Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- An integrative paradigm for building causal knowledge, 2024, Ecological Monographs (94) - 4
- Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate bat abundance and population trends, 2024, Ecological Monographs (94) - 4
- Environmental variation structures reproduction and recruitment in long-lived mega-herbivores: Galapagos giant tortoises, 2024, Ecological Monographs (94) - 2
- Tree symbioses sustain nitrogen fixation despite excess nitrogen supply, 2023, Ecological Monographs (93) - 2
- Hydrodynamics structure plankton communities and interactions in a freshwater tidal estuary, 2023, Ecological Monographs (93) - 2
- Climate change weakens the impact of disturbance interval on the growth rate of natural populations of Venus flytrap, 2022, Ecological Monographs (92) -
- Parasites in kelp-forest food webs increase food-chain length, complexity, and specialization, but reduce connectance, 2022, Ecological Monographs (92) - 2
- Upwelling and the persistence of coral-reef frameworks in the eastern tropical Pacific, 2021, Ecological Monographs (91) - 4
- Sea otter population collapse in southwest Alaska: Assessing ecological covariates, consequences, and causal factors, 2021, Ecological Monographs (91) - 4
- Changes in prey, turbidity, and competition reduce somatic growth and cause the collapse of a fish population, 2020, Ecological Monographs (91) - 1
- Geographic variation in the intensity of warming and phenological mismatch between Arctic shorebirds and invertebrates, 2019, Ecological Monographs (89) - 4
- Spatially-structured statistical network models for landscape genetics, 2019, Ecological Monographs (89) - 2
- An analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation, 2019, Ecological Monographs (89) - 2
- The epidemiology of avian pox and interaction with avian malaria in Hawaiian forest birds, 2019, Ecological Monographs (88) - 4
- Spatial autoregressive models for statistical inference from ecological data, 2019, Ecological Monographs (88) - 1
- A guide to Bayesian model checking for ecologists, 2018, Ecological Monographs (88) - 4
- A multistate open robust design: population dynamics, reproductive effort, and phenology of sea turtles from tagging data, 2018, Ecological Monographs (89) - 1
- Diel predator activity drives a dynamic landscape of fear, 2018, Ecological Monographs (88) - 4
- Carbon dynamics of river corridors and the effects of human alterations, 2017, Ecological Monographs (87) - 3
- Altitudinal migration and the future of an iconic Hawaiian honeycreeper in response to climate change and management, 2017, Ecological Monographs (87) - 3
- Coastal habitat and biological community response to dam removal on the Elwha River, 2017, Ecological Monographs (87) - 4
- Climatic controls on the global distribution, abundance, and species richness of mangrove forests, 2017, Ecological Monographs (87) - 2
- The ecology of methane in streams and rivers: Patterns, controls, and global significance, 2016, Ecological Monographs (86) - 2
- State-space modeling to support management of brucellosis in the Yellowstone bison population, 2015, Ecological Monographs (85) - 4
- Using spatiotemporal statistical models to estimate animal abundance and infer ecological dynamics from survey counts, 2015, Ecological Monographs (85) - 2
- A guide to Bayesian model selection for ecologists, 2015, Ecological Monographs (85) - 1
- Food-web dynamics in a large river discontinuum, 2013, Ecological Monographs (83) - 3
- Causes and implications of the correlation between forest productivity and tree mortality rates, 2011, Ecological Monographs (81) - 4
- Decomposition of heterogeneous organic matterand its long-term stabilization in soils, 2011, Ecological Monographs (81) - 4
- On the specification of structural equation models for ecological systems, 2010, Ecological Monographs (80) - 1
- Linking process to pattern: estimating spatiotemporal dynamics of a wildlife epidemic from cross‐sectional data, 2010, Ecological Monographs (80) - 2
- Sensitivity of the carbon cycle in the Arctic to climate change, 2009, Ecological Monographs (79) - 4
- Scaling the effects of moose browsing on forage distribution, from the geometry of plant canopies to landscapes, 2009, Ecological Monographs (79) - 2
- Predicting 21st-century polar bear habitat distribution from global climate models, 2009, Ecological Monographs (79) - 1
- Anatomy of a bottleneck: diagnosing factors limiting population growth in the Puerto Rican parrot, 2008, Ecological Monographs (78) - 2
- Hierarchical spatial models of abundance and occurrence from imperfect survey data, 2007, Ecological Monographs (77) - 3
- A gap analysis and comprehensive conservation strategy for riverine ecosystems of Missouri, 2007, Ecological Monographs (77) - 3
- Response of Everglades tree islands to environmental change, 2006, Ecological Monographs (76) - 4
- Demographic patterns of postfire regeneration in Mediterranean-climate shrublands of California, 2006, Ecological Monographs (76) - 2
- Regional and local species richness in an insular environment: Serpentine plants in California, 2006, Ecological Monographs (76) - 1
- An introduced predator alters Aleutian Island plant communities by thwarting nutrient subsidies, 2006, Ecological Monographs (76) - 1
- Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: a consensus of current knowledge, 2005, Ecological Monographs (75) - 1
- Determinants of reproductive costs in the long-lived Black-legged Kittiwake: A multiyear experiment, 2004, Ecological Monographs (74) - 2
- Geographic structure of adelie penguin populations: overlap in colony-specific foraging areas, 2004, Ecological Monographs (74) - 1
- Small-mammal density estimation: A field comparison of grid-based vs. web-based density estimators, 2003, Ecological Monographs (73) - 1
- Influence of landscape structure and climate variability on a late holocene plant migration, 2003, Ecological Monographs (73) - 4
- Ecohydrology of a resource-conserving semiarid woodland: Effects of scale and disturbance, 2003, Ecological Monographs (73) - 2
- Extreme floods, channel change, and riparian forests along ephemeral streams, 2002, Ecological Monographs (72) - 3
- Parasite (Ribeiroia ondatrae) infection linked to amphibian malformations in the western United States, 2002, Ecological Monographs (72) - 2
- Exotic plant species invade hot spots of native plant diversity, 1999, Ecological Monographs (69) -
- Assemblage organization in stream fishes: Effects of environmental variation and interspecific interactions, 1998, Ecological Monographs (68) - 3
- Sampling-variance effects on detecting density dependence from temporal trends in natural populations, 1998, Ecological Monographs (68) - 3
- Effects of drought and prolonged winter on Townsend's ground squirrel demography in shrubsteppe habitats, 1997, Ecological Monographs (67) - 3
- Holocene paleoenvironments of Northeast Iowa, 1996, Ecological Monographs (66) - 2
- Sea otters and kelp forests in Alaska: Generality and variation in a community ecological paradigm, 1995, Ecological Monographs (65) -
- Interspecific competition among Hawaiian forest birds, 1985, Ecological Monographs (55) - 2
- A population model of the lizard Uta stansburiana, in southern Nevada, 1982, Ecological Monographs (52) - 3
- Population dynamics and bioenergetics of a fossorial herbivore, Thomomys talpoides (Rodentia: Geomyidae), in a spruce-fir sere, 1981, Ecological Monographs (51) - 2
- Population differentiation along a flood frequency gradient: Physiological adaptations to flooding in Nyssa sylvatica, 1979, Ecological Monographs (49) -
- Populations and home range relationships of the box turtle, Terrapene c. carolina (Linnaeus), 1950, Ecological Monographs (20) - 4