Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Visualizing wading bird optimal foraging decisions with aggregation behaviors using individual-based modeling, 2024, Ecological Modelling (493) -
- A model for evaluation of sediment exposure and burial for freshwater mussels from heavy particle sedimentation, 2024, Ecological Modelling (493) -
- Less is more: Less herbicide does more when biological control is present in Pontederia crassipes, 2023, Ecological Modelling (487) -
- An agent-based model to quantify energetics, movement and habitat selection of mid-continent mallards in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2023, Ecological Modelling (485) -
- Using state-and-transition simulation models to scope post-fire success in restoring greater sage-grouse habitat, 2023, Ecological Modelling (483) -
- An evaluation of multistate occupancy models for estimating relative abundance and population trends, 2023, Ecological Modelling (478) -
- An aridity threshold model of fire sizes and annual area burned in extensively forested ecoregions of the western USA, 2023, Ecological Modelling (477) -
- An integral projection model for gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) utilizing density-dependent age-0 survival, 2023, Ecological Modelling (477) -
- Evaluations of Lagrangian egg drift models: From a laboratory flume to large channelized rivers, 2023, Ecological Modelling (475) -
- Migration and energetics model predicts delayed migration and likely starvation in oiled waterbirds, 2022, Ecological Modelling (474) -
- A generically parameterized model of Lake eutrophication: The impact of Stoichiometric ratios and constraints on the abundance of natural phytoplankton communities (GPLake-S), 2022, Ecological Modelling (473) -
- Integrating monitoring and optimization modeling to inform flow decisions for Chinook salmon smolts, 2022, Ecological Modelling (471) -
- A three-dimensional Lagrangian particle tracking model for predicting transport of eggs of rheophilic-spawning carps in turbulent rivers, 2022, Ecological Modelling (470) -
- Modeling the impact of invasive species litter on conditions affecting its spread and potential regime shift, 2022, Ecological Modelling (468) -
- Stochastic agent-based model for predicting turbine-scale raptor movements during updraft-subsidized directional flights, 2022, Ecological Modelling (466) -
- Estimation of lake-scale stock-recruitment models for Great Lakes sea lampreys, 2022, Ecological Modelling (467) -
- Landscape-scale drivers of endangered Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (Ammospiza maritima mirabilis) presence using an ensemble modeling approach, 2021, Ecological Modelling (461) -
- Modeling watershed carbon dynamics as affected by land cover change and soil erosion, 2021, Ecological Modelling (459) -
- Merging empirical and mechanistic approaches to modeling aquatic visual foraging using a generalizable visual reaction distance model, 2021, Ecological Modelling (457) -
- The Chesapeake Bay program modeling system: Overview and recommendations for future development, 2021, Ecological Modelling (456) -
- Modeling opportunistic exploitation: Increased extinction risk when targeting more than one species, 2021, Ecological Modelling (454) -
- Development and validation of a spatially-explicit agent-based model for space utilization by African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) based on determinants of movement, 2021, Ecological Modelling (447) -
- Modeling how to achieve localized areas of reduced white-tailed deer density, 2021, Ecological Modelling (442) -
- Space matters: Host spatial structure and the dynamics of plague transmission, 2021, Ecological Modelling (443) -
- Modeling structural mechanics of oyster reef self-organization including environmental constraints and community interactions, 2021, Ecological Modelling (440) -
- Ecological risk assessment of environmental stress and bioactive chemicals to riverine fish populations: An individual-based model of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu, 2020, Ecological Modelling (438) -
- Modeling soil porewater salinity in mangrove forests (Everglades, Florida, USA) impacted by hydrological restoration and a warming climate, 2020, Ecological Modelling (436) -
- Spatial conservation planning under uncertainty using modern portfolio theory and nash bargaining solution, 2020, Ecological Modelling (423) -
- The economics of territory selection, 2020, Ecological Modelling (338) -
- Modelling pinniped abundance and distribution by combining counts at terrestrial sites and in-water sightings, 2020, Ecological Modelling (420) -
- Using integrated population models for insights into monitoring programs: An application using pink-footed geese, 2020, Ecological Modelling (415) -
- Quantifying source and sink habitats and pathways in spatially structured populations: A generalized modelling approach, 2019, Ecological Modelling (407) -
- Development and implementation of an empirical habitat change model and decision support tool for estuarine ecosystems, 2019, Ecological Modelling (410) -
- A spatial model of streaked horned lark breeding habitat in the Columbia River, USA, 2019, Ecological Modelling (409) -
- Spatially explicit modelling of floodplain forest succession: Interactions among flood inundation, forest successional processes, and other disturbances in the Upper Mississippi River floodplain, USA, 2019, Ecological Modelling (405) -
- Selecting ecological models using multi-objective optimization, 2019, Ecological Modelling (404) -
- A landscape model of variable social-ecological fire regimes, 2019, Ecological Modelling (401) -
- Dynamic N-mixture models with temporal variability in detection probability, 2019, Ecological Modelling (393) -
- Optimal spatial allocation of control effort to manage invasives in the face of imperfect detection and misclassification, 2019, Ecological Modelling (392) -
- A spatially discrete, integral projection model and its application to invasive carp, 2018, Ecological Modelling (387) -
- The confluences of ideas leading to, and the flow of ideas emerging from, individual-based modeling of riverine fishes, 2018, Ecological Modelling (384) -
- Quantifying population-level effects of water temperature, flow velocity and chemical-induced reproduction depression: A simulation study with smallmouth bass, 2018, Ecological Modelling (384) -
- Using reverse-time egg transport analysis for predicting Asian Carp spawning grounds in the Illinois River, 2018, Ecological Modelling (384) -
- Fitting N-mixture models to count data with unmodeled heterogeneity: Bias, diagnostics, and alternative approaches, 2018, Ecological Modelling (374) -
- Temperature-influenced energetics model for migrating waterfowl, 2018, Ecological Modelling (378) -
- An epidemiological model of virus transmission in salmonid fishes of the Columbia River Basin, 2018, Ecological Modelling (377) -
- Simulating the effects of management practices on cropland soil organic carbon changes in the Temperate Prairies Ecoregion of the United States from 1980 to 2012, 2017, Ecological Modelling (365) -
- Integrating the effects of salinity on the physiology of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in the northern Gulf of Mexico through a Dynamic Energy Budget model, 2017, Ecological Modelling (363) -
- Minimizing effects of methodological decisions on interpretation and prediction in species distribution studies: An example with background selection, 2017, Ecological Modelling (363) -
- An integral projection model with YY-males and application to evaluating grass carp control, 2017, Ecological Modelling (361) -
- Using optimal transport theory to estimate transition probabilities in metapopulation dynamics, 2017, Ecological Modelling (359) -
- Using dynamic population simulations to extend resource selection analyses and prioritize habitats for conservation, 2017, Ecological Modelling (359) -
- Simulating ungulate herbivory across forest landscapes: A browsing extension for LANDIS-II, 2017, Ecological Modelling (350) -
- Predicting the impacts of Mississippi River diversions and sea-level rise on spatial patterns of eastern oyster growth rate and production, 2017, Ecological Modelling (352) -
- Comparison of climate envelope models developed using expert-selected variables versus statistical selection, 2017, Ecological Modelling (345) -
- Identifying western yellow-billed cuckoo breeding habitat with a dual modelling approach, 2017, Ecological Modelling (347) -
- Meteorological drivers of hypolimnetic anoxia in a eutrophic, north temperate lake, 2017, Ecological Modelling (343) -
- A guide to multi-objective optimization for ecological problems with an application to cackling goose management, 2017, Ecological Modelling (343) -
- A fully-stochasticized, age-structured population model for population viability analysis of fish: Lower Missouri River endangered pallid sturgeon example, 2017, Ecological Modelling (359) -
- Landscape and flow metrics affecting the distribution of a federally-threatened fish: Improving management, model fit, and model transferability, 2016, Ecological Modelling (342) -
- Effects of model complexity and priors on estimation using sequential importance sampling/resampling for species conservation, 2016, Ecological Modelling (340) -
- Evaluating land cover influences on model uncertainties—A case study of cropland carbon dynamics in the Mid-Continent Intensive Campaign region, 2016, Ecological Modelling (337) -
- Test of a foraging-bioenergetics model to evaluate growth dynamics of endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus), 2016, Ecological Modelling (336) -
- Divergent projections of future land use in the United States arising from different models and scenarios, 2016, Ecological Modelling (337) -
- Integrating biology, field logistics, and simulations to optimize parameter estimation for imperiled species, 2016, Ecological Modelling (335) -
- Spatially explicit control of invasive species using a reaction-diffusion model, 2016, Ecological Modelling (337) -
- A model for the interaction of frog population dynamics with Batrachochytrium dendrobaties, Janthinobacterium lividium and temperature and its implication for chytridiomycosis management, 2016, Ecological Modelling (320) -
- Defining the next generation modeling of coastal ecotone dynamics in response to global change, 2016, Ecological Modelling (326) -
- Simulating range-wide population and breeding habitat dynamics for an endangered woodland warbler in the face of uncertainty, 2015, Ecological Modelling (320) - 7691
- Accuracy or precision: Implications of sample design and methodology on abundance estimation, 2015, Ecological Modelling (316) -
- Estimating the short-term recovery potential of little brown bats in the eastern United States in the face of White-nose syndrome, 2015, Ecological Modelling (314) -
- Linking resource selection and mortality modeling for population estimation of mountain lions in Montana, 2015, Ecological Modelling (312) -
- A food web modeling analysis of a Midwestern, USA eutrophic lake dominated by non-native Common Carp and Zebra Mussels, 2015, Ecological Modelling (312) -
- Performance metrics and variance partitioning reveal sources of uncertainty in species distribution models, 2015, Ecological Modelling (309-310) -
- Proposed best modeling practices for assessing the effects of ecosystem restoration on fish, 2015, Ecological Modelling (300) -
- Markov decision processes in natural resources management: observability and uncertainty, 2015, Ecological Modelling (220) - 6
- Estimation of potential evapotranspiration from extraterrestrial radiation, air temperature and humidity to assess future climate change effects on the vegetation of the Northern Great Plains, USA, 2014, Ecological Modelling (297) -
- Simulating 2,368 temperate lakes reveals weak coherence in stratification phenology, 2014, Ecological Modelling (291) -
- Population age and initial density in a patchy environment affect the occurrence of abrupt transitions in a birth-and-death model of Taylor's law, 2014, Ecological Modelling (289) -
- Foraging and predation risk for larval cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Superior: a modelling synthesis of empirical survey data, 2014, Ecological Modelling (294) -
- Linking multi-temporal satellite imagery to coastal wetland dynamics and bird distribution, 2014, Ecological Modelling (285) -
- Mapping and monitoring Mount Graham red squirrel habitat with Lidar and Landsat imagery, 2014, Ecological Modelling (289) -
- Modeling regeneration responses of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) to abiotic conditions, 2014, Ecological Modelling (286) -
- Comparing cropland net primary production estimates from inventory, a satellite-based model, and a process-based model in the Midwest of the United States, 2014, Ecological Modelling (277) -
- A Bayesian network approach to predicting nest presence of thefederally-threatened piping plover (Charadrius melodus) using barrier island features, 2014, Ecological Modelling (276) -
- The effect of adjusting model inputs to achieve mass balance on time-dynamic simulations in a food-web model of Lake Huron, 2014, Ecological Modelling (273) -
- Uncertainty, robustness, and the value of information in managing an expanding Arctic goose population, 2014, Ecological Modelling (273) -
- Measuring and predicting abundance and dynamics of habitat for piping plovers on a large reservoir, 2014, Ecological Modelling (272) -
- Effects of future urban and biofuel crop expansions on the riverine export of phosphorus to the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2013, Ecological Modelling (277) -
- Development of a Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator to evaluate the transport and dispersion of Asian carp eggs in rivers, 2013, Ecological Modelling (263) -
- Simulating mechanisms for dispersal, production and stranding of small forage fish in temporary wetland habitats, 2013, Ecological Modelling (250) -
- Trait contributions to fish community assembly emerge from trophicinteractions in an individual-based model, 2013, Ecological Modelling (251) -
- Modeling species invasions in Ecopath with Ecosim: an evaluation using Laurentian Great Lakes models, 2012, Ecological Modelling (247) -
- Elucidating spatially explicit behavioral landscapes in the Willow Flycatcher, 2012, Ecological Modelling (232) -
- Do bioclimate variables improve performance of climate envelope models?, 2012, Ecological Modelling (246) -
- Compartment-based hydrodynamics and water quality modeling of a northern Everglades wetland, Florida, USA, 2012, Ecological Modelling (247) -
- Plant toxins and trophic cascades alter fire regime and succession on a boral forest landscape, 2012, Ecological Modelling (244) -
- A modeling framework for integrated harvest and habitat management of North American waterfowl: Case-study of northern pintail metapopulation dynamics, 2012, Ecological Modelling (225) -
- Predictions and retrodictions of the hierarchical representation of habitat in heterogeneous environments, 2012, Ecological Modelling (245) -
- Modelling effects of chemical exposure on birds wintering in agricultural landscapes: The western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) as a case study, 2012, Ecological Modelling (224) - 1
- Reducing uncertainty about objective functions in adaptive management, 2012, Ecological Modelling (225) -
- Adaptive resource management and the value of information, 2011, Ecological Modelling (222) - 18
- Increasing accuracy of dispersal kernels in grid-based population models, 2011, Ecological Modelling (222) - 3
- Resolving structural uncertainty in natural resources management using POMDP approaches, 2011, Ecological Modelling (222) - 5
- Common challenges for ecological modelling: synthesis of facilitated discussions held at the symposia organized for the 2009 conference of the International Society for Ecological Modelling in Quebec City, Canada, (October 6-9, 2009), 2011, Ecological Modelling (222) - 14
- Estimating California ecosystem carbon change using process model and land cover disturbance data: 1951-2000, 2011, Ecological Modelling (222) - 14
- Adaptive resource management and the value of information, 2011, Ecological Modelling (222) - 18
- Evaluating the effects of future climate change and elevated CO2 on the water use efficiency in terrestrial ecosystems of China, 2011, Ecological Modelling (222) - 14
- The ODD protocol: A review and first update, 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 23
- Modeling amphibian energetics, habitat suitability, and movements of western toads, Anaxyrus (=Bufo) boreas, across present and future landscapes, 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 22
- Nutrient fluxes at the landscape level and the R* rule, 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 2
- Fish population dynamics in a seasonally varying wetland, 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 8
- Modeling the impacts of hunting on the population dynamics of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus), 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 10
- Hydraulic modeling of mussel habitat at a bridge-replacement site, Allegheny River, Pennsylvania, USA, 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 3
- Accuracy of gap analysis habitat models in predicting physical features for wildlife-habitat associations in the southwest U.S., 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 23
- Landscape-level impact of tropical forest loss and fragmentation on bird occurrence in eastern Guatemala, 2010, Ecological Modelling (221) - 3
- Effects of experimental protocol on global vegetation model accuracy: a comparison of simulated and observed vegetation patterns for Asia, 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 12
- Simulation modeling to understand how selective foraging by beaver can drive the structure and function of a willow community, 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 7
- Sensitivity of system stability to model structure, 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 8
- Markov decision processes in natural resources management: Observability and uncertainty, 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 6
- A spatial model of white sturgeon rearing habitat in the lower Columbia River, USA, 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 24
- Adaptations in a hierarchical food web of southeastern Lake Michigan, 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 22
- Modelling predation by transient leopard seals for an ecosystem-based management of Southern Ocean fisheries, 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 12
- Hierarchical demographic approaches for assessing invasion dynamics of non-indigenous species: An example using northern snakehead (Channa argus), 2009, Ecological Modelling (220) - 13-14
- Estimated home ranges can misrepresent habitat relationships on patchy landscapes, 2008, Ecological Modelling (216) - 3-4
- Allowing macroalgae growth forms to emerge: Use of an agent-based model to understand the growth and spread of macroalgae in Florida coral reefs, with emphasis on Halimeda tuna, 2008, Ecological Modelling (216) - 1
- Monitoring waterbird abundance in wetlands: The importance of controlling results for variation in water depth, 2008, Ecological Modelling (216) - 3-4
- The Importance of Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis in Process-based Models of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems with Particular Emphasis on Forest Ecosystems — Selected Papers from a Workshop Organized by the International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM) at the Third Biennal Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (IEMSS) in Burlington, Vermont, USA, August 9-13, 2006, 2008, Ecological Modelling (219) - 3-4
- Modeling mechanisms of vegetation change due to fire in a semi-arid ecosystem, 2008, Ecological Modelling (214) - 2-4
- A multi-model framework for simulating wildlife population response to land-use and climate change, 2008, Ecological Modelling (219) - 1-2
- Using the FORE-SCE model to project land-cover change in the southeastern United States, 2008, Ecological Modelling (219) - 1-2
- Integrating remotely sensed land cover observations and a biogeochemical model for estimating forest ecosystem carbon dynamics, 2008, Ecological Modelling (219) - 3-4
- Evaluating intercepts from demographic models to understand resource limitation and resource thresholds, 2008, Ecological Modelling (211) - 3-4
- Use of an integrated flow model to estimate ecologically relevant hydrologic characteristics at stream biomonitoring sites, 2008, Ecological Modelling (211) - 1-2
- Dispersal leads to spatial autocorrelation in species distributions: A simulation model, 2008, Ecological Modelling (213) - 3-4
- An improved state-parameter analysis of ecosystem models using data assimilation, 2008, Ecological Modelling (219) - 3-4
- A simulation model for projecting changes in salinity concentrations and species dominance in the coastal margin habitats of the Everglades, 2008, Ecological Modelling (213) - 2
- Resolving model parameter values from carbon and nitrogen stock measurements in a wide range of tropical mature forests using nonlinear inversion and regression trees, 2008, Ecological Modelling (219) - 3-4
- Simulating the impact of cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides on non-target wildlife in irrigated crops, 2008, Ecological Modelling (210) - 1-2
- Application of information theory methods to food web reconstruction, 2007, Ecological Modelling (208) - 2-4
- Optimal control of Atlantic population Canada geese, 2007, Ecological Modelling (201) - 1
- Application of a coupled ecosystem-chemical equilibrium model, DayCent-Chem, to stream and soil chemistry in a Rocky Mountain watershed, 2007, Ecological Modelling (200) - 3-4
- Conditions for coexistence of freshwater mussel species via partitioning of fish host resources, 2007, Ecological Modelling (201) - 2
- Uncertainty in age-specific harvest estimates and consequences for white-tailed deer management, 2007, Ecological Modelling (201) - 2
- Alternative community structures in a kelp-urchin community: A qualitative modeling approach, 2007, Ecological Modelling (205) - 3-4
- Modeling tradeoffs in avian life history traits and consequences for population growth, 2007, Ecological Modelling (209) - 2-4
- Using simulated historical time series to prioritize fuel treatments on landscapes across the United States: The LANDFIRE prototype project, 2007, Ecological Modelling (204) - 3-4
- Optimal management of non-Markovian biological populations, 2007, Ecological Modelling (200) - 1-2
- Modeling pesticide fate in a small tidal estuary, 2007, Ecological Modelling (200) - 1-2
- Assessing vaccination as a control strategy in an ongoing epidemic: Bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo, 2006, Ecological Modelling (196) - 3-4
- Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis, 2006, Ecological Modelling (199) - 1
- A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models, 2006, Ecological Modelling (198) - 1-2
- Emergence of ratio-dependent and predator-dependent functional responses for pollination mutualism and seed parasitism, 2006, Ecological Modelling (191) - 3-4
- Effects of sample survey design on the accuracy of classification tree models in species distribution models, 2006, Ecological Modelling (199) - 2
- Mussel dynamics model: A hydroinformatics tool for analyzing the effects of different stressors on the dynamics of freshwater mussel communities, 2006, Ecological Modelling (197) - 3-4
- Predicting tree species presence and basal area in Utah: A comparison of stochastic gradient boosting, generalized additive models, and tree-based methods, 2006, Ecological Modelling (199) - 2
- Population momentum across vertebrate life histories, 2006, Ecological Modelling (197) - 3-4
- Interaction Assessment: A modeling tool for predicting population dynamics from field data, 2006, Ecological Modelling (192) - 3-4
- Balancing predation and egg harvest in a colonial seabird: A simulation model, 2006, Ecological Modelling (195) - 3-4
- LogCauchy, log-sech and lognormal distributions of species abundances in forest communities, 2005, Ecological Modelling (184) - 2-4
- Assessing uncertainty in ecological systems using global sensitivity analyses: A case example of simulated wolf reintroduction effects on elk, 2005, Ecological Modelling (187) -
- Nitrogen controls on ecosystem carbon sequestration: a model implementation and application to Saskatchewan, Canada, 2005, Ecological Modelling (186) - 2
- Influence of topographic complexity on solar insolation estimates for the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ, 2005, Ecological Modelling (183) - 2-3
- Transient population dynamics: Relations to life history and initial population state, 2005, Ecological Modelling (185) - 2-4
- Selecting a distributional assumption for modelling relative densities of benthic macroinvertebrates, 2005, Ecological Modelling (185) - 1
- Evaluating the effect of salinity on a simulated American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) population with applications to conservation and Everglades restoration, 2004, Ecological Modelling (180) - 2-3
- Exploring behavior of an unusual megaherbivore: A spatially explicit foraging model of the hippopotamus, 2004, Ecological Modelling (171) - 1-2
- Importance of the habitat choice behavior assumed when modeling the effects of food and temperature on fish populations, 2004, Ecological Modelling (175) - 4
- Modeling white sturgeon movement in a reservoir: The effect of water quality and sturgeon density, 2003, Ecological Modelling (167) - 1-2
- Fitting population models from field data, 2003, Ecological Modelling (162) - 1-2
- Quantitative characterization of the regressive ecological succession by fractal analysis of plant spatial patterns, 2003, Ecological Modelling (163) - 1-2
- Carbon isotope composition of ambient CO2 and recycling: a matrix simulation model, 2002, Ecological Modelling (154) - 1-2
- Exploring the effect of drought extent and interval on the Florida snail kite: Interplay between spatial and temporal scales, 2002, Ecological Modelling (149) - 1-2
- Optimal exploitation of spatially distributed trophic resources and population stability, 2002, Ecological Modelling (151) - 2-3
- Generalized linear and generalized additive models in studies of species distributions: Setting the scene, 2002, Ecological Modelling (157) - 2-3
- Applying linear programming to estimate fluxes in ecosystems or food webs: An example from the herpetological assemblage of the freshwater Everglades, 2001, Ecological Modelling (144) - 2-3
- An individual-based model of rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease on European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), 2001, Ecological Modelling (144) - 2-3
- Simulating the impact of human land use change on forest composition in the Great Plains agroecosystems with the Seedscape model, 2001, Ecological Modelling (104) - 1-2
- Spatial modeling of the geographic distribution of wildlife populations: A case study in the lower Mississippi River region, 2000, Ecological Modelling (132) - 1-2
- FITPOP, a heuristic simulation model of population dynamics and genetics with special reference to fisheries, 2000, Ecological Modelling (127) - 1
- A dynamic landscape model for fish in the Everglades and its application to restoration, 2000, Ecological Modelling (127) - 1
- Modeling bird mortality associated with the M/V Citrus oil spill off St. Paul Island, Alaska, 1999, Ecological Modelling (117) - 2-3
- Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) population dynamics and bamboo (subfamily Bambusoideae) life history: a structured population approach to examining carrying capacity when the prey are semelparous, 1999, Ecological Modelling (123) - 2-3
- MOAB: a spatially explicit, individual-based expert system for creating animal foraging models, 1999, Ecological Modelling (119) - 1
- Simulating cholinesterase inhibition in birds caused by dietary insecticide exposure, 1998, Ecological Modelling (105) - 2-3
- The interaction of spatial scale and predator-prey functional response, 1997, Ecological Modelling (95) - 2-3
- Adaptation of a stage-projection model for species with multiple year reproductive cycles, 1997, Ecological Modelling (97) - 1-2
- The effect of functional response on stability of a grazer population on a landscape, 1997, Ecological Modelling (101) -
- An energy-circuit population model for great egrets (Ardea alba) at Lake Okeechobee, Florida, U.S.A, 1997, Ecological Modelling (97) - 1-2
- Prey patchiness and larval fish growth and survival: inferences from an individual-based model, 1997, Ecological Modelling (95) -
- Temperature effects on stocks and stability of a phytoplankton-zooplankton model and the dependence on light and nutrients, 1997, Ecological Modelling (95) -
- A simulation study of the spatiotemporal dynamics of the Unionid mussels, 1997, Ecological Modelling (95) -
- Overview of a simple model describing variation of dissolved organic carbon in an upland catchment, 1996, Ecological Modelling (86) - 2-3
- Comparison of alternative spatial resolutions in the application of a spatially distributed biogeochemical model over complex terrain, 1996, Ecological Modelling (90) - 1
- Spatial uncertainty analysis: Propagation of interpolation errors in spatially distributed models, 1996, Ecological Modelling (91) - 1-3
- A method for testing whether model predictions fall within a prescribed factor of true values, with an application to pesticide leaching, 1990, Ecological Modelling (51) - 1-2
- Simulation of cotton rat population dynamics and response to rodenticide applications in Florida sugarcane, 1990, Ecological Modelling (50) - 1-3
- Animal population dynamics: Identification of critical components, 1989, Ecological Modelling (44) - 3-4
- A model of the productivity of the mallard duck, 1987, Ecological Modelling (38) - 3/4
- A population model for a long-lived, resprouting chaparral shrub: Adenostoma fasciculatum, 1986, Ecological Modelling (34) - 3-4
- The need for accuracy in modelling: An example, 1985, Ecological Modelling (30) - 1/2
- The need for accuracy in modelling: An example, 1985, Ecological Modelling (30) - 1-2
- Calculations of seabird population recovery from potential oilspills in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, 1984, Ecological Modelling (21) - 1
- Optimal stochastic control in natural resource management: Framework and examples, 1982, Ecological Modelling (16) - 2-4
- Demography of the Everglade kite: Implications for population management, 1980, Ecological Modelling (9) - 3
- Simulation of wetlands forest vegetation dynamics, 1979, Ecological Modelling (7) - 4
- Simulation model of Cryptomonas ovata population dynamics in southern Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, 1978, Ecological Modelling (4) - 2