Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Thermal transfer rate is slower in bigger fish: How does body size affect response time of small, implantable temperature recording tags?, 2024, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (33) - 4
- Shift in piscivory by salmonids following invasion of a minnow in an oligotrophic reservoir, 2024, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (33) - 3
- Deposited sediment influences occurrence of functional traits of stream fishes, 2024, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (33) - 3
- Life-history connections to long-term fish population trends in a species-rich temperate river, 2024, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (33) - 2
- Biodiversity connections—‘ties that bind’, 2024, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (33) -
- Native fish abundance and habitat selection changes in the presence of nonnative piscivores, 2024, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (33) - 1
- Food web changes reflected in age-0 piscivore diets and growth, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 4
- Larval cisco and lake whitefish exhibit high distributional overlap within nursery areas, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 4
- Seasonal shifts in diel vertical migrations by lake-dwelling coastal cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii, reflect thermal regimes and prey distributions, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 4
- Pelagic food web interactions in a large invaded ecosystem: Implications for reintroducing a native top predator, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 3
- Stabilising effects of karstic groundwater on stream fish communities, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 3
- Density effects on native and non-native trout survival in streams, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 2
- Habitat associations of riverine fishes among rocky shoals, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 2
- Mismatch between temperature and discharge disrupts spawning cues in a fluvial specialist, blue sucker Cycleptus elongatus, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 2
- Ontogenetic development of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) from hatch through yolk absorption, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 1
- Temporal segregation in spawning between native Yellowstone cutthroat trout and introduced rainbow trout, 2023, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 1
- Density-dependent processes and population dynamics of native sculpin in a mountain river, 2022, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (32) - 2
- Diversity in spawning habitat use among Great Lakes Cisco populations, 2022, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (31) - 2
- Rapid colonisation post-displacement contributes to native fish resilience, 2022, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (31) - 2
- Resource use among top-level piscivores in a temperate reservoir: Implications for a threatened coldwater specialist, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (31) - 3
- Dynamics of the seasonal migration of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus, Pallas 1814) and implications for the Lake Ontario food web, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 2
- Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of life-history variability for a south-western cutthroat trout, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 1
- Hydrogeomorphological controls on reach‐scale distributions of cichlid nest sites in a small neotropical river, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 2
- Resource partitioning across a trophic gradient between a freshwater fish and an intraguild exotic, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 3
- Coal-mining intensity influences species and trait distributions of stream fishes in two Central Appalachian watersheds, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 3
- Evidence of energy and nutrient transfer from invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawners to juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in northern Norway, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 2
- Nowhere to hide: The importance of instream cover for stream‐living Coastal Cutthroat Trout during seasonal low flow, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 2
- Lake trout growth is sensitive to spring temperature in southwest Alaska lakes, 2021, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (30) - 1
- A call for global action to conserve native trout in the 21st century and beyond, 2020, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (29) - 3
- Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) movement and survival after removal of two dams on the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin, 2020, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (29) - 2
- Dissolved oxygen controls summer habitat of Clear Lake Hitch (Lavinia exilicauda chi), an imperilled potamodromous cyprinid, 2020, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (29) - 2
- Historical changes in fish communities in urban streams of the southeastern U.S. and the relative importance of water-quality stressors, 2020, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (29) - 1
- The complimentary role of lentic and lotic habitats for Arctic grayling in a complex stream-lake network in Arctic Alaska, 2019, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (28) - 2
- Scale‐dependent effects of isolation on seasonal patch colonisation by two Neotropical freshwater fishes, 2019, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (28) - 2
- Habitat overlap of juvenile and adult lake trout of Great Bear Lake: Evidence for lack of a predation gradient?, 2019, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (28) - 3
- Diets of endangered silver chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana, Kirtland, 1844) in Lake Erie and implications for recovery, 2019, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (28) - 1
- Multiple metrics provide context for the distribution of a highly mobile fish predator, the blue catfish, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (28) - 1
- Riparian defoliation by the invasive green alder sawfly influences terrestrial prey subsidies to salmon streams, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 4
- Generalist feeding strategies in Arctic freshwater fish: A mechanism for dealing with extreme environments, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 3
- Do postlarval amphidromous fishes transport marine‐derived nutrients and pollutants to Caribbean streams?, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 3
- From salmon to shad: Shifting sources of marine-derived nutrients in the Columbia River Basin, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 1
- Catchment-scale determinants of nonindigenous minnow richness in the eastern United States, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 1
- Growth potential and habitat requirements of endangered age-0 pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Missouri River, USA, determined using a individual-based model framework, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 1
- Trophic pathways supporting Arctic grayling in a small stream on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 1
- Fine-scale acoustic telemetry reveals unexpected lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, spawning habitats in northern Lake Huron, North America, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 2
- Spawning site fidelity and apparent annual survival of walleye (Sander vitreus) differ between a Lake Huron and Lake Erie tributary, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 1
- Bioenergetic evaluation of diel vertical migration by bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in a thermally stratified reservoir, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 1
- Climate-induced seasonal changes in smallmouth bass growth rate potential at the southern range extent, 2018, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (27) - 1
- Feeding ecology of the walleye (Percidae, Sander vitreus), a resurgent piscivore in Lake Huron (Laurentian Great Lakes) after shifts in the prey community, 2017, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (26) - 4
- Prey partitioning and use of insects by juvenile sockeye salmon and a potential competitor, threespine stickleback, in Afognak Lake, Alaska, 2017, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (26) - 4
- Migratory delay leads to reduced passage success of Atlantic salmon smolts at a hydroelectric dam, 2017, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (26) - 4
- Divergent life histories of invasive round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) in Lake Michigan and its tributaries, 2017, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (26) - 4
- Sex-biased survivorship and differences in migration of wild steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) smolts from two coastal Oregon rivers, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 4
- Movement patterns of Brook Trout in a restored coastal stream system in southern Massachusetts, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 3
- Role of large- and fine-scale variables in predicting catch rates of larval Pacific lamprey in the Willamette Basin, Oregon, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 2
- Body size and condition influence migration timing of juvenile Arctic grayling, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 1
- Stable isotope evaluation of population- and individual-level diet variability in a large, oligotrophic lake with non-native lake trout, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (26) - 2
- Extensive dispersal of Roanoke logperch (Percina rex) inferred from genetic marker data, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 1
- Do intracoelomic telemetry transmitters alter the post-release behaviour of migratory fish?, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (26) - 2
- Behavioural thermoregulation and bioenergetics of riverine smallmouth bass associated with ambient cold-period thermal refuge, 2016, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 1
- Factors influencing recruitment of walleye and white bass to three distinct early ontogenetic stages, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 4
- Polymorphic mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in a coastal riverscape: size class assemblages, distribution, and habitat associations, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) - 4
- Potential direct and indirect effects of climate change on a shallow natural lake fish assemblage, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish
- Instream cover and shade mediate avian predation on trout in semi-natural streams, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 3
- Diverse juvenile life-history behaviours contribute to the spawning stock of an anadromous fish population, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) -
- Predation on native sculpin by exotic brown trout exceeds that by native cutthroat trout within a mountain watershed (Logan, UT, USA), 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) - 1
- Introduced northern pike consumption of salmonids in Southcentral Alaska, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) - 4
- Physiological indices of seawater readiness in postspawning steelhead kelts, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) - 1
- Demographic changes following mechanical removal of exotic brown trout in an Intermountain West (USA), high-elevation stream, 2015, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) - 2
- Potential population and assemblage influences of non-native trout on native nongame fish in Nebraska headwater streams, 2014, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (25) - 1
- Population-level effects of egg predation on a native planktivore in a large freshwater lake, 2014, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (23) - 4
- Experimental evaluation of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss predation on longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae, 2014, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) - 4
- Incubation success and habitat selection of shore-spawning kokanee Onchorhynchus nerka: effects of water level regulation and habitat characteristics., 2014, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (24) - 3
- Links between riparian landcover, instream environment and fish assemblages in headwater streams of south-eastern Brazil, 2013, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (22) - 4
- Microhabitat use of the diamond darter, 2013, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (22) - 4
- The density dilemma: limitations on juvenile production in threatened salmon populations, 2013, Ecology of Freshwater Fish
- Introduced northern pike predation on salmonids in southcentral Alaska, 2013, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (22) - 2
- Environmental factors regulating the recruitment of walleye Sander vitreus and white bass Morone chrysops in irrigation reservoirs, 2013, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (22) - 1
- Diet of non-native northern snakehead (Channa argus) compared to three co-occurring predators in the lower Potomac River, USA, 2012, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (21) - 3
- Available benthic habitat type may influence predation risk in larval lampreys, 2012, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (21) - 1
- Trophic relationships between a native and a nonnative predator in a system of natural lakes, 2011, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (20) - 2
- Declines in deepwater sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii energy density associated with the disappearance of Diporeia spp. in lakes Huron and Michigan, 2011, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (20) - 1
- Growth rates of rainbow smelt in Lake Champlain: Effects of density and diet, 2011, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (20) - 4
- Summer microhabitat use by adult and young-of-year snail darters (Percina tanasi) in two rivers, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 4
- Seasonal meso- and microhabitat selection by the northern snakehead (Channa argus) in the Potomac river system, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 10
- Effects of littoral habitat complexity and sunfish composition on fish production, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 3
- The effect of predation on stunted and nonstunted white perch, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 3
- Relationships between water temperatures and upstream migration, cold water refuge use, and spawning of adult bull trout from the Lostine River, Oregon, USA, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 1
- Assemblage patterns of fish functional groups relative to habitat connectivity and conditions in floodplain lakes, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 4
- Recruitment of burbot (Lota lota L.) in Lake Erie: An empirical modelling approach, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 3
- Relations between fish abundances, summer temperatures, and forest harvest in a northern Minnesota stream system from 1997 to 2007, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 1
- Relations between fish abundances, summer temperatures, and forest harvest in a northern Minnesota stream system from 1997 to 2007, 2010, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (19) - 1
- Influence of seasonal, diel, lunar, and other environmental factors on upstream fish passage in the igarapava fish ladder, Brazil, 2009, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (18) - 3
- Fish movement and habitat use depends on water body size and shape, 2009, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (18) - 1
- Do summer temperatures trigger spring maturation in pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus?, 2009, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (18) - 3
- Identifying across‐system sources of variation in a generalist freshwater fish: Correlates of total and size‐specific abundance of yellow perch , 2009, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (18) - 1
- Substrate choice of territorial male topeka shiners (notropis topeka) in the absence of sunfish (lepomis sp.), 2009, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (18) - 3
- Comparing histology and gonadosomatic index for determining spawning condition of small-bodied riverine fishes, 2008, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (17) - 1
- Consumption estimates of walleye stocked as fry to suppress fathead minnow populations in west-central Minnesota wetlands, 2008, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (17) - 1
- Habitat relationships with fish assemblages in minimally disturbed Great Plains regions, 2008, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (17) - 4
- Demographics of the spawning aggregations of four catostomid species in the Savannah River, South Carolina and Georgia, USA, 2008, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (17) - 2
- Movement patterns of armado, Pterodoras granulosus, in the Paraná River Basin, 2007, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (16) - 3
- Dynamic in-lake spawning migrations by female sockeye salmon, 2007, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (16) - 2
- Hierarchical faunal filters: An approach to assessing effects of habitat and nonnative species on native fishes, 2005, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (14) - 1
- Effects of constant and cyclical thermal regimes on growth and feeding of juvenile cutthroat trout of variable sizes, 2004, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (13) - 3
- Assessing the potential for fish predation to impact zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha): Insight from bioenergetics models, 2004, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (13) - 2
- Influence of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.) on fish community structure and function in headwater streams of the Delaware River basin, 2003, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (12) - 1
- Diet dynamics of the adult piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, USA 1995-1997, 2002, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (11) - 3
- Diet dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, USA, 1997-1998, 2001, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (10) - 4
- Ecology of stream fish: Insights gained from an individual-based approach to juvenile Atlantic salmon, 2000, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (9) - 1-2
- Diel distribution of age-0 largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, in B. E. Jordan Lake, North Carolina (USA) and its relation to cover, 2000, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (9) - 4
- Microsatellite diversity in sympatric reproductive ecotypes of pacific steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Middle Fork Eel River, California, 1999, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (8) - 3
- Seasonal variation in habitat use by marsh fishes, 1998, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (7) - 4
- Predator response to releases of American shad larvae in the Susquehanna River basin, 1998, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (7) - 4
- Bioenergetic relations in submerged aquatic vegetation: An experimental test of prey use by juvenile bluegills, 1998, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (7) - 1
- Habitat selection by three littoral zone fishes: effects of predation pressure, plant density and macrophyte type, 1997, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (6) - 1
- Efficacy of a vacuum benthos sampler for collecting demersal fish eggs from gravel substratum, 1997, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (6) - 4
- Patterns of foraging and distribution of bluegill sunfish in a Mississippi River backwater: Influence of macrophytes and predation, 1997, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (6) - 1
- Variation in thermal tolerance and routine metabolism among spring- and stream dwelling freshwater sculpins (Teleostei: Cottidae) of the southeastern United States, 1997, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (6) - 2
- Behavioral changes associated with suboptimal prey densities for larval American shad, 1996, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (5) - 4
- Habitat use by an endangered riverine fish and implications for species protection, 1994, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (3) - 2
- Habitat use by an endangered riverine fish and implications for species protection, 1994, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (3) - 2
- Habitat use by an endangered riverine fish and implications for species protection, 1994, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (3) -
- Digestion of larval American shad by cyprinids, 1993, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (2) -