill, 1987, Condor (89) - 1
- Feeding methods and efficiencies of selected frugivorous birds, 1987, Condor (89) -
- Nest-site biology of the California condor, 1986, Condor (88) - 2
- Shiny cowbird parasitism in two avian communities in Puerto Rico, 1985, Condor (87) - 2
- Photographic censusing of the 1982-1983 California condor population, 1985, Condor (87) - 1
- Replacement-clutching and annual nesting of California condors, 1985, Condor (87) - 3
- Pesticide concentrations in snail kite eggs and nestlings in Florida, 1985, Condor (87) - 3
- Phenotypic variation of the Mexican duck (Anas platyrhynchos diazi) in Mexico, 1984, Condor (86) - 3
- Twin embryos in a peregrine falcon egg, 1984, Condor (86) - 3
- Proper expression of metabolizable energy in avian energetics, 1984, Condor (86) - 4
- Lead concentrations and reproduction in highway-nesting barn swallows, 1984, Condor (86) - 4
- Commentary, 1984, Condor (86) - 2
- Larval dermestid beetles feeding on nestling snail kites, wood storks, and great blue herons, 1984, Condor (86) - 2
- Proper expression of metabolizable energy in avian energetics, 1984, Condor (86) - 4
- Proper expression of metabolizable energy in avian energetics, 1984, Condor (86) -
- Phenotypic variation of the Mexican duck (Anas platyrhynchos diazi) in Mexico, 1984, Condor (86) -
- Effects of weather on habitat selection and behavior of mallards wintering in Nebraska, 1984, Condor (86) -
- Swainson's hawk nesting ecology in North Dakota, 1984, Condor (86) -
- Nest sites and eggs of Kittlitz's and Marbled murrelets, 1983, Condor (85) - 3
- A first record of the nest and chicks of the small Kauai thrush, 1983, Condor (85) - 4
- Nest and brood attentiveness in female black ducks, 1982, Condor (84) - 1
- The influence of diet composition upon growth and development of Sandhill Cranes, 1982, Condor (84) - 4
- Seasonal carcass composition and energy balance of female black ducks in Maine, 1982, Condor (84) - 4
- Nesting associations between passerines and birds of prey in central North Dakota, 1982, Condor (84) - 3
- Occurrence of twin gadwall embryos, 1981, Condor (83) - 3
- First record of the common cuckoo from mainland North America, 1980, Condor (82) - 4
- A variable circular-plot method for estimated bird numbers, 1980, Condor (82) - 3
- Sex-specific differences in winter distribution patterns of canvasbacks, 1980, Condor (82) - 4
- A necropsy procedure for sampling disease in wild birds, 1980, Condor (82) - 1
- Foods of breeding tricolored blackbirds in agricultural areas of Merced County, California, 1980, Condor (82) - 4
- Recent changes in California condor eggshells, 1979, Condor (81) - 2
- The breeding ecology of sea birds on Monito Island, Puerto Rico, 1978, Condor (80) - 1
- Serum proteins of Canada goose (Branta canadensis) subspecies, 1977, Condor (79) - 2
- Plumage sequence and taxonomy of Laysan and Nihoa finches, 1977, Condor (79) - 3
- Foods of juvenile, brood hen, and post-breeding pintails in North Dakota, 1977, Condor (79) - 4
- First breeding records of merlins in Montana, 1976, Condor (78) - 1
- Model estimation of energy flow in Oregon coastal seabird populations, 1976, Condor (77) - 4
- Ferruginous hawk nesting ecology and raptor populations in northern South Dakota, 1976, Condor (78) - 4
- Cecal fermentation in mallards in relation to diet, 1976, Condor (78) - 1
- First nest record of the white-winged crossbill in Hispaniola, 1975, Condor (77) - 2
- Arctic terns from the Phoenix Islands and at sea in the central Pacific, 1975, Condor (77) - 1
- Plumage variation in the masked bobwhite, 1975, Condor (77) - 4
- Function of eye coloration in North American accipiters, 1974, Condor (76) - 2
- Increased mortality of Cooper's hawks accustomed to man, 1974, Condor (76) - 2
- Albinism in the black noddy (Anous tenuirostris), 1974, Condor (76) - 4
- Salmonella typhimurium from a Maryland mourning dove, 1974, Condor (76) - 3
- Breeding of the black guillemot in northern Alaska, 1974, Condor (76) - 3
- Reproductive aspects, growth, and development of Greenland mallards, 1974, Condor (76) - 2
- New distributional records of breeding Mexican ducks, 1973, Condor (75) - 1
- Experimental study of feeding rates of nesting Cooper's hawks, 1973, Condor (75) - 4
- Re-evaluation of some Montana bird records, 1973, Condor (75) - 1
- Distribution of two western clapper rail races as determined by responses to taped calls, 1973, Condor (75) - 2
- Reproductive patterns in captive American kestrels (sparrow hawks), 1972, Condor (74) - 1
- Summer distribution of pelagic birds in Bristol Bay Alaska, 1972, Condor (74) - 4
- Occurrence of the Xantus' murrelet off the Oregon coast, 1971, Condor (73) - 2
- Preservation of Maui's endangered forest birds, 1971, Condor (73) - 1
- A specimen of Jouanin's petrel from Lisianski Island, northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1971, Condor (73) - 4
- Imperfect albinism in a red-tailed tropicbird, 1971, Condor (73) - 1
- Winter wing molt in the western grebe, 1970, Condor (72) - 3
- A note on the stomach contents of two whooping cranes, 1970, Condor (72) - 2
- Bird records from southern Nevada, 1970, Condor (72) - 1
- The fox sparrow on the west slope of the Oregon Cascades, 1970, Condor (72) - 3
- Rediscovery of the nesting grounds of the Newell's manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus newelli), with initial observations, 1969, Condor (71) - 1
- Bird records from Nevada, 1969, Condor (71) - 4
- Relationships of the avifauna of San Esteban Island, Sonora, 1969, Condor (71) - 2
- Food habits of canvasbacks, redheads, and lesser scaup in Manitoba, 1969, Condor (71) - 3
- Rediscovery of Maui nukupuu, Hemignathus lucidus affinis, and sighting of Maui parrotbill, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Kipahulu Valley, Maui, Hawaii, 1968, Condor (70) - 3
- Coastal California record of a tree sparrow, 1967, Condor (69) - 4
- Black-billed cuckoo records in California, 1967, Condor (69) - 3
- Some supplementary records of birds in Baja California, Mexico, 1967, Condor (69) - 3
- Spermatogenesis in bald eagles experimentally fed a diet containing DDT, 1966, Condor (68) - 5
- Pyrrhuloxia feeding on cactus fruits, 1965, Condor (67) - 2
- Pseudo-sleeping attitude of the canvasback, 1963, Condor (65) - 5
- Sparrow hawk feeding on dragonflies, 1961, Condor (63) - 4
- The whistling swan in the west with particular reference to Great Salt Lake Valley, Utah, 1960, Condor (62) - 5
- Distribution and migration of races of the mourning dove, 1958, Condor (60) - 2
- Bird records from northeastern Montana, 1948, Condor (50) - 6
- Food habits of blue grouse, 1944, Condor (46) - 3