Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Global patterns of coseismic landslide runout mobility differ from aseismic landslide trends, 2025, Engineering Geology (344) -
- Field evidence and indicators of rockfall fragmentation and implications for mobility, 2024, Engineering Geology (341) -
- Complex landslide patterns explained by local intra-unit variability of stratigraphy and structure: Case study in the Tyee Formation, Oregon, USA, 2024, Engineering Geology (329) -
- Preliminary documentation of coseismic ground failure triggered by the February 6, 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence, 2023, Engineering Geology (327) -
- Evaluation of techniques for mitigating snowmelt infiltration-induced landsliding in a highway embankment, 2021, Engineering Geology (291) -
- The influence of frequency and duration of seismic ground motion on the size of triggered landslides—A regional view, 2020, Engineering Geology (273) -
- Seismic displacement of gently-sloping coastal and marine sediment under multidirectional earthquake loading, 2017, Engineering Geology (227) -
- Soil amplification with a strong impedance contrast: Boston, Massachusetts, 2016, Engineering Geology (202) -
- Simulation of acceleration field of the Lushan earthquake (Ms7.0, April 20, 2013, China), 2015, Engineering Geology (189) -
- Empirical models for predicting volumes of sediment deposited by debris flows and sediment-laden floods in the transverse ranges of southern California, 2014, Engineering Geology (176) - 24
- Development of a globally applicable model for near real-time prediction of seismically induced landslides, 2014, Engineering Geology (173) -
- Spatial distribution of landslides triggered from the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu–Oki Japan Earthquake, 2012, Engineering Geology (127) -
- Toward the next generation of research on earthquake-induced landslides: Current issues and future challenges, 2011, Engineering Geology (122) - 1-2
- Landslide inventories: The essential part of seismic landslide hazard analyses, 2011, Engineering Geology (122) - 1-2
- Methods for assessing the stability of slopes during earthquakes-A retrospective, 2011, Engineering Geology (122) - 1-2
- Effects of soil aggregates on debris-flow mobilization: Results from ring-shear experiments, 2010, Engineering Geology (114) - 1-2
- Liquefaction caused by the 2009 Olancha, California (USA), M5.2 earthquake, 2010, Engineering Geology (116) - 1-2
- A geostatistical approach to mapping site response spectral amplifications, 2010, Engineering Geology (114) - 3-4
- Mapping of hazard from rainfall-triggered landslides in developing countries: Examples from Honduras and Micronesia, 2009, Engineering Geology (104) - 3-4
- Evaluation of CAMEL - comprehensive areal model of earthquake-induced landslides, 2009, Engineering Geology (104) - 1-2
- Modeling landslide recurrence in Seattle, Washington, USA, 2008, Engineering Geology (102) - 3-4
- Transient deterministic shallow landslide modeling: Requirements for susceptibility and hazard assessments in a GIS framework, 2008, Engineering Geology (102) - 3-4
- Debris-flow runout predictions based on the average channel slope (ACS), 2008, Engineering Geology (98) - 1-2
- Guidelines for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land use planning, 2008, Engineering Geology (102) - 3-4
- Guidelines for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land-use planning, 2008, Engineering Geology (102) - 3-4
- Plan curvature and landslide probability in regions dominated by earth flows and earth slides, 2007, Engineering Geology (91) - 2-4
- Seismotectonic implications of sand blows in the southern Mississippi Embayment, 2007, Engineering Geology (89) - 3-4
- Landslide susceptibility revealed by LIDAR imagery and historical records, Seattle, Washington, 2007, Engineering Geology (89) - 1-2
- Study of a prehistoric landslide using seismic reflection methods integrated with geological data in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah, USA, 2007, Engineering Geology (95) - 1-2
- Regression models for estimating coseismic landslide displacement, 2007, Engineering Geology (91) - 2-4
- A plastic flow model for the Acquara - Vadoncello landslide in Senerchia, Southern Italy, 2006, Engineering Geology (83) - 1-3
- Landslides caused by the M 7.6 Tecomán, Mexico earthquake of January 21, 2003, 2006, Engineering Geology (86) - 2-3
- Large rock avalanches triggered by the M 7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska, earthquake of 3 November 2002, 2006, Engineering Geology (83) - 1-3
- Quaternary tectonic faulting in the Eastern United States, 2006, Engineering Geology (82) - 3
- The Olmsted fault zone, southernmost Illinois: A key to understanding seismic hazard in the northern new Madrid seismic zone, 2005, Engineering Geology (81) - 2
- Engineering geologic and geotechnical analysis of paleoseismic shaking using liquefaction effects: Field examples, 2005, Engineering Geology (76) - 3-4
- Field occurrences of liquefaction-induced features: A primer for engineering geologic analysis of paleoseismic shaking, 2005, Engineering Geology (76) - 3-4
- Seismically induced rock slope failures resulting from topographic amplification of strong ground motions: The case of Pacoima Canyon, California, 2005, Engineering Geology (80) - 3-4
- Using multiple logistic regression and GIS technology to predict landslide hazard in northeast Kansas, USA, 2003, Engineering Geology (69) - 3-4
- Seasonal movement of the Slumgullion landslide determined from global positioning system surveys and field instrumentation, July 1998-March 2002, 2003, Engineering Geology (68) - 1-2
- Seismic-reflection imaging of Tertiary faulting and related post-Eocene deformation 20 km North of Memphis, Tennessee, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- Central US earthquake catalog for hazard maps of Memphis, Tennessee, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- High resolution seismic-reflection imaging of shallow deformation beneath the northeast margin of the Manila high at Big Lake, Arkansas, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- A seismic hazard uncertainty analysis for the New Madrid seismic zone, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- Known and suggested quaternary faulting in the midcontinent United States, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- Introduction to special issue titled earthquake hazard evaluation in the Central United States, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- Soil amplification maps for estimating earthquake ground motions in the Central US, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- NEHRP soil classifications for estimating site-dependent seismic coefficients in the Upper Mississippi Embayment, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- Geologic structures related to New Madrid earthquakes near Memphis, Tennessee, based on gravity and magnetic interpretations, 2001, Engineering Geology (62) - 1-3
- A seismic landslide susceptibility rating of geologic units based on analysis of characterstics of landslides triggered by the 17 January, 1994 Northridge, California earthquake, 2000, Engineering Geology (58) - 3-4
- Statiscal analysis of an earthquake-induced landslide distribution - The 1989 Loma Prieta, California event, 2000, Engineering Geology (58) - 3-4
- A method for producing digital probabilistic seismic landslide hazard maps, 2000, Engineering Geology (58) - 3-4
- A sampling plan for conduit-flow karst springs: Minimizing sampling cost and maximizing statistical utility, 1999, Engineering Geology (52) - 1-2
- Liquefaction evidence for strong earthquakes of Holocene and latest Pleistocene ages in the states of Indiana and Illinois, USA, 1998, Engineering Geology (50) - 3-4
- Shallow seismic reflection profiles and geological structure in the Benton Hills, southeast Missouri, 1997, Engineering Geology (46) - 3-4
- Upper Mississippi embayment shallow seismic velocities measured in situ, 1997, Engineering Geology (46) - 3-4
- Tertiary and Quaternary tectonic faulting in southernmost Illinois, 1997, Engineering Geology (46) - 3-4
- Loess stratigraphy of the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1996, Engineering Geology (45) - 1-4
- Loess studies in central United States: Evolution of concepts, 1996, Engineering Geology (45) - 1-4
- Integrated borehole logging methods for wellhead protection applications, 1996, Engineering Geology (42) - 2-3
- Mass wasting triggered by the 5 March 1987 Ecuador earthquakes, 1996, Engineering Geology (42) - 1
- Use of landslides for paleoseismic analysis, 1996, Engineering Geology (43) - 4
- Use of liquefaction-induced features for paleoseismic analysis, 1996, Engineering Geology (44) - 1-4
- Geology of the Chinese nuclear test site near Lop Nor, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, 1994, Engineering Geology (36) - 3-4
- Liquefaction during the 1977 San Juan Province, Argentina earthquake (Ms = 7.4), 1994, Engineering Geology (37) - 3-4
- Ancient engineering geology projects in China; A canal system in Ganzu province and trenches along the Great Wall in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, 1994, Engineering Geology (36) - 3-4
- State and local response to damaging land subsidence in United States urban areas, 1989, Engineering Geology (27) - 1-4
- Cryptic tectonic domains of the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon, 1989, Engineering Geology (27) - 1-4
- Structures associated with strike-slip faults that bound landslide elements, 1989, Engineering Geology (27) - 1-4
- Statistical analysis of factors affecting landslide distribution in the new Madrid seismic zone, Tennessee and Kentucky, 1989, Engineering Geology (27) - 1-4
- Transformation of dilative and contractive landslide debris into debris flows-An example from Marin County, California, 1989, Engineering Geology (27) - 1-4
- Stability of loess, 1988, Engineering Geology (25) - 2-4
- Technical problems in the construction of a map to zone the earthquake ground-shaking hazard in the United States, 1984, Engineering Geology (20) - 1-2
- The nature of fracturing and stress distribution in quartzite around the 1128-M (3700-FT) level of the crescent mine, Coeur d'Alene mining district, Idaho, 1980, Engineering Geology (16) - 3-4
- Tectonic state: its significance and characterization in the assessment of seismic effects associated with reservoir impounding, 1980, Engineering Geology (15) - 1-2
- Mechanical and hydraulic properties of rocks related to induced seismicity, 1977, Engineering Geology (11) - 1
- Seismicity and faulting attributable to fluid extraction, 1976, Engineering Geology (10) - 2-4
- The Anderson Reservoir seismic gap - Induced aseismicity?, 1976, Engineering Geology (10) - 2-4
- Thermal conductivity of carbonate rocks, 1973, Engineering Geology (7) - 1
- The morphology and chronology of a landslide near Dillon Dam, Dillon, Colorado, 1969, Engineering Geology (3) - 2