Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Global assessment of aquatic Isoëtes species ecology, 2024, Freshwater Biology (69) - 10
- The effects of flow extremes on native and non-native stream fishes in Puerto Rico, 2024, Freshwater Biology (69) - 9
- Fish assemblage and functional trait responses to small-dam removal, 2024, Freshwater Biology (69) - 8
- Effects of episodic stream dewatering on brook trout spatial population structure, 2024, Freshwater Biology (69) - 7
- Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish, 2024, Freshwater Biology (69) - 5
- Fishes move to transient local refuges, not persistent landscape refuges during river drying experiment, 2024, Freshwater Biology (69) - 6
- Multi-scale relationships in thermal limits within and between two cold-water frog species uncover different trends in physiological vulnerability, 2023, Freshwater Biology (68) - 7
- Temperature and winter duration requirements for reproductive success in johnny darter Etheostoma nigrum in the South Platte River basin, Colorado, 2023, Freshwater Biology (68) - 7
- Fish functional gradients along a reservoir cascade, 2023, Freshwater Biology (68) - 6
- Multiple dimensions of functional diversity affect stream fish β-diversity, 2023, Freshwater Biology (68) - 3
- Direct and indirect influences of macrophyte cover on abundance and growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon, 2022, Freshwater Biology (67) - 11
- In hot water? Patterns of macroinvertebrate abundance in Arctic thaw ponds and relationships with environmental variables, 2022, Freshwater Biology (67) - 10
- Failure to achieve recommended environmental flows coincides with declining fish populations: Long-term trends in regulated and unregulated rivers, 2022, Freshwater Biology (67) - 9
- Diversity of diatoms, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish varies in response to different environmental correlates in Arctic rivers across North America, 2022, Freshwater Biology (67) - 1
- Circumpolar patterns of Arctic freshwater fish biodiversity: A baseline for monitoring, 2022, Freshwater Biology (67) - 1
- Do crayfish affect stream ecosystem response to riparian vegetation removal?, 2021, Freshwater Biology (66) - 7
- Effects of increased temperature on arctic slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus is mediated by food availability: Implications for climate change, 2021, Freshwater Biology (66) - 3
- Net-spinning caddisfly distribution in large regulated rivers, 2021, Freshwater Biology (66) - 1
- Behavior at short temporal scales drives dispersal dynamics and survival in a metapopulation of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), 2020, Freshwater Biology (66) - 2
- Benthic habitat is an integral part of freshwater Mysis ecology, 2020, Freshwater Biology (65) - 11
- Estimation of vital population rates to assess the relative health of mussel assemblages in the Upper Mississippi River, 2020, Freshwater Biology (65) - 10
- Freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) increase rates of leaf breakdown in a neotropical headwater stream, 2020, Freshwater Biology (65) - 10
- Forecasting the combined effects of anticipated climate change and agricultural conservation practices on fish recruitment dynamics in Lake Erie, 2020, Freshwater Biology (65) - 9
- Seasonal habitat use indicates that depth may mediate the potential for invasive round goby impacts in inland lakes, 2020, Freshwater Biology (65) - 8
- Species traits predict stream-fish invaders in an Appalachian (U.S.A.) river basin, 2020, Freshwater Biology (65) - 3
- Early generation hybrids may drive range expansion of two invasive fishes, 2019, Freshwater Biology (65) - 4
- Abundance-occupancy patterns in a riverine fish assemblage, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 12
- Consistent compensatory growth offsets poor condition in trout populations, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 12
- Water velocity regulates macro-consumer herbivory on the benthic macrophyte Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx., 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 11
- Annual winter water level drawdowns limit shallow-water mussel densities in small lakes, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 8
- Looking for love under the ice: Using passive acoustics to detect burbot (Lota lota: Gadidae) spawning activity, 2019, Freshwater Biology (65) - 1
- Aquatic macroinvertebrate community responses to wetland mitigation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) -
- Main stem and off-channel habitat use by juvenile Chinook salmon in a sub-Arctic riverscape, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 3
- Congruent population genetic structure but differing depths of divergence for three alpine stoneflies with similar ecology and geographic distributions, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 2
- Food‐web structure and ecosystem function in the Laurentian Great Lakes—Toward a conceptual model, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 1
- The spatial scale of biotic change in Chihuahuan Desert fish assemblages, 2019, Freshwater Biology (64) - 1
- Tools for managing hydrologic alteration on a regional scale II: Setting targets to protect stream health, 2019, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- Recent advances in environmental flows science and water management—Innovation in the Anthropocene, 2019, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- Evaluating and managing environmental water regimes in a water-scarce and uncertain future, 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- Patterns and magnitude of flow alteration in California, USA, 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- The influence of drought on flow‐ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams, 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- Spatial extent of analysis influences observed patterns of population genetic structure in a widespread darter species (Percidae), 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) - 10
- Measuring and evaluating ecological flows from streams to regions: Steps towards national coverage, 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- Using regional scale flow–ecology modeling to identify catchments where fish assemblages are most vulnerable to changes in water availability, 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) -
- Streambed scour of salmon spawning habitat in a regulated river influenced by management of peak discharge, 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- States and rates: Complementary approaches to developing flow‐ecology relationships, 2018, Freshwater Biology (63) - 8
- Population dynamics of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Spruce Creek Pennsylvania: A quarter-century perspective, 2017, Freshwater Biology (62) - 7
- Do rivermouths alter nutrient and seston delivery to the nearshore?, 2016, Freshwater Biology (61) - 11
- Comparative use of side and main channels by small-bodied fish in a large, unimpounded river, 2016, Freshwater Biology (61) - 10
- Species traits and catchment-scale habitat factors influence the occurrence of freshwater mussel populations and assemblages, 2016, Freshwater Biology (61) - 10
- Surface water connectivity drives richness and composition of Arctic lake fish assemblages, 2016, Freshwater Biology (61) - 7
- Seasonal temperature and precipitation regulate brook trout young-of-the-year abundance and population dynamics, 2016, Freshwater Biology (61) - 1
- The effects of flow and stream characteristics on the variation in freshwater mussel growth in a Southeast US river basin, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 2
- Mortality, movement and behaviour of native mussels during a planned water-level drawdown in the Upper Mississippi River, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 1
- Effects of elevated water temperature on physiological responses in adult freshwater mussels, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 8
- Evidence of counter-gradient growth in western pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) across thermal gradients, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 9
- Unifying research on the fragmentation of terrestrial and aquatic habitats: patches, connectivity and the matrix in riverscapes, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 8
- Turbidity alters pre-mating social interactions between native and invasive stream fishes, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 9
- Effects of extreme floods on trout populations and fish communities in a Catskill Mountain river, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 12
- Relative importance of phosphorus, invasive mussels and climate for patterns in chlorophyll a and primary production in Lakes Michigan and Huron, 2015, Freshwater Biology (60) - 5
- Anadromous sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) are ecosystem engineers in a spawning tributary, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 6
- Effects of prey abundance, distribution, visual contrast and morphology on selection by a pelagic piscivore, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 11
- Predicting probability of occurrence and factors affecting distribution and abundance of three Ozark endemic crayfish species at multiple spatial scales, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 11
- Depth gradients in food-web processes linking habitats in large lakes: Lake Superior as an exemplar ecosystem, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 10
- Patterns of lake occupancy by fish indicate different adaptations to life in a harsh Arctic environment, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 9
- Ecological tracers reveal resource convergence among prey fish species in a large lake ecosystem, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 10
- The response of stream periphyton to Pacific salmon: using a model to understand the role of environmental context, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 7
- Habitat coupling in a large lake system: delivery of an energy subsidy by an offshore planktivore to the nearshore zone of Lake Superior, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 6
- Climate controls the distribution of a widespread invasive species: Implications for future range expansion, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 4
- Survival and behaviour of juvenile unionid mussels exposed to thermal stress and dewatering in the presence of a sediment temperature gradient, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 3
- Carcass analog provides marine subsidies for macroinvertebrates and juvenile Atlantic 8 salmon in temperate oligotrophic streams, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 2
- The relation between invertebrate drift and two primary controls, discharge and benthic densities, in a large regulated river, 2014, Freshwater Biology (59) - 3
- Distance, dams and drift: What structures populations of an endangered, benthic stream fish?, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 10
- Habitat heterogeneity and intraguild interactions modify distribution and injury rates in two coexisting genera of damselflies, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 11
- Population-level thermal performance of a cold-water ectotherm is linked to ontogeny and local environmental heterogeneity, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 11
- Linking movement and reproductive history of brook trout to assess habitat connectivity in a heterogeneous stream network, 2013, Freshwater Biology (59) - 1
- Lake shoreline in the contiguous United States: Quantity, distribution and sensitivity to observation resolution, 2013, Freshwater Biology
- Comparing two fish sampling standards over time: largely congruent results but with caveats, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 10
- Relationships between nutrient enrichment, pleurocerid snail density and trematode infection rate in streams, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 7
- Beaver dams maintain fish biodiversity by increasing habitat heterogeneity throughout a low-gradient stream network, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 7
- The influence of coarse-scale environmental features on current and predicted future distributions of narrow-range endemic crayfish populations, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 6
- Descriptors of natural thermal regimes in streams and their responsiveness to change in the Pacific Northwest of North America, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 5
- Phenotypic plasticity in the spawning traits of bigheaded carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) in novel ecosystems, 2013, Freshwater Biology (58) - 5
- Priority effects among young‐of‐the‐year fish: reduced growth of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) caused by yellow perch (Perca flavescens)?, 2012, Freshwater Biology (57) - 4
- Using stable isotopes to test for trophic niche partitioning: a case study with stream salamanders and fish, 2012, Freshwater Biology (57) - 7
- Long-term impacts of invasive species on a native top predator in a large lake system, 2012, Freshwater Biology (57) - 11
- Spatiotemporal patterns and habitat associations of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) invading salmon-rearing habitat, 2012, Freshwater Biology (57) - 9
- Habitat persistence for sedentary organisms in managed rivers: the case for the federally endangered dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) in the Delaware River, 2012, Freshwater Biology (57) - 6
- Evidence of hypoxic foraging forays by yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and potential consequences for prey consumption, 2012, Freshwater Biology (57) - 5
- Patterns of natural mortality in stream-living brown trout (Salmo trutta), 2012, Freshwater Biology (57) - 3
- The distributions of one invasive and two native crayfishes in relation to coarse-scale natural and anthropogenic factors, 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) - 12
- Implications of community concordance for assessing stream integrity at three nested spatial scales in Minnesota, U.S.A., 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) - 8
- Seasonal and interannual effects of hypoxia on fish habitat quality in central Lake Erie, 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) -
- Landscape drivers of regional variation in the relationship between total phosphorus and chlorophyll in lakes, 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) - 9
- Factors driving spatial and temporal variation in production and production/biomass ratio of stream-resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Cantabrian streams, 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) - 11
- Variation in local abundance and species richness of stream fishes in relation to dispersal barriers: Implications for management and conservation, 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) - 10
- Planktivory in the changing Lake Huron zooplankton community: Bythotrephes consumption exceeds that of Mysis and fish, 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) - 7
- The dark side of the hyporheic zone: Depth profiles of nitrogen and its processing in stream sediments, 2011, Freshwater Biology (56) - 10
- Hydrological connectivity for riverine fish: measurement challenges and research opportunities, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 11
- Variation in active and passive resource inputs to experimental pools: mechanisms and possible consequences for food webs, 2010, Freshwater Biology (56) - 3
- Assessing effects of water abstraction on fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 3
- Ecoregion and land-use influence invertebrate and detritus transport from headwater streams, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 6
- Ecosystem effects of environmental flows: Modelling and experimental floods in a dryland river, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 1
- Context-specific influence of water temperature on brook trout growth rates in the field, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 11
- Inter-regional comparison of land-use effects on stream metabolism, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 9
- Differentiating aquatic plant communities in a eutrophic river using hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 8
- Effects of coalbed natural gas development on fish assemblages in tributary streams of the Powder and Tongue rivers, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 12
- Theory, methods and tools for determining environmental flows for riparian vegetation: Riparian vegetation-flow response guilds, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 1
- The response of stream fish to local and reach-scale variation in the occurrence of a benthic aquatic macrophyte, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 3
- The ecological limits of hydrologic alteration (ELOHA): A new framework for developing regional environmental flow standards, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 1
- Fire, flow and dynamic equilibrium in stream macroinvertebrate communities, 2010, Freshwater Biology (55) - 2
- Salamander occupancy in headwater stream networks, 2009, Freshwater Biology (54) - 6
- Does mobility explain variation in colonisation and population recovery among stream fishes?, 2009, Freshwater Biology (54) - 7
- Macroinvertebrates as indicators of fish absence in naturally fishless lakes, 2009, Freshwater Biology (54) - 1
- Does sulphate enrichment promote the expansion of Typha domingensis (cattail) in the Florida Everglades?, 2009, Freshwater Biology (54) - 9
- Assessing the sources and magnitude of diurnal nitrate variability in the San Joaquin River (California) with an in situ optical nitrate sensor and dual nitrate isotopes, 2009, Freshwater Biology (54) - 2
- Change in diel catchability of young-of-year yellow perch associated with establishment of dreissenid mussels, 2009, Freshwater Biology (54) - 8
- Assessing streamflow characteristics as limiting factors on benthic invertebrate assemblages in streams across the western United States, 2008, Freshwater Biology (53) - 10
- Predicting the locations of naturally fishless lakes, 2008, Freshwater Biology (53) - 5
- Efficacy of algal metrics for assessing nutrient and organic enrichment in flowing waters, 2008, Freshwater Biology (53) - 5
- Brown trout and food web interactions in a Minnesota stream, 2007, Freshwater Biology (52) - 1
- Recovery of three arctic stream reaches from experimental nutrient enrichment, 2007, Freshwater Biology (52) - 6
- Sources and transport of algae and nutrients in a Californian river in a semi-arid climate, 2007, Freshwater Biology (52) - 12
- Animal and vegetation patterns in natural and man-made bog pools: implications for restoration, 2006, Freshwater Biology (51) - 2
- Leaf breakdown in streams differing in catchment land use, 2006, Freshwater Biology (51) - 9
- Effects of floods on fish assemblages in an intermittent prairie stream, 2006, Freshwater Biology (51) - 11
- Leaf litter breakdown, microbial respiration and shredder production in metal-polluted streams, 2005, Freshwater Biology (50) - 2
- Modelling habitat associations with fingernail clam (Family: Sphaeriidae) counts at multiple spatial scales using hierarchical count models, 2005, Freshwater Biology (50) - 4
- Movements and habitat use by PIT-tagged Atlantic salmon parr in early winter: The influence of anchor ice, 2004, Freshwater Biology (49) - 8
- Effects of nutrient enrichment on the decomposition of wood and associated microbial activity in streams, 2004, Freshwater Biology (49) - 11
- Variation in responses to spawning Pacific salmon among three south-eastern Alaska streams, 2004, Freshwater Biology (49) - 5
- The effects of macroinvertebrate taxonomic resolution in large landscape bioassessments: An example from the Mid-Atlantic Highlands, U.S.A., 2004, Freshwater Biology (49) - 4
- Influence of habitat heterogeneity on the distribution of larval Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata) at two spatial scales, 2004, Freshwater Biology (49) - 5
- Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) invasion alters organic matter dynamics in a desert stream, 2004, Freshwater Biology (49) - 1
- Geomorphology and fish assemblages in a Piedmont river basin, U.S.A., 2003, Freshwater Biology (48) - 11
- Phosphorus cycling and partitioning in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem: A radioisotope tracing study, 2003, Freshwater Biology (48) - 11
- Temporal variation of energy reserves in mayfly nymphs (Hexagenia spp.) from Lake St. Clair and western Erie, 2003, Freshwater Biology (48) - 10
- Predation on exotic zebra mussels by native fishes: Effects on predator and prey, 2002, Freshwater Biology (47) - 10
- Effect of dissolved organic carbon quality on microbial decomposition and nitrification rates in stream sediments, 2002, Freshwater Biology (47) - 1
- Distribution of algae in the San Joaquin River, California, in relation to nutrient supply, salinity and other environmental factors, 2001, Freshwater Biology (46) - 9
- Temporal coherence of two alpine lake basins of the Colorado Front Range, USA, 2000, Freshwater Biology (43) - 3
- Fish as vectors in the dispersal of Bythotrephes cederstroemi: Diapausing eggs survive passage through the gut, 2000, Freshwater Biology (43) - 4
- Variation in material transport and water chemistry along a large ephemeral river in the Namib Desert, 2000, Freshwater Biology (44) - 3
- Mortality of zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, veligers during downstream transport, 1999, Freshwater Biology (42) - 1
- The relationships among three habitat scales and stream benthic invertebrate community structure, 1996, Freshwater Biology (35) - 1
- The importance of fluvial hydraulics to fish-habitat restoration in low-gradient alluvial streams, 1993, Freshwater Biology (29) - 2
- Restoration of lowland streams: an introduction, 1993, Freshwater Biology (29) - 2
- The importance of fluvial hydraulics to fish-habitat in low-gradient alluvial streams, 1993, Freshwater Biology (29) -
- Patterns of hydrological exchange and nutrient transformation in the hyporheic zone of a gravel-bottom stream: examining terrestrial- aquatic linkages, 1993, Freshwater Biology (29) - 2
- The relationship between pH and community structure of invertebrates in streams of the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 1992, Freshwater Biology (27) - 2
- Effects of copper on production of periphyton, nitrogen fixation and processing of leaf litter in a Sierra Nevada, California, stream, 1985, Freshwater Biology (15) - 2
- Effects of copper on composition species of periphyton in a Sierra Nevada, California, stream, 1984, Freshwater Biology (14) - 3