Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Mid-contract management alters conservation reserve program vegetation in the central and western United States, 2023, Ecological Restoration (41) - 4
- Visitor use and activities detected using trail cameras at forest restoration sites, 2023, Ecological Restoration (41) - 4
- Durability and longevity of Tympanuchus pallidicinctus (Lesser Prairie-Chicken) fence tags in Kansas and Colorado, 2022, Ecological Restoration (40) - 2
- Poplar Island: Understanding the development of a beneficial use restoration site, 2022, Ecological Restoration (40) -
- Promoting change in common tern (Sterna hirundo) nest site selection to minimize construction related disturbance, 2019, Ecological Restoration (37) - 3
- Terrestrial fauna are agents and endpoints in ecosystem restoration following dam removal, 2019, Ecological Restoration (36) - 2
- Prairie reconstruction unpredictability and complexity: What is the rate of reconstruction failures?, 2018, Ecological Restoration (36) - 4
- Site-scale disturbance best predicts moss, vascular plant, and amphibian indices in Ohio wetlands, 2018, Ecological Restoration (36) - 2
- Developing a framework for evaluating tallgrass prairie reconstruction methods and management, 2018, Ecological Restoration (36) - 1
- A novel, non-removal method for closing drainage tile for ecological restorations, 2016, Ecological Restoration (34) - 4
- Evaluation of a fine sediment removal tool in spring-fed and snowmelt driven streams, 2015, Ecological Restoration (33) - 3
- Testing ecological tradeoffs of a new tool for removing fine sediment in a spring-fed stream, 2014, Ecological Restoration (31) - 1
- Influence of richness and seeding density on invasion resistance in experimental tallgrass prairie restorations, 2013, Ecological Restoration (31) - 2
- Predator removal enhances waterbird restoration in Chesapeake Bay (Maryland), 2011, Ecological Restoration (29) - 1-2
- A river system to watch: documenting the effects of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) biocontrol in the Virgin River valley, 2010, Ecological Restoration (28) - 4
- Uncertainty in georeferencing current and historic plant locations, 2009, Ecological Restoration (27) - 2
- An emerging crisis across northern prairie refuges: Prevalence of invasive plants and a plan for adaptive management, 2009, Ecological Restoration (27) - 1
- Evaluating wildlife response to coastal dune habitat restoration in san francisco, california, 2009, Ecological Restoration (27) - 4
- Raising a ranch from the dead: 50 Years of restoration on the Carrizo Valley ranch (New Mexico), 2008, Ecological Restoration (26) - 1
- Reed canarygrass invasions alter succession patterns and may reduce habitat quality in wet meadows, 2008, Ecological Restoration (26) - 3
- Does biodiversity-ecosystem function science apply to Prairie restoration?, 2008, Ecological Restoration (26) - 2
- Poplar Island Environmental Restoration Project: Challenges in waterbird restoration on an island in Chesapeake Bay, 2007, Ecological Restoration (25) - 4
- Coastal communities, 2007, Ecological Restoration (25) - 2
- Salmon, forests, and pre-restoration assessment using stable isotope analysis on riparian vegetation, 2007, Ecological Restoration (25) - 3
- Restoration of understory trees on bottomland hardwood sites (Mississippi), 2006, Ecological Restoration (24) - 2
- Short-term responses of desert soil and vegetation to removal of feral burros and domestic cattle (California), 2005, Ecological Restoration (23) - 4
- Effects of season and marsh management on submerged aquatic vegetation in coastal Louisiana brackish marsh ponds, 2005, Ecological Restoration (23) - 4
- Effects of selective herbicide, Sethoxydim, on reed canarygrass, 2005, Ecological Restoration (23) - 2
- Restoration of floodplain forests for the conservation of migratory landbirds, 2004, Ecological Restoration (22) - 3
- Great Lakes clams find refuge from zebra mussels in restored, lake-connected marsh (Ohio), 2004, Ecological Restoration (22) - 1
- Monitoring salt-marsh responses to open marsh water management at U.S. Fish and Wildlife coastal refuges, 2004, Ecological Restoration (22) - 1
- A pre-vegetated mat technique for the restoration of submersed aquatic vegetation, 2003, Ecological Restoration (21) - 2
- Managing tallgrass prairie remnants: The effects of different types of land stewardship on grassland bird habitat, 2002, Ecological Restoration (20) - 1
- Historic and present-day forest conditions: Implications for bottomland hardwood forest restoration, 2000, Ecological Restoration (18) - 1
- A provisional model for smooth brome managemen in degraded tallgrass prairie, 2000, Ecological Restoration (18) - 1
- Restoration with smoke-dependent species, 2000, Ecological Restoration (18) -
- The Grasslands Ecosystem Initiative, 1999, Ecological Restoration (17) -